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Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 04:14:50 )
@Yuracye: Jesus yeah there's at least one in every game. ;w; it's so infuriating. LOL, I meaaann OW is all about killin'.
Yeah, new mercy'll be interesting. O_o I might like her more, though actually hitting my shots are kinda scary as a healer... Zenyatta is hard as fuck to aim with o_e
Do you play with a team or just, 1-2 other people in competitive?
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 04:36:11 )
@mica: Always. x ___ x
I MEAN UR NOT WRONG. I'm just not good at it, so there's my downfall. xD
It should be! I like the idea of the single rez- but I feel like if there's giant kills like a Junkrat tire or a solider ult or something along those lines it's going to be difficult coming back from it. x ___ x ;;;;
YO I KNOW. It's hard to hit as Ana too,though she does have the zoom in feature. I have like 23% accuracy with Zen hits tho. xD It's so rough.

Uhhh, depends! We have a group of 8-10 people that are in the discord. Normally we don't go past our four man group. Except for capture the flag. We would go in a six man and win like crazyyy.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 05:21:12 )
@Yuracye: I was almost up to 5k, but I spent 4k on getting some post goal mark rewards. It was a tshirt and a pair of pants, but I wanted it. xD I'm at 1k at the moment.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 05:32:14 )
@queen prisma: Awwwh. Well, that's good though! I plan on getting some of the older items, but idk. None of them really call out to me. I'm sure they'll be worth a lot more in the future, but I'm just not crazy about how they look?? Unless you're able to change some of the colors of it, I guess. q vq ;;;
Dang! Well, as long as you keep posting, you can get back up there!!

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 05:38:00 )
Very true, but none of the items that are out now, besides the ones that I just mentioned, I'm not really interested in. I know that the shirt and pants are able to change colors pretty easily.
Yeah, I'm sure I"ll get up there in no time. I did order something from someone, but I know it is gonna be a while before they get it to me.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 05:45:27 )
@queen prisma: Yeah. Q vQ ;;; I mean, it's just not something that I'd normally dress up my avatar in, you know???
Are they? O: Is it available in all colors? I mean, there's like 20 colors that the site has right now that I know of. o:

Oooooh. There you go! Q VQ !!!
I want to order from the shops, but I feel like it's either out of my budget at the moment or slots are full. xD

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 06:04:17 )
@Yuracye: It comes in about 5 colors or so. The shirt was for 5k posts, the pants where for 10k posts.

And I know that feeling. I saw this cute little think that it has like this flashy effect that this person was going to put behind the avatar. Its a pay what you want, so I'm gonna at least pay him 2k for it. And yeah, I know how you feel on that. I haven't really gotten many people in my shop yet. I'm working on at least 3 different requests. One person asked if I was doing pixel freebies, but I told them that I wasn't at the time being. They never responded back.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 06:11:23 )
@queen prisma: Ohhhh, I see I see. I'm pretty sure I've seen the pants before, I don't remember seeing any shirts though. /squints.

Ooooh! Q VQ !! That is cool!!
Awh. I'm sure people will come in soon. If you opened it recently, I'm sure it's because people are just tapped for money.
I've had up to 8 requests at one time. It's crazy. Though... I AM really temped to open a shop now. > > ;;; I just.. really like this place already and I feel like setting up a shop will really solidify it? I'm even half tempted to take down a slot on Gaia for it. Aughh. What should I do???
HAaaaa. You'll get that a lot! xD I've had people try to scam me out of giving them free art. I'm all about giving out free art, but damn I'm putting work into it, you need to put work into it to. > > ;; Not just asking right away.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 06:18:07 )
@Yuracye: The pants and the shirt was posted on the official Voltra online facebook page. :) The shirt was called boob/dood? since they put a word on it. xD Its pretty funny.

Well, I'm just offering drawn freebies. I'm not quite ready to sell art on here yet. I don't have any good samples at the moment. :( Plus I don't know, I guess there is just a stigma with my drawn art and no one wanting it at times. It was one of my main issues on Gaia. Plus looking at other people's art threads really makes me loose the confidence in selling it.
If you open up a shop, I'd love to buy something from ya. xD But I need the muns first.
Yeah, I agree with you on that. Plus its just I get a little picky when it comes to throwing out free pixel art. Plus I'm just so behind on the commissions, I don't think I should sell the pixels on here quite yet. Ugh, I don't even feel like doing the one that I have left on Gaia. I started up on it a little bit and now I just don't want to do it.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 06:30:55 )
@queen prisma: OH! I don't have them added on Facebook. > > ;; I didn't even think about that.
Ahhhhhh. I'll have to go check it out now!! /ZOOOMS.

