Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/08/29 22:36:13 )
LARP= Live Action Role Play.. bunh of nerds dressing up meeting somewhere specific and playing a specific chosen system. The system I'm playing in for the LARP on saturday is Vampire the Masquerade v.5 It's going to be a fancy galla. Had to create a new character for it though, as my usual character is too low in rank to be allowed to that galla alone. She would have to bring a specific person and the one hat plays that person cant come ^^;
And else I play in a system based on the Dresden Files books/gam/tv-series.
timezones~ should have done laundry today but sorta came away from that ^^; hopefully I can do it tomorrow. so I can get the perfume stench off of the sleves for a bolero I gottta sew out from new fabric and an old shirt I found at a thrift store today.
ouf sounds anoying with those glasses. hope your vision soon gets used to them.
I find it pretty good. there was a single glic but it has been fixed pretty quickly. I love the portkeys, allows me to explore other part of the Harry potter universe. I've seen so many babynifflers <3 and todya I even saw that horse the ones who have seen death before can see. though the game registered it as something comletely else oO'
I usd to play PoGo but then my old phone died in a massive constant restart of itself a year ago.. so i got this used iphone s6 from a friend. it doesnt have much space, even complained when I installed WU