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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 02:57:11 )

      It's just hard to do things like that when I don't have anything for inspiration.
      I was trying to do something for one of my own threads, but that didn't end well.
      Perhaps I should stroll through the hangout or event threads and try to get inspiration from someone's username or thread title...

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 03:00:36 )

      What I do have inspiration for is some more OC creation.
      I've been trying to find good male face claims, because I need to get better at playing males, and there are some PROMISING faces in my new collection.
      I've also gathered some more female faces, but I really need to keep my focus on the males.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 03:02:01 )

      My newest male OC is excellent.
      Created for a discord RP so I can practice playing guys and my friend can practice playing girls.
      We have equal and opposite issues. lol
      And I am loving the RP we have going for them.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 03:13:01 )

      The ease of this new male OC might just be because he's kinda like me.
      More of an outcast kid.
      I can relate to him more.
      The previous male OC I made was nothing like me.
      Popular jock type.
      I can't relate to that.
      Shit's impossible.
      I'm the laziest bro on earth so to have a jock character...
      I'm in over my head with that one. lmao

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 03:17:45 )

      Oh, hello asshole mood swing.
      I did not invite you here today.
      Don't want ya.
      Please go.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 18:44:41 )

      I logged onto my mule and wow, that hoe is rich.
      She's got 50k and I'm sitting here broke.
      She also got some Ohms.
      Not too much, but she got em.
      What she gon' use em for?
      What am I gon' use em on?
      I won't.
      That's why I gave them to her.
      Safe keeping.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 18:45:53 )

      In other news my homie Nic keeps asking me for relationship related advice and I'm like...
      Bruh... I literally have not dated in almost ten years.
      Why do you think I'm the one to ask about this stuff?
      Like, I appreciate that you trust my judgment...sometimes, but I'm not the #1 choice here.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 18:48:33 )

      I also started The Hunger Games the other day, and I finally have complaints about it.
      Usually I don't, but I've been paying attention more lately.
      And it's just hilarious to me that Suzanne had to keep skipping around and swapping what order things happen for the Hunger Games to make it all "flow".
      Like at the Reaping, they draw the girls name first.
      Then for their private training sessions for the Gamemakers, the boys go first - because Katniss has to have her 'last word' moment of shooting an arrow "at" them.
      And it goes back to the girls going first for the Interviews.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/23 19:36:36 )

      Criminal Minds is wild for who they cast as unsubs man.
      First James Van Der Beek, and then Mike Newton from Twilight...
      It's crazy stuff.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/24 20:50:40 )

      Finally made a decent banner for my shop.
      It's not 100% good, but it's not crap.
      So I put it up.
      I do need to get batter at making that particular type of banner though.
      The lines are all rough and blocky...
      I don't like that.
      I like smooth.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/25 03:30:36 )

      Made some minor changes to that new boutique banner.
      It looks a bit better now.
      Less pixelated.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/25 19:22:33 )

      I wish I knew how to make, like, vectors and svg's and stuff.
      Those always look so fresh.
      But idk how the hell to do either of those things, and idk if I'd be able to learn...
      My brain resists lots of things.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/25 19:25:00 )

      I tried to learn how to crochet, and while I think I understand some of the basics trying to practice is just a pain.
      I have this issue where if I'm not instantly good at something, I feel like I'm a failure.
      It's a problem and I am trying to work on it, but ugh...

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/26 18:58:31 )

      I had a very weird dream about my shower/bathroom last night.
      I was trying to take a shower, which was a process in and of itself bc dream me is a dumbass who stepped into the shower fully clothed.
      And I mean FULLY fully clothed.
      I had a hoodie and my shoes on and all.
      And then, just as I get fully undressed I see some weird ass, freaky ass creature on my ceiling coming at me.
      So I scramble out of the shower and wrap a towel on me and call for my grandfather.
      When he comes, he acts like this freaky little creature is nothing more than a spider and kills it.
      But then it explodes in green goo all over my tub.
      So now I'm like... Freaked out.
      Which is bad bc I need a shower (I was supposed to take one yesterday) and now I'm like... Too freaked out to go take said shower...

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/26 18:59:47 )

      Life is a struggle sometimes. >_<

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/26 21:48:54 )

      The Witness is a crap game.
      I'm too stupid for that shit, I got through it only because of cheats online.
      It's interesting in an odd sort of way though, but also wholly fucking irritating because there is never any explanation for it at all.
      It's just endless, confusing puzzles on this island where every - but you - has been turned to stone.
      And there's never any explanation for that.
      You never learn what happened, or why it happened, or what the hell all the puzzles are for.
      I'm so, so very glad I didn't buy it and got it while it was free.
      I could not imagine paying $40 for it.
      It might be worth $5.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/28 01:43:21 )

      My grandfather is still dragging his feet on deciding how much of that stimulus money he's going to give me.
      But at least he let me get a small advance on a little bit of it.
      So now I have a birthday present for my mom coming!
      I want to try and get something else for her, too, but I need money for that.
      And since her birthday is in just over a week, and Mother's Day is only a couple of days after that, perhaps I can leverage that to get the money out of him...

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/28 01:44:20 )

      I just wish he'd stop dicking around and give me a number so I know how much money I'm gonna have to work with.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/28 01:44:45 )

      I have many things I wish to buy, from video games I want - to clothes I kind of need.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/04/29 03:09:10 )

      Fall Guys was on sale in the playstation store, so I bought it. :D
      Now I just have to wait for my controller to charge so I can play it. lol

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