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Forums Role Playing [Requesting] 1x1 Khajitten's Search Thread

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 02:18:58 )

I am currently searching for 1x1's.
I will make this "prettier" later. If it's hard to read let me know

I haven't roleplayed in a while honestly and I want to dip my foot into it again,
but I do request a few things before you think of roleplaying with me....
⇝ I will try to post at least once a day but life will always come first.
⇝ If you do not like where the roleplay is going, please tell me.
Honestly those are probably the main two issues I have when roleplaying...

Now that THAT is out of the way...

I enjoy more fantasy based roleplays honestly. With a bit of romance thrown in.

Harry potter, but not. Now hear me out. I don't want to butcher the characters or make them super out of character...
But I like the idea of being in the Harry Potter realm. Say that our characters went to hogwarts and they're living among
muggles or perhaps working in the Ministry of Magic? There are many ways to go about it, without being a "fan" play.

LETTERS: Basically any form of this is cool in my book, such as but not limited to; Finding a message on a bathroom wall
and writing back and forth before exchanging numbers, mailing an old friend who had the same name as current occupent
so they open it to find the letter to the friend and sending it back with an apology letter and then it continues, or even a
barista who finds a notebook in the cafe and writes a little message to the owner then puts it in lost and found and they
go back and forth for a bit... I mean honestly this plot could go many different ways.


I don't have many characters at the moment. But I will make some if need be.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 02:34:06 )
@Khakitten: Hello!!! I am extremely excited! I would love to rp with you!! And I would like to do a hp story with original characters with the letter twist to it! :vanora_heart: just what are your romantic pairing preferences?

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 02:37:20 )

@Khajitten: *lays seductively on your post*
Whatchu wanna do baby-boo~


Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 04:17:50 )
@Roshan: HUZZAH! Another HP fan! This is good! I'm definitely into the idea of HP and letters! I'm not biased to pairings honestly ;D
I don't really have a specific character right now for my HP roleplays besides like... the one based off of me xD So I will build one for us ;u;
Also sorry for the such late response. I wasn't notified for either of y'all's posts ;n;

@KayBit: We could do any of our pairings like the SU characters, or whateverrrr I just wanna make sweet love roleplay with you ;DDD
Joking aside we could retry with our female characters. Bellamy is more thought out now... Or I could use Ellie, or idk. Whatchu craving boo.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 04:28:37 )
@Khajitten: that is extremely weird that it didn’t notify you. And yes! Awesome I am soooo excited and I have two characters already but I am going to make a completely new one for this! And so you don’t mind m/m or f/f or m/f pairings? Cause I mostly do m/m pairings cause my rp partners in the past always preferred it but you prefer a different one then I can roll with it. And should you make the rp or should I?

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 04:31:14 )

@Khajitten: Haha I'm up for whatever <3
Tbh Corina's more thought out now too xD We could try to put them in a more fantastical world maybe????
Or something xD I dunno xD


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:03:51 )

I have a statute of secrecy being lifted in the future plot line I've been running for several of my Harry Potter roleplays. (I have 2 already running here) if you're interested I can give more detail.

But I'm intrigued by this letter rp. I tend to make my characters on the spot for an rp unless I have a character from the past that fits perfectly for what I feel like writing. So I'm up for talking about various letter ideas.

I'm generally better at doing fantasy roleplays but pairings that eventually show up don't matter. I can write either side. Hmm what else do I need to say? I don't give up on roleplays but sometimes I forget to reply and you just need to poke me if you see me posting around and I haven't replied in a couple days. Usually I try to check my rps first thing when I get on though and voltras bookmarks make it so much easier to remember.


Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:22:43 )
@Roshan: It's only notifying some things for me and I'm not sure why to be honest. But I'm fine with m/m or we could do m/f, whichever you feel more comfortable with. You can start the rp if you'd like. Also, would you like to take this to messages to sort out details or are you fine talking about it here?

@KayBit: I like the idea of a fantasy world. Like Bellamy could totally be like a botonist or an herbologist in any lifetime xD So we could do either past or present if you'd like.

@Shadami: More info about your hp roleplays would be cool xD
I'm fine with fantasy letter roleplay. Do you have a specific type of world you would like? Like modern, past, future, different world?


