Donator — They/Them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/23 06:06:59 )
@Samspyroxis: heya!! :D
@lunakiri: That sounds legit! Printing shouldn't be bad and if they are card-sized, shipping would be only a dollar or two tops. Tracking adds a lil' bit but for my small things like stickers I don't include it standard.
Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/23 06:30:52 )
Yeah... I know that feeling. Lol.
You really should just get to it, lol. If only just so you don't ahve to deal with anything other than a case of 'OMGI'MOUTOFTIME!' kinda situation. XD
Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/23 06:43:57 )
Lol. I know that feeling. XD
It's rather irritating.
It's oneo f thoise 'I wanna art' things, but... my muse is all 'nuuuu working on things you owe is bad. bad! so work on other things' or whatever.