Rosalynn was back following the trail that was left behind, sighing slightly as he day seemed long as nothing much has changed other than the sun growing lower in the sky. It wasn’t easy tracking down some werewolves as they shifted from human to wolf like creatures on the full moon and back again when it was over. Currently it was human tracks that used to be werewolf tracks, which was part of the only reason she knew she was on the right trail. Now she was drawing closer to what she believed to be the den of these werewolves, now was the time she needed to be stealthyy as she stakes the place out.
That is where my sister lives at. So it wouldn’t be like we couldn’t run into each other even if you moved there or not. Well you still have to be careful not to do something extremely magical to make them think it is something beyond a miracle. I don’t need to be bailing you out. Lol.
Yep. In the muggle world it doesn’t matter what age you go to college though it is more beneficial if you go right after your basic schooling.. why not? The only thing holding yourself back is yourself. Your mom would be understanding I am sure and as long as you visit them often than they should be okay with it. Well you and your mother know more about farming than I do. Though not all farms have plants as some have animals though I thinks those are called ranches.
True but if your not looking for some one then how would you know it is the perfect time when you met them? What if you already met the person at the perfect time but missed it because you blinded yourself to potential partners?maybe their arrange was the perfect time for their perfect person and they just didn’t know it until they got to know each other and fell in love.
Yep. In the muggle world it doesn’t matter what age you go to college though it is more beneficial if you go right after your basic schooling.. why not? The only thing holding yourself back is yourself. Your mom would be understanding I am sure and as long as you visit them often than they should be okay with it. Well you and your mother know more about farming than I do. Though not all farms have plants as some have animals though I thinks those are called ranches.
True but if your not looking for some one then how would you know it is the perfect time when you met them? What if you already met the person at the perfect time but missed it because you blinded yourself to potential partners?maybe their arrange was the perfect time for their perfect person and they just didn’t know it until they got to know each other and fell in love.
Maybe so. I think it is fun,