@Totalanimefan: Totally fair. Sometimes I gotta get out and get some coffee, myself, lol.
Largely don't head out aside from that though, tbh.
And yeah, I know that Biden has to do more than just get Covid shit under control.
But it's a start. If he can wrangle THAT mess, then I'm pretty sure he can handle nigh on anything.
Although, at the same time, he's already got experience dealing with the higher end political shit, so hopefully it goes well~<3
Also, he wasn't your first? Who was, if you don't mind my inquiry.
And I totally get you. It's both a good thing, but also a bad thing.
Bad that the situation even happened, but good that people are willing to help out, even if just a little bit~<#
♫Turn off my brain, this all feels the same♫