@Wildfire: oh nice! I had work, and i was really warm because my mother in law was off work yesterday. We lower the AC 2 degrees and have the office door open when she's not home, so it feels a lot better in here today. At work, we're doing product training and actual "this is what's part of the job" training now, so that's an improvement. it's a lot more engaging now.
As for the elephant in the room.... How big, is it a real elephant, is it portable, and does it take care of itself or do i have to? if it's real, normal elephant sized, and i have to take care of it, i'll take it to the zoo, ask them to help me care for it, and basically just keep it at the zoo. If it's small, not real, and all i have to do to take care of it is keep it clean, then i'll keep it on a shelf or in my closet.