Forums Mini Shops [x]
@Apollo Im Burning: Ooohh dang, watch out for Apollo if you use that small font! :vanora_xd:
Good point! I'm sure people sell fake lenses as well so they say they're prescription strength but then aren't even real glass? Like the fake glasses stuff.
Uh, a couple years now. had to get them after a former co-worker was stupid and ended up causing me to get woodstain in my eyes LOL. It huuuuurt.
Oh wow, so you must know all there is to know about glasses! You're my glasses guru now. :O
I always thought glasses looked so cute on people, I was always jealous I never needed them growing up. :Vanora_cry: Now that i wear them I'm like "these are a pain in the butt!"
Oh yes, it was sexy as well! ;)
That's a lot different of a game than I thought it would be from looking at the title and stuff LOL. But it sounds like it's pretty entertaining!
Is it like a dating sim/puzzle game thing? :vanora_sweat: Or just like, which Cat you choose to follow kind of thing?
PFFT YEAH, tumblr mobile is pretty much useless. I think I have a twitter account, I'll have to get into using it more, though! I thin the biggest thing that stopped me was that it kept letting my facebook friends find me and I was like "no way am I gonna let them see all the gay stuff I talk about online". Maybe I'll try it again though since it's been a few years. :vanora_smile:
Loool, I'll be sure to. :D She'd look so cute in it!
Both of those jackets are sooo good! The sweatshirts would be so cozy in winter too, ugh. :vanora_xd: My bank account is gonna hate me LOL.
I think I'll probably get the Lucio hoodie and the little beanie, though? :D That's not too expensive I try to tell myself but...rip to food for a month LMAO
Yeah, I'm sure they'd work just fine! The bigger stores like Lowe's/Home Depot/Sears probably have even cheaper ones as well aha.
I love her a lot too! I played her SO much when i first started playing OW. I'm not too good at her anymore though. :c Do you have her golden weapon? or anyone's golden weapon? :o
LOL I almost always play vs AI. Quick Play makes me angry unless I have someone to play with cuz solo queue stuff usually sticks me with people who get angry over nothing. And I don't touch comp unless a friend dags me into a match LMAO. I played one season of comp and was like 'YUP NO, SUCK AT THIS GAME BYEEE'. But you play on PS4, right? :D We'll probably bump into each other on AI matches if you do, haha!
**edit: my name on there is lytyr (maybe lytyrr....I can't remember which honestly) if you ever see me or wanna add me. :D
Good point! I'm sure people sell fake lenses as well so they say they're prescription strength but then aren't even real glass? Like the fake glasses stuff.
Uh, a couple years now. had to get them after a former co-worker was stupid and ended up causing me to get woodstain in my eyes LOL. It huuuuurt.
Oh wow, so you must know all there is to know about glasses! You're my glasses guru now. :O
I always thought glasses looked so cute on people, I was always jealous I never needed them growing up. :Vanora_cry: Now that i wear them I'm like "these are a pain in the butt!"
Oh yes, it was sexy as well! ;)
That's a lot different of a game than I thought it would be from looking at the title and stuff LOL. But it sounds like it's pretty entertaining!
Is it like a dating sim/puzzle game thing? :vanora_sweat: Or just like, which Cat you choose to follow kind of thing?
PFFT YEAH, tumblr mobile is pretty much useless. I think I have a twitter account, I'll have to get into using it more, though! I thin the biggest thing that stopped me was that it kept letting my facebook friends find me and I was like "no way am I gonna let them see all the gay stuff I talk about online". Maybe I'll try it again though since it's been a few years. :vanora_smile:
Blizz should make an event that's PVE where it's just those two fighting off swarms of baby versions of the other characters LMAO.
Blizz should make an event that's PVE where it's just those two fighting off swarms of baby versions of the other characters LMAO.
Loool, I'll be sure to. :D She'd look so cute in it!
Both of those jackets are sooo good! The sweatshirts would be so cozy in winter too, ugh. :vanora_xd: My bank account is gonna hate me LOL.
I think I'll probably get the Lucio hoodie and the little beanie, though? :D That's not too expensive I try to tell myself but...rip to food for a month LMAO
Yeah, I'm sure they'd work just fine! The bigger stores like Lowe's/Home Depot/Sears probably have even cheaper ones as well aha.
