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Forums Breaker Beach 2019 Static's Nature Scavenger Hunt -A Photography Contest-

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:01:08 )

Not too far out from Breaker Beach a nice hiking trail seemed like the perfect activity to occupy boredom. The greenery, although overgrown, was still a beautiful sight to pair with the droning calls of the cicada. Snapping a few pictures, you see in the distance of tall grasses a pair of horns poking up from the blades. Tempting fate, you take a picture- but the flash stirs it up. Rising to his feet, white silky hair swaying in the wind Static tilts his head at you. Embarrassed you mistook him for something wild, you face-palm. "Gah, sorry Static! Didn't realize that was you...thought you were an animal..." The alarmingly tall Guardian smiles back. "Well, you could say that I am. A goat more specifically."

He makes his way through the grasses to reach you and simply extends his hand out. "May I see?" He gestures towards your camera. "Oh! Sure, yeah only got your horns there- heh..." Your face flushes a little red as he starts panning through the entirety of the album, unphased by the one of himself. "These are all quite beautiful, you really capture nature's vibrancy."

Out of concern, you forget to accept the compliment. "Aren't you supposed to be at the festival? The entire celebration is in honor of you guardians after all." Static leans forward to view your watch, his face frowning a little. "Indeed, I was here longer than anticipated. Thank you for your kindness....could you do something else for me?" He asked raising his head to face you but his hair made it impossible to make respectful eye contact. "S-sure?" you stutter.

"Being a guardian can be an arduous task, though not one I don't take pride in." He hands the camera back to you before continuing. "Being able to get out and enjoy the simpler things is a luxury I can rarely afford. It would be an infinitely kind gesture if you, and maybe some others you know that enjoy nature-- could take pictures for me." The sincerity in his request was unmistakable, and for a moment you remembered to appreciate the safety that Voltra brings- comes from this very being. "I'll do my best, Static." You confidently assure him, and he smiles sweetly. "I look forward to it...Show me something refreshing that captivates me and I'll happily bestow a fitting prize." He places a reaffirming hand gently on your shoulder, before making his way back to the festival grounds.

(art credit - Kent)


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:01:28 )
You must take photos of the items on Static’s list. Each item accrues the listed volts for you.
The more items you take photos of, the more volts you receive at the end of the festival.
The top three who capture photos the most off of the items on the list win exclusive prizes.

Photos submitted must have your handwritten username somewhere IN THEM.
Please submit photos with as many items as you can fit clearly in each picture.
Place photos in a spoiler or link to photos
Please be sure to include all or most of an item in a photo, preferably in good lighting.
Disclaimer: photos submitted must be taken by the user who submits them.

Submission Form
Item(s) Shown:
[spoiler=Photos][img][/img][/spoiler] or [url=]link here[/url]

1st Place - Static CI & Event bundle & volts amassed
2nd Place - Frizz CI & 3 goodie bags & volts amassed
3rd Place - 2 goodie bags & volts amassed
Participation Prize - 1 goodie bag & volts amassed

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:01:46 )
Scavenger Hunt Item List

-red leaf
-green leaf
-yellow leaf
-brown leaf
-tree stump
-red flower
-purple flower
-yellow flower
-pink flower
-white flower
-deciduous tree
-conifer tree

-animal footprints

-wild animal
-farm animal
-a mountain
-field of flowers


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:02:00 )


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 00:42:04 )
Username:m Another Movie Addict
Item(s) Shown: Cat and Dog.

Far too tired to get the rest. But this is perfect for where I live out here in the woods.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 01:24:48 )

[ @Goblin: So I am. I'll have to take some new photos tomorrow. Lol I'm really too tired to go get stuff to set anything up. Just grabbed random pics of my critters off my phone.



Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 01:31:16 )

[ @Goblin: The doggo's name is Tiny and the cat is Socks. Lol Tiny is being a pain about eating dinner tonight. ]


Donator — ...... Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 01:34:56 )

Going on a hiking trip tomorrow but it’s gonna be really hard to get a handwritten username in a lot of the pics I take; is there a workaround?

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 01:38:42 )

"The alarmingly tall Guardian" l o n g b o y e

i might do this tbh, gives me an excuse to go outside


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 01:46:20 )

[ Username: Another Movie Addict
Item(s) Shown: Stones (Do tumble stones count?)


Donator — ...... Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 02:07:03 )

@Goblin: yeah i really like taking pictures of birds in flight, wild turkeys, deer, that sort of stuff but it’s super hard to get a small stationary object into a pic like that bc by the time you do, the critters will be gone.

plus with the speed at which my family hikes up a mountain, they don’t have time to stop and wait for me.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 03:53:03 )
I love this! I'm imagining all of the stuff I can fit into one photo. :vanora-celebrate:
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 04:10:57 )
@Another Movie Addict: As Goblin said, you’ll need to provide your handwritten name in your photos of your cat & dog.
Hope I’ll see a resubmission later.

But yes, I’ll accept those for stone. Thank you! :statichappy:

@Goblin: After consideration, I’ve decided to add another item to the 100v tier. Cow will go under the new item, Farm Animal.

Exotic Animal has also been changed to Wild Animal.

@Espy: Your handwritten name on your finger, hand or body would be acceptable if you’d rather do that.

I may also accept a proof photo. If you have no time to add your handwritten name for a photo, you may come back to the scene of the photo when you have time and include your handwritten name in a new photo that shows the same location.

Donator — ...... Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 04:59:32 )

heck thanks

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 07:14:30 )
@static: Hi, question. Can I post pictures from my Instagram account? They didn't have my name on the pics but sure thing is, it is my personal account. I have some pictures of my cats and a beetle there. Is it allowed?

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 07:36:42 )

for some of the things on the list, does it have to be real or alive?
cause i have a framed butterfly somewhere,
i've also got fake butterflies if i can't find the preserved one.

i'm guessing real but dead might be okay but fake is not?
(Avatar Closet)

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 08:10:48 )
Username: Fielkun
Items Shown: Brown, Yellow & Green Leaves (of Cacao tree)
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 09:22:31 )
I just might try this, not too sure with how I've been feeling.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 12:40:08 )

[ Would shortening my name to AMA be allowed? o.o I had interesting photo ideas, that would be easier if I could shorten it. ]


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 15:15:00 )
I just went to the beach last week rip me

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