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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 17:08:15 )
@star2000shadow: that sounds like a fairly mellow day! :3 Do you have plans for the weekend at all?

@Koah: I'm really glad that you have the support you need and that you are making headway against the financial stress you were feeling! That's huuuuuge!! <3

LOL - Yes! Make the kids go see an old western with you in the theater!! <3 ... my youngest has been subjecting us to those movies lately XD

@Rei Ann: People generally do tend to be nicer to each other starting at around this time of year... unless they get the "crazed" vibe XD which happens not too frequently, fortunately :3


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 17:11:18 )

@Wildfire: I haven't had a reaction to the weather like that before but I don't know what else could have made my pain get so bad. Ian didn't affect me like that. Maybe because it came from the other direction? I really don't know. ^^;

And yeah, she had to evacuate her horse and several of the others (the others were handled by other people) during Ian, which was a huge to-do. I'm glad she didn't have to do that this time at least.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 17:14:48 )
@CooperationIsKey: oh wow - evacuating horses while a storm is headed this way would definitely not be fun.
Maybe the atmospheric pressures between the storms were different... or the humidity/temperature...??
Are you feeling better now, I hope??


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 17:19:49 )

@Wildfire: Finding transport for all the horses, moving and hanging gates, food, hay, buckets, et cetera, and all on a time crunch; it's certainly an ordeal! I don't envy her that at all, lol.

Yes, I'm doing much better today!

How are you doing? :)


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 17:33:36 )
@CooperationIsKey: exactly - that's the kind of thing that would make me second guess wanting the responsibility of horses.

I'm ok. My son just got home and informed me he slid on the road with his motorcycle because the person in front of him had to stop short on a roundabout because some other idiot didn't stop/give right-of-way like they should have. I'm just happy he's ok and it was as minor as it was.


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 18:42:07 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: got a couple of books yesterday, so I'll probably settle into a reading streatch haha. <:3( )~~


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 19:46:44 )
@star2000shadow: Reading sounds good - I could use some of that atm, tbh. What are you currently reading?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 20:00:46 )

@Wildfire: Oh my gosh that's scary! I'm glad he's okay.

Americans do seem to have a hard time grasping the concept of roundabouts. ^^;;;


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 20:11:34 )
@Wildfire: True, and even my mother when I was kid was nicer. Which sadly was rare for her, so that's probs why I love this season so much.

So how's your week going?
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 22:23:58 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yes, it's quite scary. I'm soooo glad it was low speed and very minor! Yeah, I don't understand what's so difficult about dealing with roundabouts -it's not hard. Of course, people also don't seem to understand right of way at a 4-way stop or the concepts of "travel lane / passing lane" or blinkers either...

@Rei Ann: My week is ... weird. slow? sad. chaotic. exhausting? I have been in denial, in mourning, in a semi-panic, grateful, focused, tired, unmotivated, disappointed, frustrated, etc. It has really been all over the map... there has really been a lot that has happened in my corner of the world this week. And here I was wondering why I was so tired today that I ended up taking a nap with the dog...


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 01:46:50 )
Hello, Wildfire! Hello, everyone! I had a long couple of days, but I didn't want anyone to think that I disappeared!

I went to see One Piece Film: Red today with a couple of people. I don't know anything about the manga or show, so I was completely lost through most of it. I liked all the amazing animation and nice music though, and the characters were all really whacky and cool. It was like pirate lore meets cyberpunk meets Grimm's fairy tales, so it was fun to watch.

It's really pouring up here at the moment. I'm just listening to the rain and drinking some peppermint chocolate tea. It tastes like Junior Mints!

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 02:56:12 )

Man I think I need to put a heating pad on my neck for a while tonight. My neck has been so stiff for several days now, so much so that I can't pop it to relieve pressure as I normally would, and it just suuucks.

Also my back started hurting so bad at the grocery store that I nearly cried when we got home. And it hurt on the other side from my usual trouble spot. Which is just great. And on top of that I'm out of ibuprofen and tylenol doesn't do squat for me. So there's that.

I'm tired of pain.



Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 03:03:34 )

OH and I totally ran into a freaking Karen at the grocery store. First and foremost, roommate and I both watched these two little hellspawn running around the front of the grocery store and screaming at each other, climbing around on displays and shit. That was bad enough. Then when I got to the doorway, in substantial pain by that point, she and said hellspawn were standing in the ONLY exit doorway. She was unwrapping ice cream for the brats and trying to get someone's attention across the damn store, and when I finally got fed up and tried to go around her, she put her hand up at my face and ordered, "Wait."

Like EXCUSE ME? You have no right to keep me or anyone else from leaving the store while you're screwing around, let alone ordering another grown adult around like one of your kids. Either get your ass THROUGH THE DOOR or get out of the way.

In astonishment, I said "no" and tried to go through the door anyway and she physically blocked me from doing so, snapping "I don't care."

