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Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 03:31:07 )

"Honestly, I'd prefer something more akin to actual food. I'm a bottomless pit." Erica then admitted.

"Always have been, probably always will be. " She then added bfore sighing.

"It sucks sometimes though."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 03:47:10 )
"I hear you." Rene replied.

"You like Chinese food?" he asked.

"There's some in the fridge." he told her.

"Feel free to grab some and nuke it in the microwave." he said further.

"It needs to get eaten soon, anyway." he reasoned.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 03:58:00 )

Erica nodded.

"That'll work perfect." She said.


the next day, it had been agreed upon early, before she headed to school, that she was to come back there. there was no end to the storm, and it was highly likely that the school would be shut down for the duration too if ti got too bad.

School had been open that day, she went, she did her things, and then she made herw ay back. There wasn't anything to major that happened, at least not until she was on her way back. She got off the bus and started to walk back to the house, while attempting to avoid the massive hail drops that were starting to drop.

On the way though, a couple of people who had encountered her before, who knew what she could do, who blamed her for what it was that she couldn't control, cornered her.

"What the hell do you want?" She asked, her teeth starting to chatter a bit. She was soaked, and stating to freeze.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 04:25:55 )
One of them, the male of the two, narrowed his eyes.

"Something simple." he said.

"You need to go away." he told her.

"And I mean disappear." he said further.

"See... you cause a LOT of trouble." he growled.

"And the way WE see it... unless something is done NOW... it will continue to happen."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 04:27:57 )

"You've no proof." Was all Erica stated.

"And there's nothing that will come of this anyway. Because you're not going to do anything." She smirked lightly.

"Whether you like it or not."

"Bitch." the other male snarled. Erica just rolled her eyes.

"Call me what you want, I don't care."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 04:47:52 )
"Who are YOU to tell us what we are and are not going to do!?" the first one snapped.

"You need to shut your little trap." he snarled.

"And you need to disappear." he said further.

"Let's face it, no one will miss you." he then went on.

"...after all... street urchins disappear all the time."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 04:53:39 )

Erica just shrugged.

"Sure thing." She stated. By this point, she'd learned to not show fear. She'd encountered enough unsavoury individuals.

"Look, I'm gonna freeze to death as is. So leave it to nature and not have your hands dirtied." She then said.

"Not like anyone will look for who killed you." Came from one of the two, before she was knocked to the ground, her arm bleeding. There was a cut through the coat, the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing, and the wrappings.

Almost instantly, the air changed, as it usually did when her arm was unwrapped.

"Ohhh shit." She muttered


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 05:28:02 )
The ones that had knocked her to the ground froze suddenly.

"......." they were silent, before one of them spoke.

"YOU..." they growled angrily.

"I will... murder you." they snarled.

"I will make sure your life is nothing but absolute, unmitigated, neverending TORMENT... before you BEG me to slaughter you and end your misery!"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 05:31:19 )

Erica just sighed as she looked to the one that said that, before looking to the other.

"Might wanna watch out. He's probably gonna go into a frnezy real soon." She tstated calmly. When he looked, he saw his partner holding his hair, almost pulling it out, with a look of sheer pain, mixed with rage, on his face.

"And I wouldn't wanna be the one that he's targetting. Have you egged him into this? I'm guessing he's not here willingly." She then said with a smirk.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 05:56:59 )
The other one snarled, and grabbed her by her collar.

"Listen here, you." they said.

"I'd shut my mouth if I were you." they told her.

"Otherwise-" he started to say, before he suddenly found himself with electricity coursing through his body, causing her to drop her roughly to the ground.

"AAAAGH!" the raging one yelled.

"I will murder the BOTH of you!" he declared.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 06:00:46 )

The electricity that was coursing through the one who had been in the process of telling her to shut up, hit her too. It was only because of the fact that he'd been holding her at the time, and there had been direct skin contact as his finger had reached just under her chin.... but as soon as she was dropped, that connection was severed.

Without another word, Erica shakily got to her feet, and bolted. She didn't care about the rain, she didn't care about the fact that she wasn't the steadiest, and she certainly didn't care about the hail that was pounding the ground still. She just had to get back to REne's and find a way to get the damned electricity out, before she wwas fried from time the inside out - as she suspected would happen.

