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Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/19 11:21:39 )
@SamSpyroxis: so sorry to hear that you have been in a slump, I myself haven't been feeling too great but thank you for asking, so sorry for my lateness. But I haven't been online lately.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/19 18:59:11 )

@Shark: I think everything is okay now ; u ; We'll see I suppose XD How are you doing?

@Unicorn: I'm slowly working through it. Kinda forcing myself to get out of the house and hang out with friends has been helping a bit.
I hope you feel better soon D: And it's totally fine, I know my responses are few and far between as well.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 00:42:56 )
@SamSpyroxis: well I am glad that you are hanging out with friends and that it is helping you. and thank you a lot is happening, so I just feel gross. I really don't like having hayfever, sinuses and seasonal allergies all in on big bundle.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 22:20:12 )
@SamSpyroxis: woops sorry for taking my time to respond - I don't like typing long replies on my phone

Same - when I discovered MMOs tho... internet was home and later on I made more friends online than offline which is fun.
The outside is a scary place. I'd rather stay at home under my blanket XD

Definitely. Tbh, when it comes to VNs, I mostly appreciate just small voice acting - I tend to not listen to everything when it's fully voiced just cause I read faster than they speak.

We did nothing ; n ; They are here and accept us TT ___ TT

Niiiiiiice! That sounds much more manageable than 12 hours a day for multiple days @.@

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 21:36:39 )
@SamSpyroxis: Eh, not too bad. I'm just kinda slow-moving and messy lately. I'm blaming it on lack of sleep

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 02:00:08 )

@Unicorn: oh man, that doesn't sound fun at all D:

@Ixora: lol, it's fine :P

I totally get what you mean though x.x Granted I got more online friends through avi sites XD The first one I joined of course was gaia, but that's mostly because my irl friends when we were young were just like "omg look at this it's so cool" and I didn't talk to many people I didn't know irl because you know, stranger danger and all and horror stories of kids getting abducted through stuff like that so I was overly paranoid XD The one I really made friends on was TinierMe though. Still miss that place sometimes, but that's probably due to the fact that it was the first one I took seriously I guess?

That makes sense. I suppose I'm the same way now that I think about it XD

This is true ; u ; Although they can be butts sometimes >_> *looks to my dog who is currently sprawled out over my pillows/bed*

Oh man, totally ; u ; I'm a little thrown off right now though. My schedule got changed for this week, more specifically my days off got switched. I'm supposed to have Thursday and Friday off but this week it's Tuesday Friday for some reason? I was told it should be back to normal next week but we'll see x _ x

@Onyx Popcorn: Lack of sleep will do that to ya for sure x _ x I'm in the same boat today, although I think mine is more due to weather than lack of sleep. It's currently a cold rainy day : (

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 15:45:38 )
@SamSpyroxis: I'm still on Gaia actually altho it's just been hella frustrating to stay on there but I can't seem to leave it??? I joined a handful of other avi sites shortly after I joined gaia but I never stuck around cause I got used to how fast-paced gaia was and staying on the others seemed really slow ; __ ; I was young then tho so I did regret not giving the other sites a fair chance :vivsweat: TinierMe is still alive in Japan? Co...ppaplay? I think is what it's called or something along that line.

Pet butts are cute tho XD

Oh man that sounds rough (unless you like schedule changes?) but Thursday and Friday off seems better cause you get two days in a row XD
Or Tuesday and Friday could be better could then... it's more distributed..... hmmmmmmmmmm

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 16:46:56 )

@Ixora: I go on gaia to change my avi basically XD I'm not used to anything fast paced at all x.x In fact on syndrone (before it went down of course) I often disappeared when threads started moving too fast ; u ; But pings/mentions help me to stick around during busy times because then I know someone's actually talking to me XD Yeah, last I check the Japan site was still up. I just never joined because I can't read japanese and the translation for the page was... weird XD

This is true XD

I actually like having two days in a row better. We used to be on Mondays and Fridays for our days off but our hours for the week made it so we'd end up having to run 6 days a week instead of 5 so we had to do a thing where basically everyone has a different day off and I ended up with Thursday and Friday. I thought I would hate it but turns out I like it a lot more XD I feel like I actually have a break from work with two days, whereas with one day I didn't usually feel like I was off, especially if I had to work 12 hours.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 17:49:19 )
@SamSpyroxis: I'm on gaia looking for art rn really. Part of me hopes that the community will be better but seeing how things are, I think gaia would benefit from much stricter rules and tearing the site down completely anyway... for multiple reasons.
Gaia isn't that fast-paced anymore actually... if anything it's pretty dead and people don't really keep up with conversations but people are always like "why can't I find gaia friends" but they ghost people and stop replying to conversations and stuff .____.

Sad. TinierMe has really cute art.

Yeah, I feel like depending on how tired you are, you can actually get rest and do some stuff you actually enjoy when you have 2 days off in a row. Hopefully your schedule reverts back to normal XD

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 18:26:57 )

@Ixora: well then o.o I'd say maybe I'll try again, but I doubt that'll happen. I can barely keep up with Voltra because I'm so scatter brained XD

It does :3 I loved the avatars there >w<

Definitely. I like the fact that it gives me more time to do art and I don't feel too bad about staying up too late to try and finish something if I have the next day off XD I'll be finding out when I go in a little later if it's back to normal or not x.x

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 00:41:45 )
@SamSpyroxis: lmao baby steps? XD I mean, we can make a mean thread over there too lmao.

