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Forums Hangouts .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 00:22:37 )
hey there, hope all is going well. owo

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 00:39:01 )
@Kozi: the dollar store has all of there halloween stuff out thankfully.

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 15:04:51 )
@Shark: Hey there, Sharkies. Definitely going much better now! How about you?

@Unicorn: Target says they are getting theirs in next week, i'm super stoked about it. Michael's (the craft store) has theirs out already, and a lot of it is super cute this year.

Donator — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 16:07:17 )
@Kozi: fart fart

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 16:52:36 )
@Kozi: that's good! I'm ok. Was having a good dream but then the cats woke me up. D: sigh

Donator — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 17:02:28 )
I need to eat but idk what to eat
call me grem

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 18:15:34 )
@Kozi: well that is very awesome to hear. I wonder if the craft store that is a bit aways has there halloween stuff out yet or not?

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:01:10 )
@Shark: Aww, what did they want? Cuddles? Lovins'? Or was it food? Probably food lol

@Unicorn: Probably, they seem to have it out first so people can make stuff ahead of time. :3

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:13:55 )
@Kozi: they didn't want anything! just to jump on my belly and make me hurt.

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:17:58 )
@Shark: Aww! Maybe they wanted to play, then. Or they were just being jerks lol

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:30:57 )
@Kozi: I think Simon just likes getting in trouble... :P sometimes he's so nice though! I don't get it. xD

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:38:07 )
@Kozi: well that is very good to hear
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:43:17 )
@Shark: Maybe he just felt like being naughty. XDD;; It's a good way to get attention, though. Even if it naughty. DD:

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:46:29 )
@Kozi: yeah, definitely. I wonder where he is now... :p

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 20:02:41 )
@Shark: Probably hiding from you now, lol XDD;;

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 20:06:30 )
@Kozi: aww, I don't think so. D:

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 20:13:49 )
@Shark: Maybe is off doing catly-type things. Like catching mice or running black market goods. XDD;;

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 20:57:51 )
@Kozi: or sleeping. it's always sleeping when it comes to cats. xD

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 21:43:46 )
@Shark: Yeah, mine is currently sleeping like a melted blob.

Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 21:50:46 )
@Kozi: aww, liquified kitty.

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