I love her a lot too! I played her SO much when i first started playing OW. I'm not too good at her anymore though. :c Do you have her golden weapon? or anyone's golden weapon? :o
LOL I almost always play vs AI. Quick Play makes me angry unless I have someone to play with cuz solo queue stuff usually sticks me with people who get angry over nothing. And I don't touch comp unless a friend dags me into a match LMAO. I played one season of comp and was like 'YUP NO, SUCK AT THIS GAME BYEEE'. But you play on PS4, right? :D We'll probably bump into each other on AI matches if you do, haha!
**edit: my name on there is lytyr (maybe lytyrr....I can't remember which honestly) if you ever see me or wanna add me. :D
@Apollo Im Burning: The length of replies doesn't bother me at all, haha. But if they ever get too long for you just don't reply to them, I totally get it! :)
LOL I'm with you there. I had a friend try to teach me how to punch and I popped my elbow and then he put me in a headlock. :vanora_stunned: I hope I never get mugged. YeAH, pin 'em down and then....just stare at them until they get REALLY uncomfortable. or....tickle them?
Bleach in the eyes sounds....so awful. Did he have to have surgery or anything done to them? My eyes hurt just from thinking about that! (Bleach burns your eyes bad enough just standing near the stuff...but actually IN the eye? No thanks!)
You're still the Glasses Guru by default of having them longer LOL? That's how it works, right?
I don't have much trouble with them sliding down, but the dirty thing definitely. I always grab the glass when I try to adjust them like an animal..
Oooh, interesting! I'll ave to watch some gameplays of it!
Uhh I haven't played Persona. I watch an friend's sister play it for a couple of days but had no idea what was going on (I think it was the 3rd or 4th one? So I was like "yeah!! I totally understand the references and words!!??") It seems like a pretty cool game series, though!
Twitter link LOL you can follow me if you want...I dunno what to post on there really other than art?
Oh Ghost has a twitter?
Pssh, NSFW stuff is totally cool!
If someone I know in person finds me and follows me....I guess I'm not too afraid of it anymore haha. I'd be more worried about someone finding my tumblr though because....reasons.
She's an English Lop!

She's a huge dork, honestly. She likes to terrorize my dogs. :c She'll eat/sit on their dog food and then attack them if they get near her LOL.
I'll probably just get the beanie instead...it's starting to get cold anyway LOL. I won't starve. :o I love food to much honestly...:vanora_cry:
Yaaay, I'm glad someone else doesn't like COMP LOL. A lot of the people on my friends list have multiple golden weapons and it's like...how do you deal with all the awful people? Though a couple of them are in the Grandmaster tier. .__. But this one girl I play with is SUPER nice and always so positive when we play, so...it's pretty cool to know someone so good at the game who isn't a piece of literal garbage AHA.
Hmm, the name sounds familiar but I'm not sure if we've ever played a match together haha. But cool, we definitely should sometime! :D
Do you like any arcade modes? I like the Pharmercy brawl when they have it, and the Total mayhem mode a lot!
LOL I'm with you there. I had a friend try to teach me how to punch and I popped my elbow and then he put me in a headlock. :vanora_stunned: I hope I never get mugged. YeAH, pin 'em down and then....just stare at them until they get REALLY uncomfortable. or....tickle them?
Bleach in the eyes sounds....so awful. Did he have to have surgery or anything done to them? My eyes hurt just from thinking about that! (Bleach burns your eyes bad enough just standing near the stuff...but actually IN the eye? No thanks!)
You're still the Glasses Guru by default of having them longer LOL? That's how it works, right?
I don't have much trouble with them sliding down, but the dirty thing definitely. I always grab the glass when I try to adjust them like an animal..
Oooh, interesting! I'll ave to watch some gameplays of it!
Uhh I haven't played Persona. I watch an friend's sister play it for a couple of days but had no idea what was going on (I think it was the 3rd or 4th one? So I was like "yeah!! I totally understand the references and words!!??") It seems like a pretty cool game series, though!
Twitter link LOL you can follow me if you want...I dunno what to post on there really other than art?
Oh Ghost has a twitter?
Pssh, NSFW stuff is totally cool!
If someone I know in person finds me and follows me....I guess I'm not too afraid of it anymore haha. I'd be more worried about someone finding my tumblr though because....reasons.
She's an English Lop!

She's a huge dork, honestly. She likes to terrorize my dogs. :c She'll eat/sit on their dog food and then attack them if they get near her LOL.
