@kairie: Scary, also busy regarding food and dishes too.
But still I forgot to ask: Ever watched all 12 episodes of Madoka Magica before?
Forums Role Playing Looking for 1x1 rps
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yeah, need that food. orzz
I haven't, though it is on my list of things to watch eventually! Idk with how limited my time is lately I tend to go to slice of life/romance/cute anime. u Au
I haven't, though it is on my list of things to watch eventually! Idk with how limited my time is lately I tend to go to slice of life/romance/cute anime. u Au
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@kairie: Let's keep it real you needed to eat.
You ever go to Netflix sometime, too?
Also bummer, but that's okay, seriously Rabb.it is badly missed and shame it's not there anymore. :(
You ever go to Netflix sometime, too?
Also bummer, but that's okay, seriously Rabb.it is badly missed and shame it's not there anymore. :(
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I also just needed food in the house bc we might be quarantined soon because of my boyfriend. IDD
I get netflix like, 1-2 months a year bc there usually isn't much on that I want to watch on it specifically lol. Though it has jane the virgin so I know I need to repick up my subscription eventually. lol
I get netflix like, 1-2 months a year bc there usually isn't much on that I want to watch on it specifically lol. Though it has jane the virgin so I know I need to repick up my subscription eventually. lol
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@kairie: Hope he's a tough enough guy in case the nation-wide lockdowns or other things ensure, he'll have to be, really.
Ever tried Netflix Party in the meantime?
It's a pretty cool App from what I saw of it so far and can be handy if you're watching the same thing with more than one person with you, provided they're invited of course.
Ever tried Netflix Party in the meantime?
It's a pretty cool App from what I saw of it so far and can be handy if you're watching the same thing with more than one person with you, provided they're invited of course.
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Yeah, he got tested today so we'll know around Tuesday if we have to quarantine or not. orzz
I haven't but I've heard of it. ;o
I haven't but I've heard of it. ;o
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@kairie: That's good to know, it's a start.
Here's Netflix Party, or at least the Google Chrome version of the App, probably not your preferred browser but it helps a lot, trust me that until more formal alternatives to Trast evolve further, this will help a lot.
Here's Netflix Party, or at least the Google Chrome version of the App, probably not your preferred browser but it helps a lot, trust me that until more formal alternatives to Trast evolve further, this will help a lot.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I use google chrome for everything xD
And I'll check it out when I get the chance. ;o
And I'll check it out when I get the chance. ;o
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@kairie: See to it you do that, if Magia Record: The Animation or Re:Zero Season 01 hit Netflix, I might try using the App for group watches sometime, really.
Glorious news ahead, This new response is for you!!!
Glorious news ahead, This new response is for you!!!
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I hear good things about re:zero ;o
Also same, got my reply out before i wanted to pass out. xD
Also same, got my reply out before i wanted to pass out. xD
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@kairie: I got that series on my 'to marathon the hells out of it' list, soon as I can find a site that's up for it.
So are you better after rest?
So are you better after rest?
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ahaha fair. I just always marathon brooklyn nine-nine or always sunny in philadelphia. Always have those in the background. >>
And yeah my rest helped a lot! Though I plan on catching up on sleep tonight/tomorrow. xD
And yeah my rest helped a lot! Though I plan on catching up on sleep tonight/tomorrow. xD
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@Kairie: Hi! If you're still looking, I'd be down for a roleplay! My university was suspended for a few days and is going to remote learning so I have a bit more freetime than previously. I will admit, I may still get busy and it may take a while for replies to come. But if that's okay and you're interested, feel free to PM me! <3
Ping me for fast replies!
@kairie: It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia is known for having funny choices of intro music, said music is easy to meme too.
Also I'm working on that next response, no worries.
Also I'm working on that next response, no worries.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: It is, it is always a good laugh. c:
And no worries take your time! x3 I still need to think about what I am having for dinner.
And no worries take your time! x3 I still need to think about what I am having for dinner.
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@kairie: Wonder how many seasons are on Netflix yet.
Also I just replied As you can see here,
yet also fair warnings, someone's noted that the 12-episode Madoka Magica series isn't for the faint of heart, so group viewings are best if possible but make sure to withhold spoilers from each other from Episode 03 onward.
Also I just replied As you can see here,
yet also fair warnings, someone's noted that the 12-episode Madoka Magica series isn't for the faint of heart, so group viewings are best if possible but make sure to withhold spoilers from each other from Episode 03 onward.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I think netflix has all the seasons.
I'm not too concerned bc I do like dark anime, I just have to be in the mood. xD
I'm not too concerned bc I do like dark anime, I just have to be in the mood. xD
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@kairie: Just checking to make sure.
Yeah, some Anime are just easier to watch in group with others, for real.
Oh and the newest post with the newest page is all for you, really. :3
Yeah, some Anime are just easier to watch in group with others, for real.
Oh and the newest post with the newest page is all for you, really. :3
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I've never watched anime in a group so I guess I'm weird that way. xD
And same on my end. ;)
I've never watched anime in a group so I guess I'm weird that way. xD
And same on my end. ;)
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