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Forums Role Playing Demigods and Werewolves 1x1

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 10:35:20 )

"Guns-wise, shotguns or one-handed submachine guns are your best bets, but me?Personally I'd go either way if you gave me guns, just make sure the ammo in it can harm whatever I'm fighting without jamming and we're good, good thing we got the right ammo for this op,"

Kyle gestured to his shotgun behind his back alongside that E-tool he's carrying, not wanting to take much light to being in-charge longer than necessary before he notes this,

"Honestly we need to make sure Lupa's represented well by how we'd fight, but CQC-wise you've dealt with swords and such, speaking of which mine can pierce and bypass enemy defenses, be they Magical or Technological provided that the blade hits, first,"

Not yet willing to draw it out in the open yet still presenting it to Olivia, Kyle held up the sword on his right hand, feeling that a lingering power was inside the sheathed weapon itself, waiting to be unleashed again before Kyle adds this,

"Also, cutting and punching through Titanium's easy for me even without swords, I just gotta hit it first, but yeah, we need to make this strike count, we could split our strike forces to 30 each right now, or we can keep it to 60 in the same group and after we deal with the Breeder Camp and the Prison, get 30-40 of us to carry evacuations while we see the pro hackers among some of us take a shot at finding the tech areas and see about turning the base's defenses against these jacka$$es, against 600 or so of these guys alone we're outnumbered at least 10 to 1, so whatever we're doing we'll have to make this strike count, anyways,"

If after evacuating those in need of liberating they can either take over the base or blow it up afterward, it's a bonus so long as info about the group's sent to the Forces of Olympus and the packs can come back out of the mess alive, really,

"Yeah, Gramps and Athena don't always see eye-to-eye, I know, not judging you if you're cautious of me, but trust me, I'm not screwing you over, I don't work like that,"

Kyle has faith that Olivia knows what he meant by 'screwing her over,' and it was more in the sense of betrayal or leaving her to 'the other wolves' or things along those lines, really,

"Hold on I'll go get the documents, they're right here, guess I made it just in time,"
Cherie pulled out a set of documents and other things in the documents, meant to relay the info that Tundra residence was contacted by the Forces of Olympus to assist however they can, and already feeling that Rizer was busy getting signed up as well on the other side,

"You two don't always agree, but no worries I'm signing up,"

Cherie pulled out her ID card, registration numbers and other things while at the same time she worked to sign up, unveil what her professions are in life-or-death matters in her writing, and once she was sure she's finished her side of stuff regardless between her and her twin brother on the other side who finished their stuff, first, that's secondary compared to what she'll ask next,

"Excuse me, but if the name Ella Pandar rings any bells, well, I'm new around these parts but I'd like to be shown around campus by anyone you'd know with that name, if that's okay,"

Cherie was making subtly careful use of charm-speaking, not to avert work or training, but to make sure the person she's specified would be authorized permission to show her around without messing with the brain-babies something horrid, more to not trouble Ella than anything and making sure she and Ella can avoid having bad times in the long run, but Cherie's expressions in hoping for the specified folks to show her around was readily apparent in her face,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 11:04:34 )
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Nodding as Kyle went off about guns she took note on all the information Kyle gave her. If they were to work together it was important to realize how he worked and how it would work in practice. As he agreed about making the strike count she continued to stare at the map as something lingered in the back of her brain.

"Not that I want to prioritize rescuing anyone over anyone else, I think doing just one strike on the breeder camp would be best." Pointing at the location she had circled she took a deep breath. "Besides it being a horrible location, it could be useful if you wanted to go hostage wise. From what I had gathered there were quite a few of their high up scientists there, granted defenses will be high but," Pausing Olivia thought through how to phrase the next part. "If we were to rescue the breeders who are kept there, even those who are feral it would increase your numbers long-term. Added on if we're able to capture those scientists, I'm sure they know a lot of information. Not to mention the added medical supplies that are located there."