Ohhh. o: I don't see why not though! Your stuff is super cute!!
Eh, don't take it personally. I didn't get any hits on my art for the first few years on Gaia. I still don't always get orders. Like, I got two slots filled when I opened the joint shop that I'm in, but now I'm stuck with nothing. q vq ;;;
NOOO OMG! You're fine!! Just keep thinking positive and keep working at it!!!
KAJhfkasjg. WELL I SHOULD OPEN IT UP I GUESS. I mean, I have 1.5 hours before I go to sleep, but I could at least set it up.
I just feel like I put so much work into my art, and I already have limited time with work and stuff, so if I'm drawing art, at least I should be getting paid- even if it's pixel money. Haa.
Awwh. :c I mean, you could cancel on Gaia too. I know the people would be upset, but I dunno. I don't like making people wait forever either. You know?

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 06:42:00 )
@Yuracye: Yep, go for it. Before the site launched, they did a few contests on stuff. Not sure if they will do that again.

Yeah, I know that I shouldn't, but it just ends up happening. At least you got two slots on Gaia in a joint shop. :vanora_xd: I never get that lucky in those.
Setting it up will be good. :) I will have to keep posting again since I gave 2k to some one that just gave me the awesome thing. :)
This is so true! I mean, I take so much time on my work, I deserve to get payed with the pixel muns. xD But I'm just having fun with the drawn art now.
This is true. I'll probably cancel at the end of the week if I can't get any insperation. If anything, I'll move on to the commissions on Saph to get away from the Gaia avis. I'm kinda tired of pixeling them. They are almost the same, but they aren't at the same time. I'm not sure if that made any sense or not.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 07:04:10 )
@queen prisma: Awhman! I'm not really too well with contests though. Whelp.
They might in the future! I think they're doing a 25k posts or something! I saw something on the front page about it.

Ahhh, that's about all I can get from it tbh. sobs. One of the slots was a friend, I just got lucky. xD
I'm setting it up now, but it will take me awhile to actually get it all set up. I'm very weird about setting up a shop. It's 20 posts to a forum. sobs.
RIGHT?? I deserve some pixel items and money!!!
It happens. q vq/// I've done it a few times. I feel bad sometimes, but I just don't want to do the commissions sometimes.
Same here. That's usually why I ask for OCs over avatars. q vq ;; I get bored of avatars really fast.
It makes sense! I understand what it means.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 07:14:21 )
@Yuracye: Oh yeah, the 25k post thing is their next goal. Once they hit that, everyone will get an item like the shirt and pants. I wonder what it is going to be though. I think it will be shoes, but I don't think so.

Good luck with making your shop. :)
We both deserve pixel items and money! Argh!
Yeah, but even then when you say that, people will still post their avatars, its frustrating. xD
Yeah. xD

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 07:26:31 )
@queen prisma: Yeah! I think it's on the front page or something? Maybe? I know I saw it somewhere. q vq ;;;
AHHH! Maybe a hat or some form of accessory? Maybe shoes?

Thanks! I think I finally got it all set up... but I'm mad that you'd need to reserve 20 posts on the front page. I really want the whole page to be reserved. It's bothering me. I think I'm just going to reserve the whole front page. AUSKGJDG.
I know... even if it's like HEAVILY PREFERRED, but then you're not getting any offers so it's like EH I GUESS SO.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 07:47:17 )
@Yuracye: It is, I think we are like close to 90% to the goal or something like that.

I didn't need to do 20 posts. I think I only did up to 4 posts. Opening, list, drawn samples, and pixel samples. I mean, if you need to reserve a few posts, that is ok too.
xD Oh no! She has gone post nuts!
This is very true.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 07:55:05 )
@queen prisma: ARE WE? Last time I looked it was like 50% or something maybe??

Ahhhh. I reserved 15 posts. That's normally how much is on a page for Gaia and other sites. You can't delete these ones, so that makes it more difficult. I just like when there's all my posts on the front page. u vu //

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 07:58:39 )
@Yuracye: We are currently sitting at 85%, maybe more after a little bit.

This is true. I did do something like that on Gaia, I made it a nice looking shop, but no one posted in it. I complained via Gaia status then one of my friends sends me a PM saying that it was too much to read and no one would look at it. :( I was ticked. Its part of the reasons why I don't do nice post layouts for threads anymore.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 08:07:49 )
@queen prisma: AHH YOU'RE RIGHT!!! OMG! We're so close! I hope I'm posting when we reach it! I really want to be here.
TT ____ TT

AWh. That's sad. :c
I add a lot of information in my posts, but I like to know a lot of stuff before I order. I know some people just like ordering and going, so that might be their reasoning.
You should just do what you want! As long as you're happy and it gets the point across that's all that matters. q vq


TH | dA

Donator — V.A.G Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 08:14:07 )
Welcome to the Voltra family Yura, hope you enjoy your time here on the site :)

Voltie — Tenno Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 08:15:21 )
@Yuracye: Same here, but as of tomorrow, I probably won't be able to get on til the afternoons. I work at 6:25am to at least 4:30pm.

Yeah, this is true. I was thinking that if I do a really indepth post, it will probably be my hangout on here. I was thinking about making one where us Gaia users can chat. It doesn't have to be people from Gaia though.
AH! No one can stop the Yuracye!
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