@kairie: At least we're talking at Discord now, so it's all good.
Amen to that much, really.
Indeed, even with the shifting perspectives it doesn't take away that there's many places the folks can go.
Forums Role Playing Looking for 1x1 rps
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I do tend to close discord/ignore it though so voltra is probably your best bet to poke me/talk to me on. xDD
Yesss. And we have so much going on with the antagonists and what not. >:) Especially for Olivia/Kyle.
Yesss. And we have so much going on with the antagonists and what not. >:) Especially for Olivia/Kyle.
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@kairie: At least you're letting me know ASAP, that's much appreciated.
Yeah, whatever Olivia/Kyle reports in, it'll be 'big deal central' the minute the rest of the Forces of Olympus know about it first, really.
Yeah, whatever Olivia/Kyle reports in, it'll be 'big deal central' the minute the rest of the Forces of Olympus know about it first, really.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yeah no worries! uw u Don't want you to think I'm ignoring you.
Yesss. I can't wait. >:)
Yesss. I can't wait. >:)
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@kairie: Same here to you too, really.
Me neither, hence why I'm working on it ASAP!
Me neither, hence why I'm working on it ASAP!
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Take your time! x3 I may or may not go to bed soon since I have to be up in like 5 hours. >> I am getting distracted by youtube.
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@kairie: Who knows, maybe if enough plats get had from all that role-playing, it'll be more than enough for you to do an art request for either Olivia or Ella Pandar, really. ;)
Also I just did a response, feel free to read it and weep before doing one of your own, really.
Also I just did a response, feel free to read it and weep before doing one of your own, really.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: True! x3 I like getting art of oc's I have if I love them enough so I guess we'll see!
And I did my response as well so now time for me to sleep before my meeting in like, 5 hours lol.
Have a good night!
And I did my response as well so now time for me to sleep before my meeting in like, 5 hours lol.
Have a good night!
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@kairie: Here's hoping you get more reasons to love Olivia and Ella Pandar later on the longer it goes, especially more the latter than the former even though the former's gonna have fun moments soon, Ella's fun moments may differ.
But speaking of which, New post just happened, really.
Take care, and nighty-night to you too Kairie, and don't be a stranger over there.
But speaking of which, New post just happened, really.
Take care, and nighty-night to you too Kairie, and don't be a stranger over there.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: True true. We'll see, I do have one oc who I came to love/was born from an rp. u wu So it is possible.
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@kairie: I'm all ears if you wanna talk more about them sometime, seriously. :3
Got any pics for them too?
Got any pics for them too?
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I actually have quite a bit of art regarding her and her partner! u wu
here's some of the artwork I have of her, granted these are just random pieces but alas she is my bby.
I actually have quite a bit of art regarding her and her partner! u wu
here's some of the artwork I have of her, granted these are just random pieces but alas she is my bby.
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I actually have quite a bit of art regarding her and her partner! u wu
here's some of the artwork I have of her, granted these are just random pieces but alas she is my bby.
I actually have quite a bit of art regarding her and her partner! u wu
here's some of the artwork I have of her, granted these are just random pieces but alas she is my bby.
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She's got likable b00bs, I take it she's of Scandinavian descent then. :P
I feel bad I forgot to ask about Olivia's and Ella Pandar's ethnicities on non-Godly blooded's sides.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yes definitely Scandinavian haha.
Hmm this is true we didn't talk ethnicities. xD
Hmm this is true we didn't talk ethnicities. xD
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Cherie's of French blood, Kyle's mom's side is more a mix between French, Irish and Italian, apparently.
But the mom's side are a tough bunch to start with.
Cherie's of French blood, Kyle's mom's side is more a mix between French, Irish and Italian, apparently.
But the mom's side are a tough bunch to start with.
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I'll think of ethnicities when I'm not quite so tired haha. >>
I'll think of ethnicities when I'm not quite so tired haha. >>
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@kairie: Okay.
Say, after dealing with the next RP post, you think you could rest up afterwards while I work on the next one?
Say, after dealing with the next RP post, you think you could rest up afterwards while I work on the next one?
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Yeah I might go to bed after I reply to our rp, I'm like halfway done lol
That or snack on some nutella. >>
But bed is calling to me lol.
Yeah I might go to bed after I reply to our rp, I'm like halfway done lol
That or snack on some nutella. >>
But bed is calling to me lol.
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@kairie: Thanks so much, how goes your day?
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: My day goes good! u wu I just got home, I decided to pick up a few things at the grocery store but omg there was nothing there. :(
So I ended up getting other things they just weren't what I went for haha.
What about your day? c:
So I ended up getting other things they just weren't what I went for haha.
What about your day? c:
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