Falling quiet she couldn't help but frown wondering if personal opinion was possibly getting to her judgement. "If you're people are able to get that entry to the breeder camp without my help we could then go," Moving her finger along the map to the defensive area she took a deep breath. "I could break through the main defense here, which could give you access to do a lot of damage and steal a lot of stuff. Though the only main issue with this plan is," Trailing off on her words, Olivia took a deep breath as a frown settled on her lips. "I won't be much help or be able to move after I do what I'm going to do. But it would make the ratio of your people versus them a hell of a lot better."

Looking straight at Kyle she raised an eyebrow. "As for me trusting you I'm not sure I trust anyone on the first meeting, regardless of blood. And the plan I just laid out unfortunately puts me in the position where I have to trust you a lot." Removing her finger from the map she ran a hand over her face before focusing her attention fully on Kyle once more.

"So if I am going to trust you that much I think I at least deserve a meal and a bed. And considering that Athena and Ares could do a lot when together, I guess that means I get the meal with you while you explain why I should trust you fully and how this place came to be." Gesturing around her hand moved to her hip as she continued watching Kyle. "In return I will answer any question you have in order to return the favor of trust."


The two bickered a bit but finally did get Cherie in the system and everything registered, only stopping their bickering as Cherie started talking and mentioned a name. "Ella Pandar, she's one of the daughters of Apollo right?" Al said before the girl next to him gave a quick nod.

"I remember her registration, though her skills are more memorable than she is herself. While it would be better for you to be shown around by someone else, I don't see why we couldn't switch that around." The girl agreed as she typed quickly on the computer in front of her.

"Similar mission types shouldn't cause any issues in the system." Al agreed typing a few things as well before the girl next to him disappeared from the table to through a door only to return a few minutes later holding a small handful of things.

"Here is your ID, as well as your housing arrangement and group arrangement. As well as pertinent information you'll need while here." Handing the things over, the girl smiled. "I'm assuming you know the Apollo girl so there's also a sheet in there for her that will help her when showing you around. Which I think covers everything since you're having someone else show you around, any questions for us?"

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 12:12:27 )

"That's....actually a pretty good idea, keep talking, Olivia,"
Kyle was listening even more intently on Olivia's words than before, regarding why it's best to opt to attack the Breeder Room itself, not to mention that there are high-ranking scientists over there if the info's 100% correct, yes all the more reason to take that part of the place down, one way or another, before Kyle asks on this,

"Listen, we're gonna do the raid once the rain starts happening, it's gonna be heavily raining tonight so we have to time it just right, but do you know where in the facility we can find the outside terminals, in case we can hack into those?"

Kyle was already having some plans going on, not quite willing to unleash Olivia on the Breeder room quite yet if possible, yet not willing to deny her the chance to join the mayhem if she chooses to do so either, yet still wondering if hacking the terminals from the outside can help mitigate the defenses set on the Breeder Room for as long as the operation lasts,

"Marrok, can you check whom among the packs happen to have best experiences hacking networks and terminals?We'll need them for later on,"

Before Marrok gave the honest response 'Roger that' and already went to check by the packs gathered to see the volunteers accordingly, while Kyle replied in acceptance when Olivia made the request of sharing a meal and requesting a bed,

"You got it, we've carried no love for guys like Lycaeon if that's what you're thinking, he may be the forefather of the Loup-garou breed of Werewolves, and on the list of earliest Werewolves alive, but he's an utter jacka$$, seriously!!!"

