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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/25 15:10:17 )
@Tsundererra: yeah if I forced myself to use it more, I'm sure I would improve a lot more. also I could go to Korean classes or something. but I guess I'm not the most motivated right now. I always find starting a new language really exciting and fun and then I lose interest pretty quickly. the interest/motivation goes up and down.

yeah since it's just one of those after school academies, the parents have to pay for them to be there. so it's also more of a business than an educational institute at times


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/25 15:10:40 )
@Totalanimefan: haha I'm back at home for the night. long day |D didn't check in that much during the morning


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/25 17:54:45 )

@eleven: I know how that can be with the motivation going up and down. If you are able to get by with what you already know, then there’s no rush.

Oh snaaaap, then you guys really have the power to discipline them since they can get kicked out if their kid is super bad. What are your hours like since it’s after school?


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/25 18:06:45 )
@Tsundererra: yeahhh I try to tell myself it's fine. but I don't want to come across as an inconsiderate foreigner either |D and I feel bad for not speaking their language. such an inconvenience for them. sometimes it's fun when they just continue in Korean and I continue in English. usually my interactions only require yes or no answers from me anyway

hahaha I feel like it's the reverse because the parents can take their money elsewhere so we have to try to make the parents happy |D but also yes we can kick kids out. honestly though there are sooo many academies to choose from, it's more of if we can keep the students with us or not
mine now is 1pm to 9pm. the classes are 2:30 to 8:15 at the latest. usually ends at 6:20. only a couple classes at the 6:25 to 8:15 block
my first job here was 3pm to 10pm. classes from 4 to 10.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/25 19:06:44 )

@eleven: I don’t think you’d ever come across as an inconsiderate foreigner. It sounds like you try when possible. Plus, they usually feel bad for not knowing English even though they learned it in school, and that stress mixed with guilt shows in their interaction. x__x

Ahhh, I see what you mean! I think we had a lot of those after school institutions in Japan too, but not many outside of Tokyo had legit English teachers.
Oh man, you work so late! O: Do you have weekends off? A friend of mine worked at a similar set-up as you, and she only had Sundays off. T__T It was hard making plans to hang out with her because she was always working when I got off work.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 03:19:06 )
@Tsundererra: sometimes...some people sound annoyed. but yeah they usually are pretty apologetic for not speaking English and I'm like noooo you're fine. this is your country.

hmm I'm not really a legit teacher. like I did get certified to teach English as a foreign language but I'm not a teacher teacher in the US.
we do have weekends off! which is great. just the two consecutive days off. it's not like I do much with my weekends lol |D

@Totalanimefan: yesterday was busyyy. hence not online much haha. I went to watch frozen 2 and then just work and home and sleep


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 03:33:54 )

@eleven: I’ve encountered the annoyed people too. x__x I feel like their annoyance is from dealing with previous bad foreigners, so I tried to still be polite. I felt the same as you when they’d apologize like that too. )x Like, I studied French long ago, and I don’t remember anything. I’m not expecting everyone to be fluent if they don’t use a language they studied years ago.

Not many English teachers in Asia are certified to teach in the U.S., myself included. I didn’t even get the TEFL certification/training, though I’m sure that would’ve made things so much easier. T^T But they still consider us as close to a native speaking English teacher as it gets.
Omg, I’m glad you get the entire weekend off! :’3 Hope you get to go out and relax on those days.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 04:29:25 )
@Tsundererra: yeah sometimes I feel weird like I went into a cell phone store on Sunday and wanted to recharge data. they literally just looked at me and said "no not today. tomorrow" and looked kind of impatient. I still remember French xD better than my Korean for sure haha

yeah the fact that I'm not certified in the US makes me feel like a fraud. the TEOSL training helped in theory? but I think the experience I've gotten over time is what helps the most

I mostly stay home and relax xD


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 05:02:41 )

@eleven: You studied French too? :D I studied it all throughout middle school, high school, and a little bit into Uni, and years later I remember nothing. xD
Did they English at you? Or did they say that part in Korean? Still could’ve told you nicer to come back tomorrow. ;~;

You shouldn’t feel like a fraud at all~ for teaching overseas in a lot of countries, it can make you look fancy, but it is not required. My bestie is teaching in Kuwait as an actual teacher (I was just an assistant teacher in Japan), and she has the same certification you do, and no American teaching certification. A lot of the teaching/classroom skills we learn from experience anyways.