I'll probably just get the beanie instead...it's starting to get cold anyway LOL. I won't starve. :o I love food to much honestly...:vanora_cry:
Yaaay, I'm glad someone else doesn't like COMP LOL. A lot of the people on my friends list have multiple golden weapons and it's like...how do you deal with all the awful people? Though a couple of them are in the Grandmaster tier. .__. But this one girl I play with is SUPER nice and always so positive when we play, so...it's pretty cool to know someone so good at the game who isn't a piece of literal garbage AHA.
Hmm, the name sounds familiar but I'm not sure if we've ever played a match together haha. But cool, we definitely should sometime! :D
Do you like any arcade modes? I like the Pharmercy brawl when they have it, and the Total mayhem mode a lot!
Click the image to go to my art shop!
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
@Apollo Im Burning: Oh wow your art is really nice :D I know you don't have any slots open at the moment but I'd like to ask if you'd contemplate drawing a character from a game (OC character still though). Only asking for reference later when you're open again ^^"
@Apollo Im Burning: Oh yeah, I'd love to be on the ping list if it's no trouble.
lol I'll grab some screenshots of her in a few min. Need to log into the game first XD
lol I'll grab some screenshots of her in a few min. Need to log into the game first XD
@Apollo Im Burning: Oh no prob. Your art is really good so I had to say it :D
Here are the images of my character from GW2. She's a Necromancer :D
face/eye makeup ref
colour under the shadow ref (and the shadow/black tint is from an item so it's intentional)
weapon set 1 ref
weapon set 2 ref
jackle mount ref
lol sorry for the link/image spam. I love taking pics in game XD
Here are the images of my character from GW2. She's a Necromancer :D
face/eye makeup ref
colour under the shadow ref (and the shadow/black tint is from an item so it's intentional)
weapon set 1 ref
weapon set 2 ref
jackle mount ref
lol sorry for the link/image spam. I love taking pics in game XD
@Apollo Im Burning: No prob at all XD I wouldn't expect anything besides a headshot since I know she's more complex looking XD I was just too lazy to crop >.> But yeah, if you don't feel like drawing her later on no biggie XD
If you ever get a new laptop I'd suggest giving it a go again. There are 2 expansions out and the 2nd one (that just recently came out, called Path of Fire) introduces mounts :D
If you ever get a new laptop I'd suggest giving it a go again. There are 2 expansions out and the 2nd one (that just recently came out, called Path of Fire) introduces mounts :D

@Apollo Im Burning: I keep forgetting to reply to this LOL
Oh gosh, is your hand alright? :vanora_stunned: Did you sprain it, or is it just sorta cut up from working with the metal?
Zarya can punch me in the face whenever she wants! :vanora_heart: Building muscle requires effort though...I'm legit the laziest person when it comes to working out. Natural strength is nice, though...even if you may use it to bully siblings. :vanora_xd: They're siblings, though...that's why they exist.
If there's someone in the world who ISN'T ticklish, they're an alien. That's the only explanation!
Ooh, nice! Sequels to games you enjoy are always fun. :D Are you excited for it?
Not a problem! I'll try to be sorta active on there but LMAO no guarantees. And I'm totally cool with overwatch flooding my feed! I followed some artist on there that draws a lot of Pharmercy fanart that I like The way they draw hands especially, so niiiice.
Ah, sure, I'll check it out haha!
My tumblr is hiding a LOT of gay things. And political opinions, I guess? And just....memes....honestly. it's 98% memes
Thanks, ahaha. She's a brat but I love her.
I'm upset though, cuz I'll be moving soon and probably won't be able to bring her with me. :C
I wear beanies everyday, ahaha. There's a guy at the place I work who asked my boss if the hat I wore was a religious one because I'm always wearing a beanie LMAO. It's cold down in texas? I guess I alwaysfigured since it's so far south it stays warm pretty much year round. Hope you weren't in the path of the hurricane, too. D:
Ohh, what's Pozole? I'm an uncultured turd, forgive me
When I saw their grandmaster rank I was seriously like "why do you play with me? LOL" A lot of her friends do, and they're all pretty nice. :>
Same, LOL. I want Lucio's really bad but I feel like I'm also not good enough with him to have it ahaha. Also I don't wanna touch comp.