Kyle had to get this note out there ahead of time for Olivia to hear it from him, before he added this,

"A long time ago, some of the clan's earliest founders were cared for by the same She-wolf who cared for Rome's founders, it's a long story but by choice, they chose to follow and honor the ways of Lupa herself for she was their Patron, of course some traditions and means did change over time but honoring her never went away at all,"

Kyle figured it's best to start with this clan's history for a bit going by what he knew, of course it was obvious that Marrok knew more than he does, but what Kyle knew was still important basics to know, before he adds this,

"I'll do what I can to tell you about my mom, your call if you'd wanna explain which of your parent's a brain-baby of Athena's in turn, only fair,"

As Kyle said this, he was looking around a fire and preparing to set up his E-tool to use as a cooking tool to cook food, in case Olivia would rather not eat any incoming meals raw, 'I could go either way on that nowadays, but I dunno if Olivia can, I mean she's got nice hips and stuff but c'mon!!!' okay Kyle was mentally shaking his noggin while he was also looking to find a meal to cook with the E-tool too, naturally, all while the rest of the pack goes to cook stuff for the freed prisoners and refugees for those among them not eating their food raw,

"This shouldn't take too long, now, in no time I'll get the meal ready,"

"Yes that's her, and Thanks,"

Cherie smiled, feeling happy with the progress made so far while knowing that Rizer seems to have finished his stuff and left the area for now, and Cherie felt the mood to ask about a few things, mainly this one,

"Just 2, One, How often has gatherings like these happened in scales like these, Exactly?Two, how many days or hours from now until the Assembly for why we're here's revealed to everyone?"

Cherie felt that for now, these are the only 2 questions that she felt like asking, knowing that this is pretty much meant to be on a need-to-know-when-its-needed-to-be-known basis, by the time Cherie took the stuff meant for her and Ella, all that's stopping her from returning to Ella was both waiting for her answers, and possibly Ella being called to this location at the moment, really,

"I'd like to know, before I go for now, really,"


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 13:18:03 )
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Outside terminals, thinking about that she did her best to remember before taking her pencil once more and doing a quick sketch within the circle she created for the breeding center. After drawing a few squares to signify buildings she drew 2 small stars on the map. "These are the only two I can remember, there may be more but I can't guarantee their locations." Frowning as she stared at the map a bit more she put the pencil back down shaking her head. It wasn't as if dwelling on it would benefit her in any way.

As Kyle info dumped the girl took every piece of information in and filed it away for later. As he asked about her relation to Athena she couldn't help but shrug as the question was brought up. "Only fair, Athena is my grandma on my mothers side. Guess girls run in the family." Following Kyle as he went about looking for food to cook.

"I don't think I asked the most important question here though, can you actually cook?" Olivia asked raising an eyebrow to the purple-haired male. "Regarding the raid, I'll join if I think the plan has a good outcome. Unfortunately I don't join plans that are going to fail."


"Gatherings like this happen whenever the need arises and-"

"What my idiot brother is trying to say is that these gatherings happen when the need arises. And in about 5 hours is when everyone will be called together to explain why you all are here, to put it simply. Which will also answer your first question a bit." The girl responded before waving a hand. "I wouldn't worry too much about it though, all will be made clear and if you need to know more they'll tell you." Finishing the sentence matter of factly she waved Cherie away. "See you at a later time!"

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 22:25:33 )

"I'll let Marrok know that some of us should be hacking on the Terminals, to get info on if there are other terminals on the place and to mitigate the Breeder room's security every which way possible,"

Kyle replied as mood-wise he went to go grab a pot and a bag of ingredients, looking to make what amounts to carrot stew in case it'll help Olivia's stomach even more than it would his, when Kyle commented on this,

"Hope you're an Omnivore, cooking foods is easy but waiting until the rainstorms happen's hard,"

The way Kyle said it, it was more referring to in light of what Olivia was reporting between the Prison area and the breeder room, rather than in-general, and yet tonally speaking underneath all that, Kyle felt a bit happier, now knowing from Olivia's words whose side of her family held Athena's 'brain-baby' in question,

"Call me chill, but honestly Gramps is my, well, Gramps on mom's side of the family, and if she were here then frankly she would've led the clan instead of me, but..."

