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Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 22:25:56 )
@Vii: Laundry isn't so terrible since our washer and dryer are in the living room. It means I can do the laundry while gaming, but it's the folding that is demonic. On another note, we chose out apartment specifically because it has a dish washer. I ABHOR dishes with all the power of my soul.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 22:31:40 )
@AelloTyphoeus: Well, I suppose that's not so bad then. Having it right there certainly helps. And having it in the next building doesn't help me lol And yeah, throwing it in the wash or moving it over isn't so bad, but I know every time I do laundry there's that inevitable final basket that just sort of... moves around for a few days until one of us finally caves and folds it / puts it away. xD
Or the moving back and forth of the clothing pile between the bed and the chair.
Hallelujah for dishwashers, tho ~ my dream is to one day have one that actually works well. xD

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 22:40:42 )
@Vii: There was a whole week that we didn't want to fold the laundry so we lived out of the dirty laundry hamper (full of clean clothes) and just had a dirty laundry pile. The dishwasher has Bern heaven, but we need to get better washing stuff cause what we have now sucks major and doesn't clean well.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 00:48:24 )
@AelloTyphoeus: Yep, that happens here plenty. As a matter of fact, it's what's been going on for about two weeks now with this damn yellow hamper. xD Thankfully we have like, 4 or 5 laundry baskets floating around so we can keep it from piling up in the house... Well, too bad, anyway. Tiny house = not a lot of room to hide your little messes. xD oTL

@SirLionelNigelConrad: NIGE
I've wasted so much time today... I feel like time is slipping through my fingers, and every time I look at the clock another hour is gone. q-q

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 00:59:55 )
@Vii: I think I'm actually going to get laundry done tonight. Even though I don't wanna.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 01:04:02 )
@AelloTyphoeus: I think the last time I finished laundry was over a month ago. The laundry room was empty and it felt great but everything is always downhill from there... xD But good luck! I need to put my uniform in, speaking of. q-q

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 01:06:53 )
@Vii: I just want to have my comfy clothes back. They got super gross so they went into the dirties...

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 01:09:28 )
@AelloTyphoeus: AHHH I know that feeling soo well! I have one pair of sweatpants that's absolutely AMAZING and a few shirts that are super soft. Needless to say these are always the first things to hit my laundry basket lol

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 01:17:39 )
@Vii: I will not lie, I've done just a baby load yo get comfies back before. I tossed in some extra towels just to keep the washer from crapping out, but still.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 01:24:04 )
@AelloTyphoeus: Ain't no shame in that. I mean, doing a baby load is better than just slappin' em on dirty. xD Baby steps, baby steps!

I always end up doing my uniforms in baby loads since I always... well, put off washing them until the day I work. xD I miss my old uniform that was all dark, though, cause I could just do it in one load. Now I have black and white that I have to do separately. >:C

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:03:50 )
@Vii: Having to sort laundry sucks. Before I got my current job, I could wear t-shirts and jeans to work so I could just throw all the jeans together and all the t-shirts together and I was good to go. Now I've gotta sort good business clothes out...

@SirLionelNigelConrad: That was almost creepy. But I kinda wanna take you up on that. Do you fold?

Donator — She/Buns Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:06:44 )
i am procrastinating packing :vanora_sweat:
but i really need to do it since i'm moving tomorrow lmfaooo
luckily i'm living with a friend and we dont have a get out date.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:19:20 )
@AelloTyphoeus: Yep, and it's just adding insult to injury as it's one more thing to slow you down in the end. xD

@SirLionelNigelConrad: If you could start with the towels that'd be great kthnx

@pixiebuns: Ah, I totally procrastinated with the packing on my last move, and it made my last day super stressful. xD But I also thought I had less time than I actually did, which would have made a huge difference, not that we'd have wanted to drive back and forth a bunch.
It's good you don't really have a pressured move-out date, though, which can give you more time to sort through your stuff and pack it properly. c: (super important, btw)

Donator — She/Buns Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:22:29 )
@Vii: Yeah I am procrastinating like hell. But a lot of my stuff is already/still in boxes since we knew we wouldn't be staying here very long anyway. It does take a lot of pressure off but i'm still like I HAVE SO MUCH.
We are gonna drive back and forth a few times. But thats just because we are trying to save money and not get a uhaul this time lol
Borrowing a friends trailer and such.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:28:28 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: Allow me to BUTT INTO YOUR CONVERSATION Folding bras is easy. You just nestle one cup inside the other, then gently CRAM IT INTO YOUR OVERFLOWING AND DISHEVELED UNDERWEAR DRAWER

When you have like 300000 towels, though, and someone who sometimes likes to shower twice a day, it seems like the pile never ends... Thankfully we'll be pitching them all and getting fresh ones soon anyway. :P

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:36:06 )
@pixiebuns: Having some of it already packed up is good. I mean, in that case, you can afford to cheat a little bit. xD And making a couple trips with the trailer will still probably be a bit cheaper than renting and fueling a U-Haul, so it seems like it should be a pretty good move! Always exciting to move into a new place and get to set everything up / organise it.

@SirLionelNigelConrad: We live in towels. They're the carpet. They're the drapes. The upholstery and the linens. They're everywhere.
Plenty of room over in the guest house for all your laundry sorting needs. And plenty of storage hooks for your paddles as well.

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:42:12 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: Vii is right. That's the only way to fold bras. But you're hired. First thing is sorting, we've got to have the towels and fuzzy pants in one load, the undies and nice clothes in another, the t-shirts in their own load, and jeans and socks in the last load. If we're lucky we can get a load of sheets and a blanket.

Sorting laundry is evil. I vote we give you your own building and we just bring laundry to you.

Donator — She/Buns Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:44:51 )
@Vii: Haha yeah. I am definitely cheating. And not packing as fast as I usually would. But my bf should be home soon anyway.
And then it'll be twice the speed if not more. He wont let me be lazy lol

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Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:50:30 )
@pixiebuns: Good luck with your packing. We just moved a month or so ago so I remember how much it sucks.
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Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 02:50:46 )
@pixiebuns: Having some helping hands is definitely good. And my boyfriend played much the same part in my last move lol he had to keep me focused and essentially do all the heavy lifting... that's what we keep them around for, though, right? xD
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