I play pretty frequently, but sometimes I get into moods where I won't touch it for a month or so haha. It'll be fune to play with you as well! If you ever notice I'm on just spam an invite request and I'll join haha. I haven't tried to team deathmatch yet because I'm bad at elimination modes. :vanora_xd: The Pharmercy brawl is pure chaos, honestly. Mercy bodies raining from the sky and constant "I NEED HEALING" and "JUSTICE RAIN FROM ABO--AUUUGH!!" Though with the Mercy change I'm sure it's terrifying.
Uhhh, the longest Mayhem match was like 30 minutes? I was reaper and kept doing his uh....phantom mist ability thing I don't know the name and stayed on the payload so the enemy team could never touch me. I'm pretty sure I was THE most hated person that entire game.
Oh gosh, is your hand alright? :vanora_stunned: Did you sprain it, or is it just sorta cut up from working with the metal?
Zarya can punch me in the face whenever she wants! :vanora_heart: Building muscle requires effort though...I'm legit the laziest person when it comes to working out. Natural strength is nice, though...even if you may use it to bully siblings. :vanora_xd: They're siblings, though...that's why they exist.
If there's someone in the world who ISN'T ticklish, they're an alien. That's the only explanation!
Ooh, nice! Sequels to games you enjoy are always fun. :D Are you excited for it?
Not a problem! I'll try to be sorta active on there but LMAO no guarantees. And I'm totally cool with overwatch flooding my feed! I followed some artist on there that draws a lot of Pharmercy fanart that I like The way they draw hands especially, so niiiice.
Ah, sure, I'll check it out haha!
My tumblr is hiding a LOT of gay things. And political opinions, I guess? And just....memes....honestly. it's 98% memes
Thanks, ahaha. She's a brat but I love her.

I wear beanies everyday, ahaha. There's a guy at the place I work who asked my boss if the hat I wore was a religious one because I'm always wearing a beanie LMAO. It's cold down in texas? I guess I alwaysfigured since it's so far south it stays warm pretty much year round. Hope you weren't in the path of the hurricane, too. D:
Ohh, what's Pozole? I'm an uncultured turd, forgive me
When I saw their grandmaster rank I was seriously like "why do you play with me? LOL" A lot of her friends do, and they're all pretty nice. :>
Same, LOL. I want Lucio's really bad but I feel like I'm also not good enough with him to have it ahaha. Also I don't wanna touch comp.
I play pretty frequently, but sometimes I get into moods where I won't touch it for a month or so haha. It'll be fune to play with you as well! If you ever notice I'm on just spam an invite request and I'll join haha. I haven't tried to team deathmatch yet because I'm bad at elimination modes. :vanora_xd: The Pharmercy brawl is pure chaos, honestly. Mercy bodies raining from the sky and constant "I NEED HEALING" and "JUSTICE RAIN FROM ABO--AUUUGH!!" Though with the Mercy change I'm sure it's terrifying.
Uhhh, the longest Mayhem match was like 30 minutes? I was reaper and kept doing his uh....phantom mist ability thing I don't know the name and stayed on the payload so the enemy team could never touch me. I'm pretty sure I was THE most hated person that entire game.
@Apollo Im Burning: Oooh, good idea. Plus it makes us look more secretive. :vanora_smirk:
Haha, your forearms or biceps? And yeah, you should let them recover for at least a day first. :O
AHAHA SOMBRA, PLEASE. I'd do the same thing though I love Sombr a lot too...so many good Overwatch characters. :vanora_cry:
Andoooh dang, she does look pretty there! :D Zarya needs better skins though. :c I liked her Halloween one a lot this year ahaha.
I think the artist is gurigom or something? Some of their stuff is NSFW...if you need a head's up LOL.
I men, I can take her with me...she just wouldn't be as happy. :c She's used to having a yard that she can run around in and eat all the plants/dig holes everywhere...so i don't want to shove her into an apartment where she won't be able to do much other than sleep and eat my stuff. My parents say they'll take her in, though so....that's good. :vanora_sweat: I want to have a pet but I'd feel bad not bringing her with me but then getting a new one, you know? :C That hasn't stopped me from looking up pets that need to be adopted though LMAO
I've had her for....5 years now? Maybe four...can't remember really haha.