Kyle trailed off a bit, more focused on the food he was cooking rather than wanting to dwell on the end of that sentence, and with the words he felt sadder,

"Well I'm cooking right now, I just don't often cook with an E-tool before, I'm more used to using it to dig stuff or fight with it, though I've washed the Tool earlier before I went cooking with it,"

As if to reflect the suspense, though not necessarily Kyle's or Olivia's individual moods, the stew seemed to be bubbling, not yet picking up steam to indicate that it's ready yet, but it seems to get hotter along with what self doubts Kyle has on a matter,

"If the plans failed, I've made the clan look bad by getting a lot of us killed, I do that and I risk making Lupa look bad, too, it's also why I'd want as much info as possible on the place before we raid it, too, and besides,"

Kyle was working to maintain his personal composure as much as possible, taking a deep breath before he smirked on this idea,

"If you join us, you'll be an Ace up the sleeves when the attack's timed right, but it's best we know on what we can do for now,"

Kyle spoke while the food kept cooking,

"Thanks, see you in a few hours,"

Cherie gave a respectful bow, before she ran with the stuff she's got on her and went to where Ella's at, hoping to report to Ella the news so far, as well as the sheet meant for Ella to read since it's pretty likely that Cherie and Ella were gonna be on the same group together, after all, whether or not they have the same housing arrangements or anything close to that's another thing but she was gonna face that bridge when she and Ella get there,

"Ella, how's your sunshine-mooded self holding up with that bod?Ready to show me around!?"

Cherie reached Ella and felt happier in doing so, though she sensed the presence of one of her Aunts nearby when an aura different from Ella's own moved closer to them, a Hot Babe of a different visual 'flavor' from Ella to be sure, but then again when your blood produces the overall majority of hot babes in numbers, that's kind-of a given anyways,


(No GIF, this time, fair warning on Cherie's expressions, oops.)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 00:24:54 )
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Nodding at the mention of hacking the terminals she watched Kyle grab a pot and the bag of ingredients. Inspecting the ingredients from afar her eyes flashed slightly at the mention of being an omnivore. "Of course I am. Not going to be a vegetarian anytime soon." Snorting softly at the thought, she focused her attention on what the man was saying.

As he trailed off Olivia couldn't help but avert her eyes momentarily, death was something that happened among their kind given what was happening with their people but there wasn't a way to lessen the blow. Frowning she chose to give him a short empathetic look tht was easily missed as she focused on his next set of words.

"That's fair and honorable in its own way. Since Ares has a tendency of believing brute force will beat anything, but brute force doesn't always win." Giving a small nod of her head she wondered if maybe it was the fact that he wasn't the son of Ares but just the grandson. "Like I said I kind of have a one shot attack, but it will be a great opportunity for you. So we'll see how working together works out."


While Cherie was registering Ella managed to calm herself enough that she was no longer blushing. In the mean time she had pushed her hair into a ponytail to help cool her body down in case Cherie did anything else that would cause her to overheat. Hearing Cherie's voice she turned around from where she had been standing to look at the other girl. "It was approved for me to show you around?" Saying the words a little doubtfuly, she shook her head.

"I'm doing good, hopefully none of the Athena relatives gave you any issues. Sometimes they're a bit boring." Ella replied shaking her head as she turned on her heel and took off. "I guess we should start with the basics? Training grounds, food areas, living arrangements, other buildings of notice." Nodding along as she thought about the places she frequented. "That should at least cover the bases so you know where to go roughly."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 07:17:55 )

"I'm glad to know that, the wonders of getting to know each other better, I'm telling you, stay tuned and you'll be surprised hopefully for more right than wrong reasons,"

Underneath the laughs that livened up Kyle's moods a bit as he works to look on the bright side, Kyle felt rather bad on things, admitting as much upfront, aloud,

"I'm not gonna pry on your family much if I can help it, not because I'm afraid of talking about myself, so much as I wanna go by what's cool with you first before anything else, I think your dad's a tough guy, and as for that sword I forgot to mention this but between you and me,"

Kyle was careful to mouth the following to Olivia, in case he needs to make sure most of the others can't hear too much about what he's about to reveal to her without saying anything aloud,

