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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 13:53:36 )
@Mathonwy: there are definitely some fun animes out there... and there are definitely some that aren't particularly fun (or good) - just like any other genre of entertainment, tbh. :3 The Studio Ghibli films are wonderful at storytelling and creating an entire magical world <3 They are worth seeing. The lore and culture behind these stories make them interesting and unusual, imo, but sometimes those things just make the stories... well, a little bizarre. LOL.

Disney has had some interesting stories and princesses over the years, but I have never been much of a "princess" myself, so the appeal is limited for me, personally... despite Disney World being a major attraction here and living so close to those theme parks (or maybe that's partly why the appeal is limited? LOL)

@star2000shadow: .... wow. Bizarre combination, but at the same time, I can almost see how that would mesh :3 I'm glad you're enjoying it. Do you read a lot of fanfic?


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 13:57:22 )
@wildfire: I feel like the princess thing is considered bad these days by a lot of people, but I was definitely one of those girls who literally wanted to be a princess and have never gotten over the fact that I'm not LOL

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 14:02:22 )
@CooperationIsKey: oh jeeze... she sounds like quite the "winner" /eyeroll/ ... and although I'm sorry you had that experience, I'm really glad it wasn't me in that situation because if somebody pulled that crap in front of me, followed up by telling me "no" and physically blocking me from leaving, things probably would have gotten nasty... But, for you, right now, it's over and done, and there's really no point in dwelling on it and getting all upset over the situation all over again (right?)... but I know what you mean. Sometimes... some people... UGH. :(

Ugh. It sounds like yes, you need to be more assertive with the doctor or perhaps find another one - one willing and able to actually listen!! Is there nothing else you can do to help ease your pain? How are you feeling today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 14:07:09 )
@Mathonwy: lol... yeah, I think the culture is shifting away from the whole Disney Princess thing a bit... and definitely away from the weak and helpless Princess stereotype, and more towards the stronger, independent, capable ones. I dunno /shrug/ It's just not my thing, really - it never was.

So what kind of Princess would you be? What would your story be if you could jump in to the Disney Princess world?? Apple Maiden who single-handedly fights off an infestation of bugs just before harvest?? XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 16:18:25 )
@Mathonwy: One Piece is definitely the iconic... never ending anime of the anime world. o3o I enjoy chaotic rom-com-type anime. I'm glad you went with your friends to the movie. C: I hadn't realized the movie was already out. It won't be in theaters around where I live, I am too far out in the country and anime isn't really a common thing here.
I peaked at your reply to Wildfire. Trigun is a personal favorite of mine. My son has been watching it with me now. <3 He loves it too. However, the ending of Trigun is a little confusing and maybe not be the most well-done wrap-up.
Disney is fun. I finally sat and watched Turning Red with my daughter. I'm glad Disney is finally curving into a more family orientated dynamic instead of the classic disney princess stuff. o3o
@Wildfire: The kids enjoyed the western. It was super hard to follow though. Old cinematics n' such.

My weekend is dragging and I almost look forward to going back to work just to get a break from my whiny baby. >3<
I am seeing friends today though, so hopefully my kids will behave while we're doing that.

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 16:31:30 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: Oh yes, i love some of the things people come up with. are amazing to. so yeah I read a lot of fanfiction 'nods' <:3( )~~


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 22:44:17 )
@koah: I really like all the non-Princess Disney stuff, too! I should watch more things. I have a penchant for just watching the same two dozen movies and shows over and over again.

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/13 22:48:43 )
@wildfire: Hey, don't you joke about that, because coddling moth is a mighty villain, and I shall have my victory over my apple kingdom!

I think the Disney Princess I relate to most is Rapunzel. I'm kind of sheltered with an overbearing mother who comes across as a little naive about most things, and yet I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'm plucky and upbeat, so to speak! A friend of mine actually drew me as a theoretical Disney Princess once. Just your standard apple-loving princess equipped with my grafting knife and sunhat! XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 13:10:19 )
@Koah: I'm glad you had fun family time with the movie :3 It's amazing to see how far cinematics and technology have come within our 'lifetimes', isn't it?

@star2000shadow: I'm glad you're enjoying your book :3

@Mathonwy: LOL! I feel ya on the moth/bugs/creepy-crawlies in the orchard! I tried to get back in to gardening again about a year ago and I haven't been able to keep up with all the creepy-crawly critters that have been invading my plants! It's frustrating!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 13:17:16 )
Good morning

Ugh. It was a lazy day yesterday due to lack of sleep the night before but so far, I'm fairly groggy and a little achey this morning. Hopefully the caffeine will help. Soon. There's a lot on my "Should Do" list today :3 ... but right now, part of me just wants to go back to bed. Ugh. Bleh. ...

How are you guys today so far?
Do you have any plans for the day?
... and a random question ------------------------> What is one item on your bucket list?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 16:34:02 )
@Mathonwy: I am definitely in the same boat. I like my dozen or so movies and I haven't watched many new things. I'll try new shows, but as far as full movies go- nah.
I have a big dvd shelf at my house full of movies. and a good quarter of them, I haven't seen. o3o and probably will never watch. When I travel back home, I should purge that shelf.
I was going to mention I have apple trees, but I can't tell you what kind- /shrugs/. I just know the deer and my dogs love the apples. XD It makes for decent applesauce.

