my MacBook keyboard wasn't working again which didn't stress me out much because it'd happened before |D
I just needed an external keyboard
and I found an external keyboard at the daiso. bless daiso
but earlier when I was at the emart I didn't know I couldn't use the gift voucher in the credit card only line. because I was like it's just something to scan so surely it doesn't matter to be in the card only line??? turns out no!
then I was trying to buy a watch
since I had it open in a tab all week lmao
tried to checkout with my Korean card. couldn't find my arc because I needed my alien registration number. so that was panic
I did find it
but then it still didn't work !!! why Korea
so I'm like fuck it
let's PayPal this shit
the confirmation page upon redirect back to the site was like "Error"
!! but I got an email saying payment has been processed
a few moments later the site confirmed my order
● ● ● e