You must be exhausted working those hours. x__x I don’t blame you for staying home and relaxing.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 08:27:15 )
◄ { @eleven: I did sleep well~ x3

I moved from Oklahoma to Texas, and it was like moving to another country. 8( I tried to make friends at college, but my interests were too different. And then I changed as a person, and then mom got sick and THAt realllly changed everything. :(
I miss where I was born and raised. OK's not the best place to live (Tornadoes anyone?) , but my friend and many family members live there still. } ►
Hiatus until further notice.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 14:05:59 )
@Totalanimefan: Mr Rogers like the guy from the children's tv show? what was it about?

@Tsundererra: yess I did take French too. I think the same amount xD middle school, high school and then only one semester at university haha
they used English at me haha so basically what I typed verbatim. it did make me feel bewildered like I didn't do anything wrong

yeah I know for teaching abroad you basically just need to be a native English speaker and have a bachelor's degree. I do know some native English teachers here who are real teachers though haha and they seem so legit

I mostly feel tired now from getting up early to take care of the kitten haha xD


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 14:07:37 )
@Zyqi: glad to hear! no more of those late late nights hopefully xD

ohhh that's a far move. it basically is like moving to another country since the US is so big. what are some of your interests? yeah I read about having to take care of your mom. that's such a huge responsibility.
do your other family members ever visit you in Texas?


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 14:30:22 )

@eleven: Oh snap, we had about the same French learning timeframe! But my brain started erasing everything I’d learned the more I studied Japanese. xD

Oooof, you definitely know they’ve had one too many bad experiences with foreigners when they do that. If they had said it to you in caveman talk Korean, it would have been just as demeaning. Japanese people do that sometimes, and I’m like =___= Sorry that happened to you. ):

Omgggggggg, you have a kitten?! :D If I had your work hours, I would be sleeping in, but taking care of a pet would keep you getting up early and keep you from feeling the work blues. :3


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 14:43:56 )
@Tsundererra: haha I decided to take German for 3 semesters in university instead of continuing with French and it was confusing at first because French was the "foreign" language in my mind xD

yeah they probably just were being matter of fact and that was the best they could do. it's cool. I try not to let it bother me.

yep! I got him the 9th. I usually get up at 9:30 but he gets me up at 7:30 haha pretty regularly every day


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/26 21:32:09 )

@eleven: I took a year of German in high school! But omg, that one I barely remember anything useful. xD But I know how it is when you’re switching to a new foreign language. It takes the brain to adjust.

Omg, then he’s still just a baby! What did you name him and what color is he? :3 7:30 is so early, but I guess he’s starving at that time. D’x


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/27 02:33:19 )
@Totalanimefan: oh so what happened in the movie? was it just about his life?

@Tsundererra: xD the same languages but I never learned any Japanese haha
I remember far less of German than I do of French but I can understand some basic stuff. yeah! when I went to Thailand to teach English I kept thinking I should respond in Korean because that was the asian foreign language in my mind. I'd learn some Korean on my own in 2012 just for for |D

he is a baby! he's only like 7.5k weeks old :> smol child
he's orange. I named him moon pie. ugh yeah he comes to wake me up and play and I'm like nooo let me sleep


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/27 02:43:03 )

@eleven: I took Japanese because I felt done with French and wanted to learn a language from a culture that was nice. It was between Japanese or Korean, but errreghhhh I can’t pronounce Korean words properly. xD

Ooooooh, Thailand sounds like an interesting place to teach~ that climate is hot and humid though. x__x I’m sure you know more Korean than you think if your instinct is to reply in Korean.

Omggggg what a cutie kitten~ Do you call him by his full name? xD Waaaah, he is such an energetic fur ball. When I used to catsit for my friend, the cat would wake me up in the morning too, and I would shoo him away and snooze... so then he would put his butt on my face. )x Another time he attacked all my nendos. They take morning attention time seriously.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/27 03:11:11 )
@Tsundererra: that's kind of the same reason I took German. if I were going to take more French, it would've just been like French literature class and not language and I was like ehhh I don't think I want to do that. I really had fun taking German though!
I can't do the stressed consonants at all they just sound the same when I attempt. or I can make the sound but I don't know when I'm doing it because I've had students tell me that I'm making the sound. but yeah! also the eo and o sounds trip me up big time hahahaaa

Thailand was the first place that I went to teach abroad! it was indeed hotttt and humid. well at that time Korean was the only other foreign asian language that I knew so it was kind of like French in my mind was my foreign language for school haha

I try to call him by his full name a lot. xD I want him to learn his name hahaha but I do call him baby/cutie as well pretty often
omg yeah he just walks across my face and then I get worried he's going to bite me with his needle sharp teeth hah


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/27 03:12:10 )
@Totalanimefan: I see. I see. was it from the point of view of that person?
kind of like a documentary?


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/27 03:26:05 )
@Totalanimefan: how have you been recently :>

and after love and loss and all the tears that I cried, I find that here we are in the future

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