"The Sword's blade's made with Inherited Silver, albeit reinforced with things besides conventional Magic and Godly sanctions I don't fully get, yet, Gramps or Hephaestus might know more about the details, maybe Hecate too but I didn't ask the first 2 about it and the last one wants to test me in ways that'd make sense to her, it wasn't 'quiet,' I'll tell you that,"

Kyle sighed a bit, already not wanting to get his list of questions aimed on Hecate or those who'd follow in on her plans showing too early, but complicated relations were alluded to in his words but of a different sort from regards to Ares, before Marrok showed back up and reported this,

"Boss, I've got 12 of us gathered from the 60, they'll deal with the Terminals, did Olivia tell you where they are?"

Kyle smirked, revealing this much while the stew keeps cooking,

"While this thing's bubbling, I'll let Olivia tell you the news, besides if Gramps himself were truly an idiot, he wouldn't be alive now wouldn't he?"

Kyle meant 'Olympian immortalities notwithstanding,' when he asked a question like that, but that's besides the point meant to be made in good faith that's partly responding to Olivia's notes,

"I've even asked them permission to have you show me around, it's gonna be worth it, and uh well...hello there..."

Cherie was a bit focused on the person who seems to be an Aunt of hers by blood, not enough to disregard Ella's presence altogether but certainly enough to show Cherie that Ella's are not the only pair of b00bs to go gaze at, for some reason or another, plus it strikes Cherie's moods just to go check out the new person just because she feels like it,

"Call me Cherie Tundra, I take it that you and Ella met before, or are meeting just now!?"

Cherie was taken a-back, wondering if Ella was just dating this hot babe earlier or if they're just friends or if this Aunt was already registered to go where Cherie and Ella will end up going, group-wise, these things are what Cherie felt very curious to know more about, downplaying her gazes upon Ella's and the Aunt's bodies as much as possible before a sparrow went to fly by the Aunt's shoulder, for some reason or another,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 06:01:04 )
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At the mention of being surprised Olivia couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips. It was rare that she was surprised and if the blood of Ares thought he could surprise her she would be doubly surprised. As Kyle agreed he wouldn't pry into her family life she frowned slightly, not at him but at a thought that crossed her mind.

Perking slightly at the what seemed to be a secret, Olivia focused on each word eyes sparkling a bit at the information on his sword. "To be fair I don't know if any of the above mentioned people would give any answers. I don't know about your relation with the gods but," Voice lowering she sighed softly. "They tend to not care too much about us. At least in my experience." Not giving any additional information her eyes snapped to Marrok as he returened.

"I'm not sure on that, considering I do not discredit Ares' strength. He is one of the few who I think brute force could get him out of almost anything." The girl relented eyes moving back to Kyle. "What news? I think you have a better idea on the type of plan you're wanting to do. I already said if you can get through the breeding facility without me, you could move onto a continuous attack on the defensive area and I can get you in there and take out a good chunk of their enemy forces."


Ella nodded at Cherie confirming that she had asked for help, her eyes moving to the new girl. Eyes going over the newcomer she paused momentarily eyes blinking quickly as the new girl threw her arms around her causing her to stumble back a few steps. "What-"

"You're cute." The new girl said, eyes moving to Cherie as the girl spoke, moving back to Ella momentarily as her arms didn't leave Ella. "Aurora Leviar, and no I haven't met her before now. Ella is it? Have to say that name suits you." Smiling at Ella, whom at this point was a red mess as she was trying to put some distance between the two of them, she finally let go of her only to grab her arm. "What are you two doing here? I haven't seen either of your faces before." Smiling she turned the question on Cherie since Ella seemed to still be struggling with her red face and trying to find her words.

