"Good. That's one thing taken care of." Sierra commented with a soft smile before sighing.
"As for myself, I'm all right." She said as she got to her feet.
"A little rattled, as I haven't screamed like that in ... far longer than I care to admit." She continued before sighing.
"... might... might have to vanish for a few days, or longer." She said after another second or two.
"I... can almost feel what I am trying to grab hold again." She added, which made it rathe rapparent that the reason she was so calm and level, was because she was suppressing her natural instincts. She did so admirably, admittedly, but it was still there.
♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