@lady luna: During Badminton, I got smacked right under my nose with the bone of a racket. (The metal part)
So I was already hurting big time. Then I had yoga, that was fine but towards the ends I felt a little fuzzy.
The finally I had core conditioning and that's where it all went to heck. I was working out and eventually my legs went numb when I was resting. I thought this was normal since it happens to me a lot. But then my arms went numb and so did my hands and that's when I started to panic because that had never happened before. I focused on my breathing and drank water but that wasn't helping at all. My hand was shaking when I picked anything up, or well tried to. So I told the teacher that my body had gone numb and so he calls up security to escort me to the nurse's office saying that I'm 'complaining of some numbness on my body' like wtf? Why would I make this up?! So the security shows up and when they tell me to stand up, since I can't feel my legs I try to get up and I end up collapsing to the floor so THEN the teacher is telling me that yeah I need to go see the nurse. I ended up having a low oxygen levels and my blood pressure was borderline high. I couldn't even eat any snacks because I couldn't hold anything. The nurse had to hold my water bottle up so I could drink from it. This is the first time this has happened to me.