"We should totally hang out!" Aurora continued not giving Cherie time to answer the original question. "Afterall you both are cute, though don't get me wrong, I'm not really looking to do anything funky with a relative." Motioning to Cherie with an apologietic smile she finally paused giving either girl time to respond.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 07:26:55 )

"Generally speaking besides maybe Gramps?It's complicated for different reasons depending on which ones you're talking about, at least with Gramps it's more 'family matters and values' going on than much else, the rest? I'd work to honor Lupa in my own ways but besides keeping the clan out of bad situations alive, I'm irritated I don't always know HOW to do this, it's like I'm not doing enough to make the clan better in the long run,"

Kyle was letting his internal doubts talk before Olivia's and Marrok's eyes while food was getting cooked, if personal doubts could be easily strangled, clawed or stabbed to near-death experiences, Kyle would've done it already, but the lingering irritations in his system were mainly caused by the fact that at present, he CAN'T do that, and it irritates him badly in the long run, while the stew looked to be almost done, cooking,

"I don't blame Gramps for the matters that mom's not around her people, anymore, it's more like 'being left in the dark' sucks hound $hit, y'know?"

Kyle was alluding off-handedly to times when such happenings didn't relate to birthday surprises or anything pleasant of the sort, even if he did everything ELSE right, there's always the nagging sensation he's gonna fall short in one vital way or another he'll never see coming, and then the clan suffers horrendously for that, too, before Kyle mentioned further on regarding Hecate,

"Like I said, with that particular Godly Night Queen, it's complicated for different reasons from why regards on Gramps are complicated, it's like a puzzle trying to figure out WHAT she might be testing me with, but she's not spilling out the details to me on that anytime soon, oh no,"

While the Stew is on the verge of resolving its cooking, and Marrok goes to flesh out the details further, Kyle looked to Olivia in further acknowledgement on those regards, before adding this,

"Let's be honest, the only other person besides Gramps whom I could see could get away with that's Hercules, but Herc's a byproduct of Zeus's gene-recycling mixed with Training from Tartarus and multiplied by a cursed life BEFORE he was 'lucky' to Ascend before he'd succumb to Despair fully, I've met Aphy kids descended from him who'd clear that up, and Diomedes of Arpi, AKA your Grandma's Godly Knight-in-shining armor, he CAUGHT Gramps off-guard during the Trojan War years in 1-vs-1, Athena's help notwithstanding he had the element of Surprise there even if Zeus wasn't restraining Gramps' power too, it wasn't the lopsided matter that The Iliad's first half portrayed it being, hells the first half of it was recaps anyways mixed with stuff from behind the scenes according to those girls,"

Kyle sighed a bit, not wanting to question the Gods more than he'd need to do so before he adds this to Olivia,

"My taking things those girls said with some doses of salt aside, Diomedes fought with both brains AND brawn, if I can't learn to do both as well as I should, we're in trouble with or without your help, that's why I hope hacking the terminals go well as phase 01 of the plan, before we hit the breeding room hard, if we do it right we'll meet you in the defensive area,"

With that, the food Kyle was cooking for both him and Olivia was almost done, and Kyle felt relieved with the progress so far, when looking to Olivia, Marrok and a lot of the others about to eat their foods before them,

"You're an Aunt, one of my parents is one of your half-siblings and another of my Aunts taught me how to sense blood-relations with blood like ours out, yours included though it don't always work even for Aunts and Uncles,"
Cherie was recognizing whom the new girl's genetic relations were with, aware that she's a half-sister for one of her parents, but not too much else on if she was a first-gen Demigoddess or if her father held the blood of one of the other Gods themselves or even turned out to be another Mage, even, info was limited when the most she knew was that the new girl's an Aphy girl, yet part of Cherie felt jealous even though she found the new girl hot, too,

