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Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 04:39:41 )
@Yuracye: Omg. Ana. Yess. I mean it's a little weird cause I play OW in my sister's room... and Ana happens to be her name so she gets confused when I yell: Fuck Anas. Playing Mayhem is pretty savage against her. LOL.
Ooooh! finished arts! The very concept of that is exciting. :vanora_sun:
That's adorable! Haha, no problem, I'm still working on mine. ;w; the struggle help
pppst.. I'm waiting for 3d maplestory too.. :vanora_tired:

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 05:30:30 )
@kawaii slowpoke: Yeah. It was really active when it first started, but with the changes in admins and all the staff, it went downhill really fast. x ___ x I tried Sapherna, I'm not too thrilled about the items on the site unfortunately. That and not many people wanted to try and chat with me. orz.
There's MAYBE one post a day on Syn

@boss rimi: Of course! If you find any good threads to post in, don't be afraid to ping me! I'll try and chat as much as I can.

@the youngest granny: It would be so cool! I'll be sure to inform everyone if it does become released.

@mica: YESSS.
XD Omg. That's hilarious! If you're up against a half decent Ana- man your day is going to be rough. Between the sleeping and the anti-healing. Ugh. God help me if she gets more than one player. Keeping the team alive becomes a nightmare.
Omg. She's so good in mayhem. ;;;;; So is, Zarya, & Winston. Top tierrr.

/sends u help???

So many good games tho. Aughh. I feel like I've been waiting for 3D maplestory for years already.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 05:43:24 )
@Yuracye: It was the saddest thing I've ever seen, I haven't quite experienced the permasleep but seeing it was just ... :vanora_cry: Winston is my favorite in mayhem, then Mercy because... shifting everywhere is amazing. BUT WHEN A DOOMFIST APPEARS, yeah I'll go walk down that cliff slow-fall style because when he focuses you.. *sob*
Yeah that's true, I dunno if it'll be released globally but.. there's SO many good games out there right now anyways,

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 06:15:38 )
Oh shit, that's so soon! Are you planning the wedding?
Luna Chandra
Please let me exchange goods and/or services for art. <3

Donator — She/Buns Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 06:17:11 )
@Yuracye: I'm happy to see yoouuu here.
i just pinged you in a different thread lmfao
you should come hang out in my thread.
i hope you find a job soon and WE SHOULD PLAY SPLOOOON. I LOVE SALMON RUN

ping me
Art in sig by Seo
Art in post by Cedes

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 09:02:50 )
@Mica: Oh man. I've been a alt-ready Mercy before and I'm just laying on the floor. omg. 99% of the time I die by the end of the sleep, but sometimes people forget I'm there and I get one of those 5 man rezes. Awwyeahhh. :vanora_sun:
I've never played Mercy in Mayhem... but I feel like there's so many other characters that would benefit. Like, I've played in it too, and YOU FLY ALL OVER THE PLACE.
OMG. TT ___TT There aren't many Doomfist players BUT OMG THE FOCUS IS REAL WHEN THEY HAVE ULT. UGH. Being a Mercy is so rough sometimes. Ahh.

D: !!!

@slytherclaw: IT IS!!
Yeah! We have a photographer (who is actually my man of honor???), the reception hall, I just got my wedding dress. SEE PIC BELOW BECAUSE EXCITEMENT. We just need a DJ and... a town hall official to actually marry us because we're getting married at Mike's grandparents house.


YES PLS OMG. I haven't played the splatfest at all for this weekend... it just makes me sad. I have no motivation. D;
I'll have to give you my Nintendo ID when I can remember!!

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 09:22:30 )
@Yuracye: Really? Never in Mayhem?! I play her most there, then pray we have a Pharah so I can fly to her for safety. Also less stressful but MAN do the matches STRETCH out. Any tank there is fun tbh LOL. I think Doomfist in general is just a pain when they focus you- as Zenyatta it's pretty scary cause I'm so immobile. :vanora_cry:
I finished duh art horray!

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 10:00:44 )
@mica: Yeh, never. D: I've seen other people do it, but I figured she really doesn't have a move-set that would benefit from less cool downs. I mean, with the new update she'd be amazing in mayhem.
* U* ////
Imagine 5s rezes. UGH. That would be amazing!