By the time she returned, she was soaking wet, freezing with her shoulder length brown hair seeming to have ice on the ends, and as she made her way in, the electricity in there flickered for a moment.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 06:18:47 )
When she shut the door, and locked it, the found that Rene was not home.

She was alone.

Even the feline was not in the house, as Rene had told her he was taking it to a vet friend of his to make sure it wasn't sick, and was up to date on everything.

So she was literally the only one in that house right now.

And as the lights flickered again, she heard the wind howl even more loudly, as the ice and hail pelted the outside of the dwelling.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 06:22:31 )

Erica had no idea what to do here. She didn't know how to disperse the electricity. She didn't know what was a bad idea - aside from going and just doing anything with water.

"Dammit..." she said quietly as she just made her way upstairs to the bathroom again and started to work to rewrap her hand and arm. It hurt, the shocks every time that she touched any part of her skin, it hurt.

And she had no idea what coudl help.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 06:37:17 )
Just as she was wrapping her arm and hand, she heard the phone ring. She instinctively made her way towards it, but realized as soon as she got there that she would probably short-circuit the device.

When she checked the caller I.D, she saw it was the hospital Rene worked at calling... and it was probably Rene himself.

It continued to ring, before the answering machine picked it up, and she heard the recording, before hearing the message.

"Guess you're not back yet. Well... call me when you do get back, just so I know you made it back safely. The weather is still miserable, and I don't want you to get into any accidents. All right, just call me at extension 5687 when you can, bye then." Rene said, before the machine hung up.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 06:42:07 )

Erica sighed.

"If I try... I'll likely kill it." She muttered.

"Sorry REne, can't call ya." She then said before shaking her head lightly. She had no idea what it was that she could do here.

"Maybe....." She paused a moment before sighing and making her way up to the shower. She turned on the water in the sink, and filled it before turning it off. She paused a moment, before submerging both hands into the water, wondering if that would help get the electricity out.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 07:04:10 )
As soon as she plunged her hands into the water, there was a violent explosion of sparks and electricity, so much so, it pushed her back with great force, almost slamming her right into the bathtub, and causing the light to short out.

Now she felt like she had just been a pass-through for a pair of live wires.

However, the electricity she felt in her system seemed to be all but gone.

Any that remained would probably be nothing more than a static shock when she touched certain things.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 07:07:19 )

Erica shook her head and looked to the water.

"That... I really don't want to touch." she muttered as she saw sparks dance across the surface. She walked over and pulled the drain up via the lever in behind the tap. She knew that letting that little bit of electricty go down the drain would be fine. It would disperse and gone rather quickly, she was sure.

She felt like crap after that, buit she could deal with it for the moment as she worked on trying to drfy the wrappings on her arm and hand before making her way over to the phone again, sighing, and calling Rene back as he'd rquested.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 07:24:06 )
The phone rang for a few seconds, before it was answered.

"Doctor Calder speaking." Rene answered it.

"Hey." Erica replied.

"Ah, Erica, you got back." Rene said. "Good, good, the weather's just getting worse and worse, it seems." he commented.

"I'm not sure when I'll be back, so do you want me to order some delivery for there?" he asked her.

"Just lemme know, and I'll prepay for some food so you just have to answer the door to get it." he said.

"And yeah, I know of places that are specially prepared to deliver in these extreme conditions." he then added, in case that had been a concern of hers.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 07:31:03 )

"YEah, sorry. I had something to tend to when I got in." Erica said after a moment.

"And food? Sure. I'm not picky, though." She then said.

"So ... whatever you are in the mood for whenever you get back." She then added before pausing.

"And I'm not worried about that. I'm sure you know mage joints." She then told him bluntly.

"I found the quartz by the front door." She told him simply.

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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 07:48:36 )
There was a pregnant silence that seemed to last forever, before Rene spoke again.

"....I..." he stammered.

"I swore... I hid those better..." he said.

"Ah... hm." he then mumbled.

"Wait." he then said.

"You know of the mage world, huh?" he asked her.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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