I may have called her a name under my breath when I finally got outside. -__-

I was livid for like an hour afterwards and I'm honestly still angry at her gall.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 05:19:52 )
@Rei Ann: The mixing part of metals is what ticks me off because they always advertise it as non-allergenic... stuff. meh. :c
no. Burning is not normal. XD lol!

@Wildfire: We watched Blue Steel. 1934 movie. We were the only ones to show up at the theatre. :c But- we had fun.
At least with us being the only ones there, I could explain the movie to the kids as it went on. It was hard to follow since sound quality and production quality are so outdated. o3o

I'm glad your son is okay! D:

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 05:24:40 )
@Mathonwy: Your perspective as a person who hasn't seen One Piece is really neat. =o
I usually watch the manga when I'm sick since the episodes are easy to watch and the show never ends. I can just put it on tv and pretend to be dead in bed for a couple of days.

@CooperationIsKey: Did you end up putting a heating pad on? D: that sounds awful.
Parents who assume they have the right-a-way drive me nuts. e.e I'm sorry she messed up your day by being an a$$.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 13:17:53 )
@Mathonwy: LOL - One Piece is a weird, fun anime. I didn't realize there was now a movie. Even if you had seen the show, you'd probably have been lost anyway, tbh! XD It sounds like you enjoyed it nonetheless! :3

@CooperationIsKey: Wow. That sounds really horrible, Key. I would absolutely have ripped her a new one - blocking the exit, with screaming kids running around (while rewarding them for that behavior with ice cream?!!), but then also a hand in the face with a command others to wait?! Wow... yeah, I wouldn't have let that stand... but I also know that's easy to say when I wasn't the one there, and not in the kind of pain you describe. I'm sure you just wanted to get home. I really hope you're feeling better. Is it time to call the doctor if OTC pain meds and heating pads, etc., aren't doing anything to relieve your pain?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 13:23:35 )
@Koah: Oh - you had the whole theater to yourselves?! That's awesome. I love it when theaters show "old" or "off the wall" movies. Did the kids enjoy it? Will you be dragging them to another? XD

Yeah, thanks. Fortunately, my son was going super slow around this roundabout so he didn't get hurt at all. I hope that's the end of it and he learned whatever lessons he needed to learn about riding a motorcycle, on wet roads, around here... -.-

Good morning. It's Saturday. I'm not sure what I want to do with myself today - there are several things that I should do or need to do... but we'll see what happens. It currently looks overcast and I'm currently uncaffeinated, so... /shrug/ LOL.

What are you guys up to today?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 14:52:48 )
@koah: I honestly don't really watch anime or read manga (nothing against it, just outside of my experience). I think my friends were happy because they've always been trying to get my short attention span to watch anime for more than five minutes with them. XD But yeah, I would consider reading/watching more One Piece because it's so clever and endearing to me and it has a fun premise.

@wildfire: It was great! =D It makes me wonder how much anime I'm missing out on since I don't really watch any. I've seen some of the classics like Akira and some of the Studio Ghibli films (if I can remember: Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Grave of the Fireflies which broke my heart and I am NEVER watching again, ugh!), and I watched some of InuYasha and School Rumble with friends. That's my limited experience. Oh, and a friend made me watch three episodes of Trigun once, if I'm remembering the name correctly.

I'm more into Disney stuff when it comes to animation. My favorite films are Sleeping Beauty, The Black Cauldron, and Tangled, pretty much neck and neck with each other in my top three. The Black Cauldron is actually kind of a bad film in terms of its execution, but that's only because Disney did it dirty and didn't give it the attention it needed to be great, and that hurts me especially since Eilonwy is the only Disney Princess with a name like mine! >.< No one knows how excited it can be to have a really weird ethnic name and then have a Disney Princess, of all things, have a name like yours.
It's just your friendly apple maiden!

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/12 21:21:54 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

@star2000shadow: Reading sounds good - I could use some of that atm, tbh. What are you currently reading?

a fanfiction with Xander Harris from buffy the vampire slayer crossed over into Pitch black and Chronicles of Riddick. it's a good read 'nods' <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 05:05:07 )

@Koah: At one point yesterday I had a heating pad on my back and an ice pack on my neck (I strained it or something a few days ago and it's all stiff and achy too). And right? Just because you had kids doesn't mean you get to order anyone else around. On a freaking power trip.

@Wildfire: If she'd kept me any longer I would have started shouting. She was too busy flirting with some guy across the store to get her stupid butt out the door. I did respond to the hand with an incredulous "No!?" but then she physically stepped in front of my cart with her "I don't care!" comment (which doesn't... super make sense in context but okay). I'm just glad she did actually go out the door then.

God just thinking about it makes me mad again! XD;

As for bringing up my pain to my doctor, that's ... honestly pretty pointless or so it seems. I tried to tell him the last visit, maybe the last two visits, that my gabapentin dosage just isn't cutting it and he pretty much just waved me off. I think I need to be more assertive but my environment growing up was extremely punishing for having a backbone at all so I'm not very good at it I guess. ^^;

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