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Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 05:15:10 )
You can die anytime...

Aria nodded quietly, listening as Troy spoke,"I don't mean to clash over silly things." She said,"Sometimes we just do. I always feel awful afterward because I get so frustrated and then that just makes things worse. I've been having a hard time trying to keep my emotions under better control because there will be times where it won't matter how I feel about things. It's just been a bit harder than I thought." She paused slightly,"Sometimes I'm afraid I might annoy or talk too much intentionally... I've had a lot of upset from the other maids about it..." She fiddled with her hair nervously,"I hope I can learn to make things least stressful in the future."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 05:23:27 )
Troy watched both Aria and Lyle, Lyle was silent as he always seemed to get whenever conversation was happening around him. He listened to Aria and smiled. "Well miss Aria, it isn't supposed to be easy. Of course, you shouldn't quote me on anything I say since I am not engaged at the moment. However I'm just stating the obvious. Lyle told me that you two don't talk for days after an argument. Is that really true?" he asked. He had a feeling that after he left back for home, this wouldn't be the last time he spoke to this interesting couple.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 05:35:49 )
You can die anytime...

"Well... yes." Aria said,"Usually it's only a day or two. But the reason for that is, I worry that if we don't take the time to calm down a bit, one of us might say or do something to make things worse." She wanted to be honest about the whole thing, as she hated not getting things figured out. Plus she hoped maybe Troy could help them figure out a way to keep the petty arguments from happening less often.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 05:51:22 )
Troy listened to Aria and nodded, "Who's the one to initiate a conversation after a fight?" he asked. "That's Aria. I'm always too stubborn to start a conversation." Lyle admitted. "I see." Troy said and thought for a moment. "Wouldn't it be much easier and healthier to talk it out before you start fighting? When you both feel or well when either one of you gets upset, don't you think it would be better to just find a quiet place to sit down right there and then and just talk about what it is that upset you?" he asked. "At the end of the day, you might need to just agree to disagree. You both won't always see eye to eye on everything and that's not a bad thing." Troy explained. "Before I came into the picture, did you guys have an argument today?" he asked curiously.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 05:56:35 )
You can die anytime...

Aria wasn't sure what to say when it came to that question. She didn't want to admit they did because, at the time, they argued because Lyle seemed like he was getting jealous that she had accepted that rose from Troy. Whether Lyle was really jealous or not, she didn't know. Just by what he had said, he seemed to have been. She didn't want to mention any of that though. She didn't want to mention the jealousy to embarrass Lyle with it.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 06:20:35 )
"I think the most recent fight we had was... well honestly it wasn't so much a fight. It was more like a pointless discussion because we were talking about how I think all she wants to do is just have fun and how sometimes I feel she forgets that there are rules one must follow when in the position she's in, being part of the royal family now. I think that sometimes she forgets that." Lyle answered. "Okay. Lyle I can understand you getting upset because you might think she forgets how to behave like a proper lady. I get that. However, you can't expect her to be just like you because that's just not going to happen. I'm sure miss Aria knows how to behave in public. What I think the problem with this is, is that miss Aria seems to know when to behave like a royal lady should and she knows when to just be a human female, no title attached. Lyle, you seem to think that you can't have fun because of the title hanging over your head right? You think that you always have to be a prince, you never once think that you can just be a regular human male with no title attached. When you want to have fun you don't fully let go of your title. You let it go but it's always within arm's reach and you still hold on to it unknowingly. Part of you still holds on to it which could be why you don't ever fully allow yourself to just let go and have fun." Troy explained and sipped more of his drink. "Am I right?" he asked Lyle who looked surprised by what he had heard.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 06:50:58 )
You can die anytime...

Aria remained quiet, listening to them talk. That was something she agreed with. It made her sad when Lyle didn't want to go along and have fun, actual fun, and would rather spend all his time with worrying about his title. She didn't want him to totally change though, either. She just hoped he could learn to lighten up a little and have some fun every once in a while.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 07:02:07 )
Troy smiled seeing how quiet Lyle had gotten, "What are you smiling at?" Lyle asked, getting defensive. "Now, now relax. I'm your friend remember? I'm here helping you because I don't want you to lose her." Troy answered, pointing to Aria who was also very quiet. "You two are serious about making this work right? If you are, you need to prove it to each other. Not to me. I'm not the one getting married." Troy said and looked at Aria. "Miss Aria, you've been awfully quite, I hope what I said didn't upset you." he said to her.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 07:08:07 )
You can die anytime...