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:48:14 )
@Khajitten: either way is fine with me. And I am flexible with the romantic pairings though I always end up playing the guy in it. Lol.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:52:38 )
@Roshan: Do you prefer playing a guy? I know sometimes its frustrating xD I play a lot of fxf myself, because the people I usually rp with prefer that. I'm down with anything. We could always just jump into the story with just names and looks and let the personalities develop over the story. Hmmm I have a character in mind for either male or female tbh like how I want to write them up.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:56:15 )

I wish I could copy paste the info I've got . But posting from phone this morning. XD

Basically the statute of secrecy has been deemed unnecessary with the growing number of witches and wizards coming from muggle families and the muggle scientists improving there devices exponentially. They're bound to be found out at this rate. So the ministry of magic is discussing how to best lift the statute that has been in place for over 600 years. (I don't actually remember the year it was put in place 1400 something I think)
If we went in as first years of Hogwarts this would be the big news in the daily prophet every day. People are crying out against it saying it's a tradition we should keep, or doing the opposite and cheering the change. ECT whatever I don't have all details worked out just an idea I've been running with. But it's a background plot I came up with for the world.
As far as it concerns for Hogwarts I had the idea there could be an actual muggle teacher for muggle studies who has a child that went or is going to Hogwarts.
A Dursley as another teacher , actual magical like Dudley's great granddaughter or something. And the ghost of Neville long bottom teaching herbology.

I have class schedules and everything I made up xD classes where the theory is learned are combined houses, and labs are with just your house for more 1x 1 with the teacher.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:19:44 )
@Khajitten: I am fine with playing male as most of my rp partners prefer the m/m part or if we do the m/f one I am still the male so. Umm I guess umm we can switch it up and you be the male and I be the female. And that sounds awesome but I have a hard time coming up with a personality. Lol.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:30:32 )
@Shadami: Okay honestly this sounds freaking awesome and I would love, love, love to roleplay this! Would you like to talk more about the plot when you can get to your saved file? Also do you have a specific pairing in mind? Ohhh we could have so much different options with this! I love it. Do you have a cap on the amount of characters you like to play as? Since we would have to incorporate teachers and what not... or would you rather just make them to where we can use them as we need and not divided out among ourselves xD

@Roshan: Yea, I can totally play as the male. And it's fine, we can plan out characters first. Mine will be a slytherin, if that's cool with you. Also would you like it to be based in hogwarts or after they've graduated? I think it'd be cool to do after they've graduated personally, that way it'd be easier to set up for the letters twist, plus I think I would like my character to be working as an auror if that's okay with you ;u;


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:38:32 )
@Khajitten: we can do it based on after they graduate and I was thinking that they get a journal or something that is linked. Kind of like Tom riddle’s dairy. And yes it is okay if your character is an auror!

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:51:41 )

I have zero caps for the number of characters I can run. I'm a novelist so I'm constantly controlling many many characters. XD
It's not exactly a saved file but multiple roleplays I've been running this plot with and developing it. I have a Slytherin boy in 5th year, and a 1st year Hufflepuff. And these really beautiful long bios for how characters to help character development.

It's the schedules that I have typed out that I don't have memorized. Though only 1st and 5th are on the computer cause I wrote it all out on paper and stupidly have misplaced them with my apartment rennovations.
I worked schedules out so that classes didn't overlap between years.


Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 18:05:29 )
@Roshan: Hahaha, sweet, this is going to be awesome! I can feel it! I'll let you start though so you can set it up how you'd like! just ping me or link me to it here ^-^

@Shadami: woooah you're super dedicated! I only have a first year hufflepuff already planned and she's muggle born. But yea it actually sounds really cool!


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 18:09:57 )

Just... Like lists? Or something xD

Is that who you would like to play? ER actually you asked limit. What would you like to do with characters. I play either gender.

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 18:22:20 )
@Khajitten: i am working on it right now. lol and i will ping you there once it is all set up. :)
Questing: !

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 18:27:42 )
@Shadami: Ah, I was just saying that's the only character I have right now in that age bracket xD
I would be making up characters for our roleplay. As for character limit I was asking because I find that roleplays as extensive as these tend to need more than just the original two characters planned. I play males and females. I'm not picky, I also play all pairings ^_^

@Roshan: I'm so excited honestly :D I can't wait!

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Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 18:36:41 )

@Khajitten: I'm not sure what Corina would be in a fantasy world tbh since she's a photographer xD Unless it was like....modern fantasy where it's modernized but magical?? Or something?
I feel like Bellamy would be friends with my herbalist/botanist bbys xD

I'd totally be down to RP with Jubilee I just....don't know what we could do with that since I already have her story and stuff ^^;


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