Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/12 17:12:11 )
[ I did. Told him he needed professional help. Lol dude I only took intro psych in high school and one other psych class in college. I am not a therapist. ]
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/12 20:14:21 )
@vengeance: I was watching you eat dinner. 👀 How have you been enjoying your day so far?
I spent my afternoon trying to play catch up on Pokémon go. xD I keep getting gifted eggs from Europe that keep hatching Green grimers. Gonna start a grimer army.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/12 20:30:45 )
@Tsundererra: My day has been fine. I had pancakes. I did some Pokemon Go while I was in a zoo. Catched 1 new pokemon and it was 14CP :/ Also hatched a pokemon I did not have yet :D I saw an Onix on my radar but it was a bit to far away :/ I have never seen an Onix pop up before.
Lol at those grimers. I hatched a Green Grimer as well from a gifted egg and that one was from US.