Aria shook her head,"No. You haven't. I agree with you on what was said." She looked at Lyle,"I would love to see you let loose and have a great time, actual real fun, every once in a while. Even if it's only once in a great while. I know being a Prince is serious business, but life has a fun side to it. I know you have things to learn to one day rule the kingdom, and I don't want to distract you from that, but I think you should have a little fun while you still can, as things will become more serious when you are king."She waited nervously, hoping her words didn't cause any backlash,"I will admit, your seriousness is something I do love about you."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 07:36:10 )
Lyle looked at Aria and listened to what she had to say. "You want me to let...loose?" he repeated. "Lyle you should probably take one day off. Try to just be a regular guy for one day. No title. Just spend that day with Aria and have some real fun. I won't go with you both, so I hope you can behave and try to be nice okay? Do you think you can maybe do that?" Troy asked. Lyle looked at Troy then at Aria, "You want me to let go of my title for an entire day? would one even have fun? How does one even...let loose?" Lyle asked them both. "I'm sure miss Aria can teach you of the ways to have real fun." Troy answered honestly.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 07:45:06 )
You can die anytime...

Aria nodded,"Please?" She said gently,"We can... I don't know.... explore town together..I heard a new bookstore was opening up with books we wouldn't have yet. It might be fun to go there and look around. We could go out with our horses and spend the day in the forest, enjoying nature. Heck, we could even take turns playing the piano together. Just a day where you can have a little fun. We did that a lot when we were younger, and I miss it. I miss the days we would sit and just talk about anything at all, how we would laugh and joke and you would smile, not the polite one, but the genuine ones, the ones that could light up a room if you'd let them." She blushed a little bit as she spoke of those times,"I know we can't have those all the time anymore, but once in a while I think would do us some good."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/2 21:23:17 )
Lyle listened to Aria and sighed softly. She wanted to have fun, he wanted to be a proper prince for the people. He thought about what Troy had said and he had many good points. It was depressing to realize that he and Aria would never fully get along. It seemed that they would always argue but Troy said that was okay. What was Lyle supposed to say now? "Real fun..." he started and ran one hand through his hair. "If...if it will really make you happy Aria. I suppose I can try to have 'real fun.' whatever that might be." he answered and thought for a moment. "I will be honest though, the days you speak of I was only a boy. I had no responsibilities. Those moments I feel will only do you some good since you're the one that wants them back. Aria, I just hope you know that the past is the past for a reason. Things change and even if I want to go run around like a child, I no longer can. I just hope you understand that." Lyle said quietly. Troy frowned a bit, well they had made progress it seemed but there was still a lot of work to do.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/3 00:00:44 )
You can die anytime...

Aria couldn't help but look down as he spoke. She was always going to miss those times. Who wouldn't? "Even with responsibilities, being able to let go of them for a little while wouldn't hurt anything." She said quietly, "I don't want you to do something your uncomfortable with. If you really don't want to relive any of those moments, I don't want you to feel forced you have to." It made her sad that he didn't want to relive any of those times that really meant something to her, those times where it didn't matter she wasn't of royal blood, that she was still important. She didn't mind that he had things he had to do, duties to uphold to. She hated knowing that one day they wouldn't be able to spend much time together anymore, that he would be really busy. But she still wanted this to work out for them, even if they had a few arguments.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/3 00:18:10 )
"He doesn't feel forced miss Aria. I'm sure Lyle would be more than happy to accompany you anywhere you wish to go. Isn't that right?" Troy asked, looking at Lyle. Lyle looked at Troy then looked at Aria. "Aria.." he started, feeling terrible seeing how hurt she was. "Aria come on now, cheer up. If you want to go to the bookstore then you and I shall go to the bookstore. Whatever you want. I just cannot bare to see you sad like this." he said honestly. "See? Not forced at all." Troy said then looked at Lyle. "You're making some progress but I feel we may still have plenty of work to do with you. Whatever you need, you know you can always call me and I shall answer your concerns as best I can. I am no doctor but I will always be more than happy to help a friend." Troy explained with a smile.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/3 00:37:31 )
You can die anytime...

Aria listened to his words and couldn't hold back a smile. She leaned over and hugged him gently. A quick one, as not to make him uncomfortable,"Thank you." She said softly, glad he didn't feel like he was being forced. She always worried he felt forced to do things to make her happy and she didn't want him to feel that way. From now on she was going to do what she could to be more accepting that when he has things to do, she would have to let him be so they can be dealt with. After letting Lyle go, she looked over at Troy and nodded,"Thanks." She said,"For your help and advice. It helps being able to talk to others about it."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/4 21:56:42 )
Troy smiled at Aria while Lyle tensed up at the hug. He still had to get used to them. "It's a shame I won't be staying but you have my number if you ever wish to call and I'm sure this won't be the last time we see each other. Lyle you have a very lovely home and I look forward to visiting again soon." He said honestly. His own kingdom was lovely but there was something about this one that really stuck with him. It was different but he liked that. It was interesting to see the changes in the different kingdoms. "Well you're always welcome to visit whenever you'd like." Lyle answered. Truth was, he liked Troy even though he didn't at the start. He will admit, he is a very jealous man but he had to learn to trust Aria. He had to be confident in himself as well. Now that Troy was leaving with his family, Lyle was going to sort of miss the guy. He was his only friend it seemed.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/4 22:30:07 )
You can die anytime...

