Welcome to the 2017 Crate Items page!
You'll find previews, pose names, and any other
relevant information regarding these items here!
Important Things to Know:
ϟ Poses are listed in order that they appear in the item, from bottom to top.
ϟ For certain poses that have exactly the same images, you will only see a 'male' version.
This is to help with image loading and space taken up in the guide. If there are different
versions for Male and Female, you will see a (M & F) in the pose list and you will see two
of the same item previews.
ϟ When you see (L & R) in the pose list, this means that there is a Left and Right
version of the item as well as a Both option. The only version being shown is the Both
option to help with loading & space.
ϟ If you ever see an asterisk (*) next to anything, look at the bottom of the post
for extra information regarding that item/pose!
➊ Info and Resources
➋ 2017 Crate Items (you are here)
➌ 2018 Crate Items
➍ 2019 Crate Items
➎ 2020 Crate Items
➏ 2021 Crate Items
➐ 2017/2018 Rare Crate Items
➑ 2019/2020 Rare Crate Items
➒ 2021/2022 Rare Crate Items
➓ Collector's Bundle Items
➊➊ Common Plasma Orbs
➊➋ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➌ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➍ 2017 Event Items
➊➎ 2018 Event Items
➊➏ 2019 Event Items
➊➐ 2020 Event Items
➊➑ 2021 Event Items
➊➒ Milestone Items
⓴ Misc. Items
➋ 2017 Crate Items (you are here)
➌ 2018 Crate Items
➍ 2019 Crate Items
➎ 2020 Crate Items
➏ 2021 Crate Items
➐ 2017/2018 Rare Crate Items
➑ 2019/2020 Rare Crate Items
➒ 2021/2022 Rare Crate Items
➓ Collector's Bundle Items
➊➊ Common Plasma Orbs
➊➋ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➌ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➍ 2017 Event Items
➊➎ 2018 Event Items
➊➏ 2019 Event Items
➊➐ 2020 Event Items
➊➑ 2021 Event Items
➊➒ Milestone Items
⓴ Misc. Items