Just.. being healer is rough all the time. :vanora_sweat:
I was playing Comp a few minutes ago, didn't see you online, but I added you!! Maybe we'll play some arcade tomorrow if you can? I've had a couple of drinks, so it probably wasn't the best time to play with me anyway. xD

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 10:24:11 )
@Yuracye: LOL, yeah I mean I see your point. It's just so fun to spam shift. Unfortunately Zen is pretty useless on Mayhem. D: Healer life is duh rough life.
Naw I was doing some touch ups! No worries, whenever we're both on. :D Wow, playing OW while tipsy? Brave! See you tomorrow :D

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 19:17:09 )
@mica: Yeah. I like Mayhem a lot, but the games do take forever. xD It's longer than a normal game life.
I do usually stick with tanks though, I feel like I'm more helpful that way. u vu ///
Yeahhh. Anyone that doesn't really have a long cool down on a move isn't good for mayhem.

Hahaha. Yeah! xD Not the best choice, but I had fun so that's all the matters! We won one, lost one, and had a draw. Evened out, I guess???

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 23:23:50 )
@Yuracye: homigod, it's really hard to play dps there, you hit them but it's like they're SO FRIGGIN BEEFY. Junkrat's really fun though with his ridiculous spray and pray bombs.
Eyy, I'll take that over LOSING points, goddamn the losses for defeat is pretty savage than what I expect to lose... win big or lose big I guess. O_o;;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 01:17:37 )
@mica: YES OMG. I don't know how you could play any other role tbh. Like, it's so difficult? Q vQ ;;
Junkrat just got a buff recently too!! I bet he's super good in Mayhem now. omg. Probably amazing.
Hahahhaa. I'm sure I lost some points considering you tend to lose more points than gain. > > ;;
It is crazy. The whole system is insane tbh.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 04:23:37 )
@Yuracye: Yeah his buff in mayhem is hilarious. OMG, I'm playing deathmatch right now and it's actually really fun! :vanora_heart: I still miss capture the flag tho.. LOL.
Yeah holy crap, you really get punished for losing. O_O;;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 19:22:38 )
@mica: Awhman. I can't even imagine tbh. ;;;
Deathmatch is so stressful. x ___ x I've played four rounds and I've gotten bottom four every time. xD I'm so bad at anything but healers. rip.
Capture the flag was great! It was either a quick win or a quick loss. xD At least that's what I noticed when I played it. |||OTL
Yeah, you do. x ____ x
Thankfully I'm literally at the same point again. It's like I lose points, gain points and it's the same score every time. rip.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 02:22:54 )
@Yuracye: Ohh sorry, I meant the 4v4 one.. it's just ALL about killing and it's so nice. No defend point or anything to escort... oor the fact that you have to walk for about 15 seconds to get back to the point.
I really like it actually, it tends to drag out for me- or maybe I've played it too much and I've gotten a variety of experiences. :vanora_xd:
I hope you don't lose more points! LOL, being a healer is so hardd, a lot of game sense and positioning to look out for, bah!
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 02:29:38 )
@mica: OH! Well, damn yeah. He's probably amazing in it considering you have the two... explosive bomb things. Q v Q;;;
LMAO. All about killing. xD That's terrifying if you think about it!
But, that's probably why I'm not good at it, I mainly focus on healing. That's all about to change with the new Mercy updates though. I heard she'll pretty much be dps/healing now. uv u///

Ahhh, I hope not either. Weeps.
According to this app thing, I'm doing super well above my ranking as Mercy, but idk. The games are rough.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 02:46:05 )
I know you. I bought some cute AF chibis from you. :vanora_heart: They are still my favorite chibis!
This is the first one you did of my OC, Queenie.
This is the one that you currently feature in your shop. If it hasn't changed. xD I haven't been on Gaia much. Dx

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 03:32:29 )
@queen prisma: Heheh, I still really like those comissions too! Q VQ !!!
I like the ones of Queenie a lot too. The ahego face one you ordered was tricky, but I think it turned out nice. xD

It's alright! Here is better anyway. : p
I'm on Gaia, but I'm mainly trying to just get adopts and art. q vq ;; I've been crazy busy lately, so that doesn't help. whelp.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 03:39:15 )
@Yuracye: So very true!

Yeah, I'm kinda doing the same thing, but more with art than adopts. I wanna get more art of Queenie eventually. I kinda want to do that here, but it might take me a while to get the volts.
Please ping me to get my attention

Pixel art by me
Click here for my twitter and other things.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 04:13:46 )
@queen prisma: Ahhh, fair enough.
Art on Gaia can get so expensive though. x ____ x ;; It's rough when you only make so much on current commissions.
Ah, same here. I haven't really bought much on here besides the hairs. I'm sitting on almost 5k, so that's a good start i suppose. xD

TH | dA

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