'On the one hand, my latest Aunt I'm meeting now can go from super-pretty at worst to summer-like hot at best, and her b00bs are almost as glorious as Ella's is by 'defaults,' too,' Cherie thought 'almost' insofar as defaults go, since knowing how her Aunts generally can be, they can alter their physical descriptions including but not limiting to eye colors and measurements wily-nilly whenever they please, once they know how to do so, and another of her aunts taught Cherie how to do the same too during their own visits, 'But on the other hand, I WAS DATING ELLA FIRST, BLAST IT, 3-ways are one thing but this Aunt doesn't seem to want any and I dunno if Ella's cool with 3-ways either!!!' Cherie would be lying somewhat if she says she didn't feel some flavor of jealousy with that thought, which would've been downplayed if it was clear whether or not the new girl of an Aunt's down with having them or not,

That first name's the same name as another Goddess whom Grandma...had disagreements with,' Cherie understated the thought, before speaking aloud and withholding the in-depth details, before wrapping her arms around Ella's other arm while Ella gets surrounded by two beautiful Aphy-blooded women for company, really,

"I take it your dad's side of the family gave you that first name, pleased to meet you too Aunt Leviar, call me Cherie Tundra, Aphy's my Grandma, and Ella's the Apollo daughter showing me around, and also I take it you just registered, too, So uh..."

Cherie felt that a question about Leviar slipped her mind against all rhyme or reason, but finding it obnoxious on the TIMING of the situation, though no fault of Leviar's own 'per se', took Cherie a-back to the point of making her forget that vital question for the group's long-haul to not die all over the place, which is almost as bad to Cherie as the fact she felt jealous even though Leviar's a hot babe, too,

"I'm not opposed to that idea, though your honesty's hot, I'm dating Ella FIRST!!! Speaking of which, Ella are you doing okay!?"
Cherie was working to watch her tone, it felt even worse when she remembered that a Sparrow was next to her Aunt and yelled the last part in the presence of one of her Grandma's birds, before she heard what sounded like giggles to her ears from the Sparrow, before the Sparrow says this, in shockingly good human languages,

"This situation's a riot, I was already expecting funny stuff, yet here I am, listening to Aphrodite-blooded bluffs being had, someone's spilled the coffee beans on what they're planning to do at some point in earshot, it's too funny for me to say which of you did it, really you girls are a riot!!!"

The Sparrow was giggling, before the bird says something to Leviar, Ella and Cherie, clearly amused by the 3 in many ways before speaking the following,

"Miss Tundra, you were gonna ask if Leviar's in the same group you and Ella are in, yes?Or did you just forget about it
out of a mix between her looks and body while gazing at Ella's own, and some touches of jealousy over there?"

Cherie was caught off-guard by how well the Sparrow had guessed, already wondering what its name is, just thinking about it while she clutched a bit more tightly to Ella, not enough to hurt her but just enough for the Apollo babe to remember that Cherie's still here, clearly hoping Ella's not too shocked to show Cherie around while wondering if Aurora Leviar is a fellow newcomer or not,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 05:39:09 )
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Nodding vaguely to what Kyle said, Olivia kept her attention on Kyle and then Marrok. As Marrok left she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as she studied the purple haired man farther. Catching the drift of his words she decided to give a small laugh in an attempt to diffuse the stress. "I mean Athena and Ares have always tried to one up each other and surprise each other in one way or another. Be it for better or worse both have their flaws as do their blood relations."

Shrugging at the words she moved sitting on the ground and bringing her knees up to her chest as a soft yawn escaped her lips. Frowning at herself, Olivia looked away really quickly before focusing her attention back on the food in front of her as it cooked. "I admit it's honorable that you want to learn to use both brains and brawn, most blood of Ares just want to join the fight without thinking anything through. If you're working on it that means not all of Ares blood is completely hopeless in that respect."

Nodding slightly at the words she let out another soft yawn, frowning at herself once more. "I apologize for the yawns, I don't think you're boring or anything. My body is just wanting a bit of fuel is all."


Aurora laughed a bit at the name comment shrugging. "Guilty as charged on that. I'm not sure why mom agreed to it, but I guess dad had a good argument to convince her otherwise. As for registering," Shifting closer to Ella as she moved her head around the front of the girl to still be able to look at Cherie she shook her head. "I actually registered a few days ago, but I'm trying to avoid all those meatheads that are training and saw you two from afar. Though I didn't realize a relative was here. But I am glad to have found an Apollo daughter here!" Giggling a bit she watched as Cherie grabbed Ella's other arm, the girl in the middle having no where to escape as sh eturned redder if that was possible.