How cold dos it typically get down there? And I live in Washington, haha. The non-green side of the good 'ol evergreen state. :vanora_xd: Ah, good that you were far away from the hurrican at least! The hurricane season this year was BRUTAL. @__@
Oooh, that sounds super good! I'm not a huge fan of stews/soups, but I'll ave to see if it's something that's sold at this little Mexican restaurant that i go to pretty frequently. :D
LOL oh for sure! I accept prey much any invite unless it's from someone I don't get along with, haha. I'm sometimes stuck in groups with others, but I'm sure they'd have no problem having you join in as well. :D
I'm....uncertain about the Mercy changes LOL. I like some but dislike others. 1. it's super hard to actual rez people? Like it's almost as if it doesn't "lock on" to who you're trying to rez at times? That might just be me, though. but I like the AOE healing/boost thing with her ultimate a lot...definitely is a life saver in moments LMAO. They definitely catered to the battle Mercy players with it, though.
Also...I love that Blizzard changed her cuz people were like "waaah!! She rezzed the whole team after we killed them it's not fair!!" Like....yeah. With that logic it's not fair that Deadeye can insta kill a whole team if timed right. :vanora_unamused: Sometimes they cater to the strangest player opinions coughmakingeverythingcompstylecough
LOL Mei is the worst to play against on the mode, especially if both teams have a Mei. It's basically just ice wall on the payload and it never moves. Pharah's a good counter with the concussive blast, though. :vanora_smirk: Bu I mainly play Lucio on that mode since his boosts are so short and he can pretty much just boop someone constantly haha.
BUT ANA AND HER SLEEP DARTS, OMFG. I had an Ana who kept harassing me as Reaper and she missed with her sleep dart and got solo ulted. I went after her the entire match LOL.
I'll have to try the team deathmatch sometime, though. :O
**edit: By the way, do you have more refs or info on Christian Oaks? :O
AHAHA SOMBRA, PLEASE. I'd do the same thing though I love Sombr a lot too...so many good Overwatch characters. :vanora_cry:
Andoooh dang, she does look pretty there! :D Zarya needs better skins though. :c I liked her Halloween one a lot this year ahaha.
I think the artist is gurigom or something? Some of their stuff is NSFW...if you need a head's up LOL.
I men, I can take her with me...she just wouldn't be as happy. :c She's used to having a yard that she can run around in and eat all the plants/dig holes everywhere...so i don't want to shove her into an apartment where she won't be able to do much other than sleep and eat my stuff. My parents say they'll take her in, though so....that's good. :vanora_sweat: I want to have a pet but I'd feel bad not bringing her with me but then getting a new one, you know? :C That hasn't stopped me from looking up pets that need to be adopted though LMAO
I've had her for....5 years now? Maybe four...can't remember really haha.
How cold dos it typically get down there? And I live in Washington, haha. The non-green side of the good 'ol evergreen state. :vanora_xd: Ah, good that you were far away from the hurrican at least! The hurricane season this year was BRUTAL. @__@
Oooh, that sounds super good! I'm not a huge fan of stews/soups, but I'll ave to see if it's something that's sold at this little Mexican restaurant that i go to pretty frequently. :D
LOL oh for sure! I accept prey much any invite unless it's from someone I don't get along with, haha. I'm sometimes stuck in groups with others, but I'm sure they'd have no problem having you join in as well. :D
I'm....uncertain about the Mercy changes LOL. I like some but dislike others. 1. it's super hard to actual rez people? Like it's almost as if it doesn't "lock on" to who you're trying to rez at times? That might just be me, though. but I like the AOE healing/boost thing with her ultimate a lot...definitely is a life saver in moments LMAO. They definitely catered to the battle Mercy players with it, though.
Also...I love that Blizzard changed her cuz people were like "waaah!! She rezzed the whole team after we killed them it's not fair!!" Like....yeah. With that logic it's not fair that Deadeye can insta kill a whole team if timed right. :vanora_unamused: Sometimes they cater to the strangest player opinions coughmakingeverythingcompstylecough
LOL Mei is the worst to play against on the mode, especially if both teams have a Mei. It's basically just ice wall on the payload and it never moves. Pharah's a good counter with the concussive blast, though. :vanora_smirk: Bu I mainly play Lucio on that mode since his boosts are so short and he can pretty much just boop someone constantly haha.
BUT ANA AND HER SLEEP DARTS, OMFG. I had an Ana who kept harassing me as Reaper and she missed with her sleep dart and got solo ulted. I went after her the entire match LOL.
I'll have to try the team deathmatch sometime, though. :O
**edit: By the way, do you have more refs or info on Christian Oaks? :O

@Apollo Im Burning: You are amazing. I love your art
pls don't

@Apollo Im Burning: You are kind u.u your art is kind to my eyes

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.