Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/3 21:06:31 )
@Wildfire: I need to adapt your eating habits! your food sounds amazing! <3
I fried up some squash, added a bit of cheese, and did an over-easy egg on top. Super simple, only takes a few minutes.
It always hits right.
I am actually one of those parents. I let my kids make their decisions and when it doesn't work out- we talk about why it didn't. I believe strongly in that method of parenting. <3 People learn fastest by their mistakes.
My niece picked up on this her first week here. Her mom caters to her never making mistakes.
So, My son was taking an easy math quiz and he rushed through the questions. I read the questions, he answered them. he had a few wrong and I had him submit the quiz and he was disappointed, I explained to him he shouldn't rush after the quiz. And my niece was nearby and looked at me all shocked-like. Her mom would have made sure her quiz was 100% before submitting it. :T