Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 16:11:23 )
Oooh his is a perfect timing for where I am right now.. at least for some parts.. the diffferent colored leaves will be very hard to find x'D
But I will most likely go to a market tomorrow, right by the beach. So at least that will be down if I can igur eout a way to incoperate my name ( writing it on a finger could possible be a solution but I fear it would be smudged by the time I have passed the horses or lifted things for my dad ^^; ) 8D
Npc — He/Him
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 18:38:58 )
@Fielkun: I'd prefer you take new photos just for this contest.
If you insist on using those, I'll only accept them if you can give me a proof photo as explained in my previous post.
@Zuzu: You assume correctly, I'll accept dead but not fake. Alive would be most appreciated though.
@Another Movie Addict: I will accept shortened versions of your name if that will help you, yes.
All entries so far have been added to submissions now.
Donator — They/them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 19:22:45 )
@Static: ok i will aim for taking pics of live things, at least i won't be killin any critters and i promise i don't have alot of taxidermy animals besides a butterfly which was a old thrift find. ^u^;
Donator — They/them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/23 06:37:50 )
Username: Zuzu
Item(s) Shown: 25v each:
seed(s), pinecone, red leaf, green leaf, yellow leaf, brown leaf, grass, tree stump, red flower, purple flower, yellow flower, pink flower, white flower, deciduous tree, conifer tree, fruit, vegetable, stick, rock/stone, sand, shell. 50v each:
spiderweb, spider, feather, cat, bird, squirrel, nest, butterfly, ant 100v each:
cloud, a mountain, sunset, rainbow, forest, garden, field of flowers
red leaf, green leaf, yellow leaf, brown leaf
tree stump
red flower, purple flower, yellow flower, pink flower, white flower
(purple flower looks blue in the pic but it looked purple irl)
deciduous tree, conifer tree
fruit, vegetable
sand, shell
spiderweb, spider
squirrel (not the best photo but he hid & ran away afterwards)
nest (i swear it's a nest and not a bag of sticks, also i have no idea why but my dad had this nest in the garage)
butterfly (fast flew everywhere, had to snap pics without name first)
mountain (covered in trees, far off in the distance)
rainbow (if shinning a light through a crystal ball counts)
garden (mom's garden got taken over by the ferns.)
field of flowers
I managed to get pics of most everything except these:
acorn: since it's not the season for it,
"Most acorns mature in late summer and begin falling from the trees in September or October."
dog: too shy to ask person with dog for a photo XD
animal footprints: hard to find after all the rain lately.
beetle: i saw so many bugs on my hike but do you think i could find a beetle.
wild animal: didn't see any, i could take pics of some bison but too far of a trip.
farm animal: none nearby.
beach: too hot to bike to it, even tho it's near-ish, also bike tire broke.
moon: where is the mooon, heck can't find it lol. cloudy n shit.
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.
Npc — He/Him
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/24 00:10:34 )
@Another Movie Addict: Could you possibly get a clearer photo of your dog? I can't accept that one.
& I'm not entirely certain on what items are in each photo in your latest entry post.
Is it sticks & grass (1st photo - love the creativity!), red leaf (2nd photo), forest (3rd photo), red leaf (4th photo - think I'll accept green leaf for this one too), white flower (5th photo - I'm afraid I can't accept that one if so), sand & pinecone (6th photo) & cat (7th photo)?
@Uncledaddy: No limit, just take as many photos as you'd like while including all the items on the list~
Only require one of each item to be shown anyhow.
@vintage: I believe you forgot to mention the sticks? I've included it in your entry anyway.
@Zuzu: Appreciate the organization to your post!
I'm going to accept deciduous tree & forest for your forest photo and ask if you might be able to provide a photo of an entire conifer tree?
I'm afraid I can't accept your photos for the items bird, squirrel, rainbow and garden.
I hope you can find an acceptable replacement for each! & good luck with the rest!~ :statichappy:
@Goblin: I like the labels, thank you!
I can't accept your photos for deciduous tree (I'd like a trunk included) and yellow flower (need a blooming flower) though.
I hope replacement photos aren't too much trouble.