Hello and good morning Voltra! Spark here, your favourite idol and new best friend. I bet you're surprised to see me, right?
Well better get used to it, because this is my show now! I'm broadcasting to you live from Voltra Tower to bring you
the latest news, gossip, and saucy updates from our beloved city in the comfort of your very home! Exciting!
And you have to admit, I make the news look good right?
But I better stop myself before I get off-topic, we have a lot to talk about today so let's jump in!

May Crates Have Arrived!
You guys don't even know how hard my siblings have been working to bring you these new crates--
I wouldn't either, I did everything I could to avoid helping out! But don't tell them that huh?
Joking aside, let's give them a hand for making such a splash with three new items for May! Maybe you'd like to
spend a sunny afternoon Pond Sailing, or maybe stomping in puddles during Spring Showers is more your style.
Whatever your delight, make sure to keep your eyes open for the rare chance encounter with
the all new and mysteriously elusive Merlantis!

Pond Sailing: By “Frozzy" Design & Background by Fozzy. Pixeled by Frossy w/edits from Fozzy.
Spring Showers: By “Frozzy" Design & Background by Fozzy. Pixeled by Frossy w/edits from Fozzy..
Merlantis: By Q t e a p o n
Hurry on over to OMG Imports to get yours today!

May Crates can be purchased from Ohm-my-gosh imports for 250 Ohms each until 5/31.
(If you'd like to purchase ohms, visit the donation page.)
*Reminder: You can wear 2 poses from a single set!*
*Merlantis will be available in next month's crate as well.*
Check out A Guide to Voltra Crates for more information.

Event Launch
Hey so, side-note for a moment. Me and my sister Frizz have been doing some really important work all day
that could benefit all of Voltra! Problem is? We're totally stumped. But hey, you seem as clever as you are
beautiful, why don't you stop by our place and help us out huh? We'll reward you!
I'm also getting reports that there's some kind of important information you should check out here.
Well what are you waiting for? Check it out, then tell me the scoop!
Commons Update
A small shipment got airdropped into Voltra today, and lucky us! Go visit Vontell to check out the classy new pumps he has in stock!

Welcome Newcomers!
It seems Voltra recently experienced a massive population boom! It's exciting to see so many new faces around
the city, but let's make sure they don't get lost in the crowd. Everyone be sure to give a warm welcome to all our
new Volties, I know I will! Oh wait... I am right now! Hey there!
I'm being informed by our gallant VPD to remind everyone to brush up on Voltra's Rules so that we can all get along and not
cause any trouble. (You can also find more in-depth forum rules pinned to the top of every sub-forum.)
And remember, if you ever need any assistance or have a report to make, always reach out and contact
a member of Voltra's staff! They'll help you out with anything.
Staff Updates
It seems some local Volties have been given exciting new jobs lately. So let's give props to the newly appointed
Artist Saeyra, Artist/Pixelist Mica, and Writer Juneberry! That's a lot of creative talent in one sentence!
Can't wait to see what cool stuff we can expect from them!
Dev Update

I'm hearing reports of all the clocks in Voltra going haywire, you guys seeing this? I'd say it's weird but, hey, I'm a
talking bird, what can I say is normal? Whatever the case, Voltra's brightest are on the case and should have it fixed soon!
So if you notice your recent comments being said 'an hour ago' don't worry, you're not bonkers... Not in this case anyway.
If you notice any other bugs or errors, be sure to report them to the beloved bug forum or contact staff directly. Thanks!
Coming Soon
New Inventory Tabs for Better Organization
Daily Chance Update
Common Surge (May 15th)
Well that about wraps it up for today's Surge, but don't worry, I'll be back and keeping you up to date again soon!
Meanwhile, make sure to have fun, be safe, and look out for each other, okay?
Love you Voltra! Spark out!