@star2000shadow: I'm not a super big fan of modern horror... seems like there's too much shock for shock value and like, torture porn? Which I'm not a fan of. I get a kick out of creative deaths in like, the Halloween series (Michael pinning someone to the wall with a knife and then standing back and tilting his head to admire his work? Chef's kiss!), but I'm not a fan of like, the Saw series. Then again I'm not a big fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the same reason; they just get hard to watch, lol. Haven't been a super big fan of modern reboots of classic horror either (like... I dunno, Rob Zombie brought some interesting backstory into "Halloween" but at the same time he kinda broke the freaky mystery of Michael and that I don't like much). Though I still need to see 2018's Halloween (which is a continuation on the original series iirc) and I'm super pumped for the next Halloween film coming out this year!
And Halloweentown is super cute! I haven't watched that in a loooong time. There were a few sequels too, weren't there? I need to look them up.