@Bonnie: The first people I came out to about being trans were my very close friends. They accepted me and had no problem with it at all. That they still get my pronouns mixed up? That's okay, they're trying. My dad still has difficulty, but he didn't have an issue with it at all. The only thing he asked was if I discussed it with my doctor, which I did.
I only came to the realization that I'm trans around late February, early March. I thought I was genderfluid, but after giving it much thought, I realized that wasn't the case. With some birthday money I received, I ordered my first chest binder. When I got it in the mail and tried it on... I was so overjoyed. I had never felt so comfortable in my own skin before, something that I've been struggling with for years. I just can't describe it.
Her reaction just threw me off guard...