Summer faded into Fall and soon, the winter season would be coming. Aria had woken up a bit early to prepare. She was going with the Queen to get some needed winter clothing, because soon they would be going to visit Troy and his family for Christmas. Aria also wanted to get both Lyle and Troy a Christmas gift while they were out and was hoping to ask the Queen's advice about what to get for each of them. She didn't want to get Lyle another book or something, as they had just gotten a bunch of new ones to read together. When it came to Troy, she was just as clueless.

Of course in that time frame of Summer and Fall, Troy had been about to visit a couple more times and in that time Aria saw Troy as a wonderful friend. With his help, she's learned to be patient when it came to Lyle's duties as a Prince, and as future King. She wanted to give them both something to show how much she loved Lyle and how much she appreciated Troy's friendship.

Aria had hopped out of bed and hurried to take a fast bath, getting cleaned up and changing into the warmest dress she had, as it was a chilly day, before heading downstairs to meet the rest of the family for breakfast,"Good morning, your highnesses." She said with a smile when she saw them, giving them a curtsy. When she saw Lyle, she went over and kissed his cheek, as she started to do every morning now,"Good morning." She said to him. She made sure he at least had his coffee before bothering him much.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/4 23:23:43 )
Winter was around the corner and Lyle wasn't looking forward to it. The man was so delicate when it came to winter. He just hated the idea of being out in the cold and getting sick. But hey, it meant more coffee for him though. His mother and Aria had plans to go out clothes shopping. Something only the girls would do of course. He and his father would stay home and enjoy a day with no ladies around. Just the two of them to talk about Lyle's engagement to Aria. He still had no ring and he knew it was about time he made it official. It wasn't fair to Aria to have to wait for so long. Almost an entire year. He did however have an idea for a ring he had seen on one trip he made out without Aria. He had seen a ring he liked but he wanted to change a few things. So really, Lyle had a custom ring ready for her. He just needed to figure out when to present it to her.

He was always happy whenever Troy visited, the three of them always got along so well and they always went out and spent time together. Troy always seemed to keep notes on everything they did. Making sure that Lyle didn't mess anything up or that Aria didn't lose her patience with Lyle. Troy was a very good friend to them both and even when he wasn't around, Lyle was on the phone almost constantly just wanting to talk and check in on how Troy himself was doing. They had planned on visiting Troy for Christmas and he wondered if Troy knew about this or not.

That morning he reluctantly got out of bed, got dressed in some regular clothes, and made his way down to the dining room to enjoy breakfast with his family. It wasn't long before Aria arrived and he gave her a very tired smile. "Good morning my sweet." he said and kissed the back of her hand then took a sip of his coffee, letting out a content sigh. "Good morning Aria, did you sleep well?" The queen asked then grinned. "Are you ready to go shopping today?" she asked her. "Oh right you girls will be out for part of the day. Well don't you worry about us. Lyle and I will be fine." the king said and received a small smile from his son. "Father is right, we'll be fine." he agreed. The queen rolled her eyes and looked at Aria as breakfast was being served. "I think they just want to get rid of us." she joked. "That is not true." The king replied.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/5 00:04:00 )
You can die anytime...

Aria smiled when Lyle kissed her hand, loving the little nickname he had started calling her. She looked over at the Queen and smiled,"Of course, Your Highness. I'm so excited." She said as she sat down with them to eat breakfast,"I can't wait." She looked over as the King mentioned the guys being alright while they are gone. She giggled softly as the Queen joked and smiled,"I believe you, Your Highness." She said,"I look forward to spending time with the Queen when we do things like this." When they had their breakfast in front of them, took a sip of her drink before starting to eat with everyone.

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/5 00:30:55 )
Christmas was something Lyle always loved. Even as a kid. Despite not having any friends, his parents always managed to spend time with him growing up and so all the presents were always for him with a few that his parents had gotten for each other. His favorite part about it all was decorating. He wanted to put the tree up already but he knew he had to wait since it was still too soon to put the decorations all throughout the palace. His father had already gotten a few gifts wrapped up and put away. It seemed Lyle was the only person that needed to get some gifts but he was so bad at that sort of thing. What did his mother like? What did Aria like? What about his father? And Troy? He had to make some sort of list of possible gifts for each person.

"Oh I know, it will be fun Aria, I promise." The queen answered after taking a sip of her drink. She noticed her son wasn't wearing any warm clothes and she found it strange. "Lyle dear, aren't you cold?" she asked him. Lyle snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. "Why aren't you wearing any warm clothes then?" she asked. "Don't have any I like anymore. Also, I am indoors and I'll probably just lay by the fire and read a book." he answered quietly then took another few bites of his food. "You will not be laying on the floor like an animal. You may sit at your chair by the fire, I will not have my family laying on the floor." The queen said seriously, making Lyle smile. "I'll sit then mother. No laying on the floor, I promise."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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