She sighed as she activated the rune she'd drawn out on the floor before kneeling by it to wait. She was trying to summon her parents, and while she knew that she could, she also knew that there could be issues. Shew as still young enough for that, after all.
As a shadow hovered over the rune, when there was nothing to create such a shadow, she knew that there was going to be an interruption... until she was proven wrong. The sahdow just vanished, leaving her alone and allowing her parents to come through. She didn't mention it though, didn't think there was any reason to.
That wasn't the only time though. Over the next couple of weeks, there were more instances of that one shadow. She had no idea why, or how, but there was something there.
And she knew that it could mean trouble. She vowed to talk to her guardian at her first chance (Although she did realise that there was no way to know when that would be)
About two months after the first shadows appearance, she was out and running to the market. On her way back though, she ran afoul of some of the less wonderful people that were in the area. They managed to corner her in an alley, and while she was able to fight back with little difficulty, she still knew she'd need help.
With minimal effort on her part, she used a quartz that she had in her pocket to use it to summon anyone who could help through this. She didn't know who it would be, and she hoped it wouldn't end up being some demonic being, but at the moment, she didnt' have the time for the restrictions to be placed upon the rune for that.
So she'd take what she could get for the moment.
As one of them managed to land a good hit on her back, she started coughing - violently. It was their chance to do any real damage that they may have wanted to...