@Ixora: Yeah, so far so good! Apparently my grandpa was out mowing the yard last week despite it being hot and him just getting home like a few days tops? But that's just kinda how my grandpa is too XD
I work in a production bakery. I used to shift jobs around depending on the day but sadly they're getting rid of my position... So now I'll probably be on the oven 5 days a week all the time because I've found I often have time to doodle while I watch the oven XD I could go to the baggers or something but I'd rather avoid those for now if I can x ___ x
That's totally true! Kinda like the fact I can't believe it's July already . ___ .
Yeah he's good
I'm doing better at cleaning his ears now XD And he's also not super hot anymore because he got a haircut last week.
How've you been?
I work in a production bakery. I used to shift jobs around depending on the day but sadly they're getting rid of my position... So now I'll probably be on the oven 5 days a week all the time because I've found I often have time to doodle while I watch the oven XD I could go to the baggers or something but I'd rather avoid those for now if I can x ___ x
That's totally true! Kinda like the fact I can't believe it's July already . ___ .
Yeah he's good

How've you been?