Sad there's no discussion, but I love the updates!!
I remain neutral abut the Nefarious Guard. XD
Looking forward to the inventory updates! I'd be totally fine losing my ability to load my inventory for a week or whatever if it meant the site was still up while you did work. But whatever you have to do.
Jigsaw could grant nothing and would still be a fun feature.
Or a random chance to grant the daily airship items.
It's probably not possible to make a third currency for jigsaw whenever there isn't an event and have Joyful Jamboree sell things for those?
Cause I'm still hoping we get birthday party items someday. OuO
The NPCs are sure to look great! Everyone wants a makeover sometimes!
Literally dying for those February Crates!!!

Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.