@Wildfire: My kids were laughing at the fight scenes in that western. I laughed too. The film was a 1934 hour long production. Back then, the cinematics and action scenes were amazing. One guy threw a punch and the other guy [almost obviously 2 feet away], fell in the wrong direction. XD
oh bucket list... hmmm, I guess go to Norway for a month or so later in life when my kids aren't little.
I also want to go to Vegas- solely to hop around magic shows and burlesque shows. o3o
How bout you?

My morning is really good so far, I just need to pay a couple of bills. Then help my mom with her store. She needs someone fresh in her shop to rearrange.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 17:14:55 )
@Koah: oh that's so funny! The choreography back then was either horrible and campy as possible, or amazing. There seems to have been little in between! XD It sounds like a good time :3 <3

Bucket List? I'd like to take a minimum of 6 months (up to a couple of years) hanging around Europe, visiting different places, seeing different things, experiencing different cultures. A shorter term bucket list item would be visiting Thailand / the IndoChinese peninsula area for a bit, but I would be ok with having that be a much shorter trip (like a couple of weeks). A more local trip would be going to New Mexico / Arizona and seeing some of the desert and natural architecture. I could do a trip to Vegas - mostly for the kinds of things you mentioned (definitely not the gambling). And I'd like to visit Costa Rica and Belize and some of those areas too. Ok, most of my bucket list items include travel. I married the wrong guy for that, I think... :3 XD

My morning has been pretty good so far. I went for a long walk (about 2.5 miles), got climbed on by a squirrel, did some yoga, made a healthy (but dry/not the tastiest) breakfast, and am currently sitting here with a dog on either side of me, trying to figure out what I want or need to do next today.

It sounds like you have a good day ahead of you - rearranging, although it can be a lot of work, can also be a lot of fun! :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 17:41:32 )
@Wildfire: My day is paused for now. I'm on hold with my bank. e;e It's already been ... 32 minutes. /flails/ I love my bank. But hate them at the same time. For this reason.
AAAHHH They answered and transferred me to a different department. I'm on hold again.

Anyway, your bucket list sounds adventurous! Do you have friends or family... or kids that would do that type of traveling with you? C:
I traveled Europe and Hawaii and various states with my mom when I was a teen/young adult. :p
I just assume my husband would prefer to stay home when I want to go somewhere/do something. XDD
My sister and I are thinking about doing a Costa Rica trip this spring or early summer. I think, though, at that point, I will want to go home and be in my own house. o3o Use the money I'm saving for my house rather than a trip out of states. cx

Someday- we should just meet in Vegas and go to some magic shows. lol! it'd be great. I don't like gambling. I like an occasional cocktail and I love theatre/shows.

Wow! You did one long walk. =O and how did a squirrel get on you?
I'm on day 7 of my workout/stretching routine. Feels good to jump back into that. It's been a long time.

IF I stay on this phone any longer, I might not make it to my mom's store today. =3=

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 19:03:31 )
@Koah: Oh, I despise getting stuck on hold. I'm not a big fan of being on the phone anyway, though. I hope you got your information and got everything sorted out!! :3

My family is limited and my kids are too busy now trying to start their own lives (as they should). I do have a couple of friends I could rope in to traveling around with me. Maybe I'll check the finances and start looking at options. :3 I like traveling... I just don't necessarily like doing all the legwork to arrange all the details (especially if out of the U.S. where currency and phone service and language and pretty much everything is so different!)... but it's time to investigate!

I could meet you in Vegas - that would be fun!!! XD

The squirrel... I'm not sure how that happened, tbh. I was walking and thought I managed to snag a stick in my shoelace so shook my leg... only to realize that there was a baby-ish squirrel in the road where the "stick" would have been. I stopped walking for a moment and the squirrel ran up to me and sat between my feet. It sat there for a minute, looking kind of scared and like it was looking for a safe place to be. The next thing I knew, it was climbing up my yoga pants, all the way to my waist. It hung out on my butt (LOL) until I shook my leg again, at which point it scurried away to a fence. It was the weirdest little experience I've had like that in a long time. The squirrel's body was only about the size of my hand, so I'm thinking it was like a "teenage" squirrel... not really a baby, but not quite a full adult either... and it must have been hand-fed at some point...

Good for you to be back in to doing yoga/stretching! It's amazing how good that feels, doesn't it?? Keep going!! <3


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 20:19:38 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: Thanks, even got a shock and STARTED a story yesterday. <:3( )~~


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 21:48:36 )
@star2000shadow: Surprise productivity??? XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/14 23:47:00 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: I haven't written even a scene in Years not since Two thousand and two. (2002) so yeah, a very long time. And a big surprise. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/15 00:54:32 )
@Koah: Right, like just be honest and tell me what's in the metal. I don't want my ears to burn seconds after earrings go in.

Yeah, I learned, but lemons are so yummy, even if they feel like fire when eating.


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/15 00:56:00 )
@Wildfire: I'm sorry that your week seems so chaotic. I hope it picked up for you. Things ended up getting busy for me, so I mini poofed.

Well a nap with the puppy must have been nice though?
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/15 12:55:17 )
Hi Wildfire and everyone! Sorry I wasn't around yesterday to talk to you. It was just a bad day for me for some reason, I was feeling very emotional. I had written some stuff that got to me, ended up crying at work just thinking about things. I feel great today, though! I hope everyone is doing well! My only questing for today is to find some pizza. XD
It's just your friendly apple maiden!

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