@Tsundererra: that's kind of the same reason I took German. if I were going to take more French, it would've just been like French literature class and not language and I was like ehhh I don't think I want to do that. I really had fun taking German though!
I can't do the stressed consonants at all they just sound the same when I attempt. or I can make the sound but I don't know when I'm doing it because I've had students tell me that I'm making the sound. but yeah! also the eo and o sounds trip me up big time hahahaaa
Thailand was the first place that I went to teach abroad! it was indeed hotttt and humid. well at that time Korean was the only other foreign asian language that I knew so it was kind of like French in my mind was my foreign language for school haha
I try to call him by his full name a lot. xD I want him to learn his name hahaha but I do call him baby/cutie as well pretty often
omg yeah he just walks across my face and then I get worried he's going to bite me with his needle sharp teeth hah
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