Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/20 02:37:15 )
I wanna make a character as well. Was back reading through all these posts.
I also don't know a lot of Eberron. I've mostly played the continent of Toril myself with a lot of focus on Faerun.
I kinda want to make a character who is an airship captain, if allowed.
Swiftstride Shifter airship captain hailing from the lands of Taer Lian Doresh.
With a lineage of Shifters and years of interacting with other citizens, this has given [chartacter] more refined and civilized manner than that of her beastial nature. She is still prone to random bursts of lashing out, most often towards those of her crew who act out of line.
Not quiet sure which class to go with though. Looking more into it.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/20 05:12:38 )
You gotta @Mention me.
@dragoness129: I'm sorry but I can't really take anymore players for the game.
If one of the current confirmed players decides they'd like to drop out, I could let you know, if you're still interested.
If you still wanted to make a character, for the sake of making a character, I'd could help you to fit them into the Eberron setting.
For the character you're describing, you've put together some conflicting elements though.
Taer Lian Doresh is one of the Feyspires that the Eladrin came from. Shifters aren't related to the Feyspires.
The shifer's ancestral homelands are in the Eldeen Reaches, though they've spread all across Khorvaire by now.
They were persecuted and almost wiped out by the Church of the Silver flame, as they were believed to be Lycanthropes.
As for being an airship captain, do you mean a pilot? Or just an owner?
Unfortunately, only Half-Elves with the Mark of Storm can pilot an airship.
________________________________ Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/20 13:07:46 )
Ah, understandable. Yes, I would like to be notified. ^_^
Yes, help would be very helpful. :3
Ooooo, I thought you mentioned it being a pirate port, that's why I was thinking along those lines.
Hmmm, maybe she could hail from a smaller village, being a descendant of one of the few survivors.
Yeah, I was meaning pilot.
But regular Airship rather than space traveling airship that is in the movie.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/20 19:19:27 )
You gotta @Mention me.
@dragoness129: Ah, that feyspire is located inside pirate controlled areas. The Lhazaar principalities are an archipelago region in the far north-east area of the main continent Khorvaire.
To pilot an airship is a difficult task. That's why it's thought that only Half-Elves with the Mark of Storm are capable of it.
The Mark of Storm basically does all the heavy lifting for them.
It could be possible for a non-Half Elf to pilot an airship but it would require a large amount of magical power.
Either by them exerting their own natural magic and willpower over the bound elemental that powers the ship,
or by use of some kind of magical item that assists with it, similar to the DragonMark of Storm.
In order to control the elemental by themselves, a person would have to be a Rakshasa, a Dragon, or as strong as either of those.
They would need to own an airship and have the means to operate it.
First of which is quite expensive, second of which is unheard of in the world of Eberron.
If someone possessed the means to operate an airship without the Mark of Storm, they'd need to hide it well.
House Lyrandar would be trying to suppress whoever it was, and take any magical item they used to assist them.
The Dragonmarked House of Lyrandar has a near monopoly over airship travel because they're the main source of pilots with the Mark of Storm. and they'd aim to keep it that way.
It might be possible for a non-Half Elf to have a Mark of Storm under a very special circumstance.
If a Half-Elf with the Mark of Storm were to die, and then be brought back using the reincarnate spell, they might keep their Dragonmark while being born into a new body of another race.
________________________________ Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 07:14:59 )
You gotta @Mention me.
@saeyra: In case this might change your decision on your starting feat,
I've added a houserule concerning ASIs.
You can choose between two options whenever you're granted an ASI.
Either the normal +2 ASI.
Or +1 and a feat.
________________________________ Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 07:44:04 )
Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.
Was thinking that the air ship would have been stolen. When others ask how she acquired it, she might say something like "I won it in a game of cards." -rolls a deception check-
But if it is powered by an elemental, I could see the creature resisting her influence, making it not possible for her to fly it. Hmmmm. -shrugs-
— Sha/female
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 12:51:29 )
Wasn't sure if eberron/5th edition was different.
I've only done fifth once and we home brewed the carpet out of it. Flaws for the personality section actually had negatives. Like my kender would actually get negatives to rolls if she ran away from confrontation. Foolishly brave girl :3
Oh and btw I'm so sorry. I went to the computer the other day to do this... And than played Sims because I couldn't remember why I went to the computer. Pregnancy brain to the extreme!!
Also Saeyra! I bought some of those seasonings and stuff you suggested. :3 gonna be trying to make some delicious home cooked Chinese dishes soon?! So excited!
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 03:11:04 )
You gotta @Mention me.
@dragoness129: Are you still interested in working on an Eberron character?
Shadami won't be able to join in anytime soon, unfortunately.
I'm hoping that we'll work out the kinks of doing forum-run DnD with just three players, and hopefully later we can work in Octology and Shadami if they get the time to participate.
I'm willing to work with you on the ship captain character.
Do they have to be an *airship* captain?
Normal sailing ships are still a thing in eberron.
________________________________ Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 05:02:52 )
You gotta @Mention me.
@another movie addict:
It seems dragoness is quite busy as well.
I think I'll try to start it soon with just the two of you for now.
Maybe the others can join later.
I've said before, but the game will start in the city of Sharn, with the PCs headed through one of the upper wards of the city.
It would be good if we could come up with a reason for your PCs to know each other, and why they're in the upper wards.
It should be easy for you two because you both have ties to House Phiarlan
Rosemary is directly affiliated with House Phiarlan,
and Astrinos is indirectly affiliated by way of being a potential customer of info, and through his wife who is a low level member within their Karn area of operations.
Perhaps Astrinos just recently got into Sharn and checked in with the House Phiarlan enclave, in order to establish initial contacts. Setup his network, so to speak.
Rosemary, being an agent, could very well likely have been staying there and be how the PCs met.
@another movie addict: Would Rosemary have maybe offered to show Astrinos around the city?
Or the two of you can discuss any ideas you have for their team-up instead.
Oh, and I'd like for you both to try filling in the Bio section of your sheets in roll20.
Let me know on Discord if you have any questions.
________________________________ Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