The Cheshire Cat purred in amusement, "I have never one laid claw or paw on that sceptre. Or any other body part for that matter. No, I did not break it, and as fun as this fallout has been, it wouldn't be worth the trouble. I had no reason to break it."
"No way pal. I was just doing my job while helping out a friend."
"Heavens no!" The Hatter laughs, "This is the first time I've come close to the castle in a long time, and as you can see, I'm in no condition for fast travel! I'll stick to cracking difficult puzzles!"
"Humm... I don't know what a sepper is, so I don't think so."
"I'm telling you, I took it but I didn't break it! I would be honest with you if I did!"
The Card Knight laughs, "Oh how I would be tempted to. But I fear, if I did, what if our curse only worsened? I wouldn't want to pay the cost of that risk."
The March hare sighed, crossing his arms, "Don't be daft. You know I didn't do it."
"And why would I be holding this trial if I broke my own sceptre? Absurdity."