I don't think I joined TinierMe ever, sadly. I only saw the art recently

I get that. Well, I hope it all works out for you.


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 18:39:09 )
@SamSpyroxis: Cold rainy days can go chase themselves. :vanora_sad: I like rain, but not cold and rainy and gray and yucky. I'm not as tired as I have been now, and one of my friends dumped his toxic S.O. a couple days ago, so I'm quite happy with that. :vanora_sun:
I have many issues, gender things among them
I also have a ballet obsession and an unhealthy interest in Sonic the Hedgehog games. Take as you will, haha!
@ me, yo!

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 22:33:28 )

@Ixora: baby steps :D XD I mean we could? XD

I joined it because of a high school friend and fell in love with it XD It's honestly the site that made me actually want to stick around avatar sites and be active in the community whereas I think with gaia I would just... keep doing what I do now, log on and maybe change my avi then log off XD Out of curiosity what other sites did you try out/are currently active on? aside from here obviously XD I totally wouldn't know that one at all lol

I bring good news from work. I have my normal Thursday and Friday off next week :D And I also don't have to go in today because we finished early, so that's a plus as well xD

@Onyx Popcorn: I agree D: I enjoy the rain too, but not when it's cold ; n ; I'm pretty tired myself right now, debating on a nap but I'll probably just pass out early tonight instead XD That's good that your friend got out of a toxic relationship though :D

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 22:52:49 )
@SamSpyroxis: totes lmao. I feel like the gaian community complains a lot about the management but at the same time the members don't realize that they're one of the reasons why a lot of people don't stay on the site anyway - sometimes it feels like it's filled with teens just trying to be cool, y'know? Besides, being nice is cool

I don't remember most of them but I'm only active on Gaia and Voltra atm. I've tried that's for sure. I made an account on Trisphee around the same time I joined Voltra. The older ones I joined are mostly dead now and I can't remember the names but if I saw the home page, I'd remember lol

Congratulations! That's so nice. Enjoy your resting :D

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/7 16:58:35 )

@Ixora: lol, yeah. I get what you mean and that's mostly all I've seen over there XD probably the reason I've never really ventured into the forums either now that I think about it... Being nice is so cool

I've also been on recolor, though I was mostly active there between tinierme shutting down and syndrone. I made a trisphee account around the same time as Voltra too I think? XD That was during the transition of "syndrone is dying but I don't really want to go back to gaia either..." but i just... couldn't get into Trisphee despite like all of my syn friends enjoying it? I came here instead XD I just... Like these avis more XD

I did :D Went to an outdoor mall with my mom and stepdad. I mostly went for the truffle store XD I have so much chocolate now >:D

@bum: Doing alright, relaxing for a bit before work. How are you?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/7 18:17:16 )
@SamSpyroxis: Idk sometimes I think I should stop going there but... I keep coming back orz.

The problem I have with recolor is that the layout is seriously confusing. If I have to spend half an hour trying to figure out the layout... like nah. And everytime I log into Trisphee I'm the only one online, so there's that .___. I mean, the avis here are pretty nice!

Heeeeeey nice! But also same!!!! I've had almost nothing but sugar these past few days

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/8 17:32:45 )

@Ixora: True.... I think for me at least it's just the... I guess sort of sentimental attachment? It's the first avi site I ever joined, so... XD

True x.x Recolor is a bit confusing layout wise, and.... I'm too lazy to figure it out because I only log in like once every.... 6 or so months? Basically whenever I remember it exists to just... see if my account's still there? XD I'm always on at what seems like weird times no matter what site I'm on, so I can relate .___. And yeah :3 I think for me they kinda remind me of TinierMe avatars too, which I'm sure is part of why I enjoy them so much XD

But sugar is delicious XD In all honesty I probably need some more salt in my diet with all this sugar... to balance it out hopefully? XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/8 18:05:52 )
@SamSpyroxis: same. I spend most of my time on Voltra now tho Just cause the atmosphere here is much nicer and since I can choose the theme, it's also much much easier on the eyes @.@

From what I hear about recolor is that the community isn't the greatest? Lol. I'm originally from the Philippines so... yeah... logging on at weird times for other people is normal XD

Sugar is delicious I'm gonna have some brownie ala mode after my lunch

Voltie — Derpy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 18:24:51 )
/sneaks in/ I haven’t heard of recolor in almost a year ouo
Artemis is my main

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 16:28:24 )

@Ixora: I completely agree ; u ; I personally have the shadowed cirque, black and red for the win XD I also somehow just NOW realized that it matches my laptop...

I honestly don't really know since I just went to dress up my avatar there basically XD I interacted in the forums maybe once or twice, and that was just with friends from gaia or tinierme basically so... yeah XD I tend to get a little bummed out because when I'm actually here and wanting to chat it seems like almost no one else is here or I'm just not posting in the right spots, but I don't like to leave my space usually and feel odd just... trying to jump into other peoples conversation I guess? XD

That sounds delicious :o I'd have some ice cream but my stepdad and sister ate the last of it yesterday I think orz

@Alatariel: Yeah, it's been a while since I'd remembered about it too XD I don't typically hear it mentioned unless it's in the "what avi sites have you tried" conversations XD
Always @ me

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