"Dating? Is that true Ella?" Lifting a hand she cupped the other girls cheek causing the girl to squeak a bit as her eyes went between the two. Ella managed a small squeak, if it was in agreement or disagreement Aurora couldn't tell and her attention was drawn tot he Sparrow as it spoke. "Interesting question little sparrow!" Aurora said seeming not to be phased by the sparrow. "Depending on the group they're in I might be! I haven't been to my complex properly, I've been a bit busy." Leaving it at that, Aurora turned to Ella as the girl finally spoke, words coming out squeakily.

"I-I-I-I think, we should, uhm." Squeaking the words Ella seemed to be struggling as she tried to speak the words. "Definitely get to looking around, checking in our complexes and what not." She managed to get out without stumbling over the last half of the sentence. "A-A-Afterall, there's a lot of ground to cover."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 07:28:41 )

With that, the Carrot Stew was finally done, just as Kyle planned for it to be, Olivia's laughs did do wonders on diffusing the stress of those situations all while Kyle adds on this,

"Yeah that's true, Gramps likely have a few knights and champions representing his interests long before Rome itself was a thing, I just don't know if they're as famous as Diomedes was for your Grandma though, I'll have to ask those 3 Aphy girls about them sometime,"

Catching the comment on how Olivia appreciates what Kyle's working on, Kyle adds this,
"Food's ready, and I doubt mom would've been the sort to think with Brawn only anyways, I barely got to know much about her but even I can tell that's what's up, some of my Uncles I could say the same for, too, oh and your b00bs are big
underneath the clothes, I've just noticed but yeah, lemme serve the food a bit,"

Kyle didn't wanna give Olivia's chest too long a gaze besides brief glances, after all Olivia's a guest of honors, and on top of that whether or not the packs in the Lupa strike forces pull through this alive with neon flying colors and whatnot depends heavily on how truthful and up-to-date her info is just as much as it does how well the strike forces can plan this operation out, considering what'll happen a few hours from now once the rain-storms finally start in deadly earnest, before Kyle noted on Olivia's comment after she just yawned,

"It's okay, you've had a long rough night, and I don't blame you on that, here it's okay to eat this, you'll feel better,"

Kyle just now was serving Olivia a bowl of Carrot Stew, as once everyone else's foods were ready, food was finally served to all in the area, with Kyle letting Olivia go first in regards to her well-being needing to be cared for as much as possible, not eating until Olivia starts eating,

"Likely to do with the one time a certain Goddess you're sharing the name with interrupted one of Grandma's times with a certain War God back in the day, Grandma being Woman of her word aside, yeah not fun times for those involved,"

Cherie mentioned off-handedly the one time her grandma(AKA Aurora the Demigoddess's mother.) did that on the latter's namesake, not out of insulting desires upon those involved so much as the matters of 'what happened did happen' being the general tone at play, some things not being helped that well, some things can be helped, but ah well, right now Cherie went to slide carefully before Ella's eyes, aware this may embarrass Ella further before Cherie quickly replied to Aurora's words, nodding in generally blameless understanding from genetically tactical angles,

"Let's be fair, all 3 of us are related to each other by varying degrees anyways, you meant others carrying Grandma's blood specifically, others who carry Godly blood that's not Grandma's is 'fairer game,' well that's fair enough,"

Of course, such angles are secondary to Cherie, what's primary is hoping to let Ella lead Cherie the way with maybe Aurora tagging along if she chooses to, but that's besides the point, before Cherie hears the Sparrow talking aloud some more about something,

"It's reasonable if either of you were about to let the Apollo girl respond, but first I think you two should take a few steps away from her a bit, she's surrounded by beautiful women of Aphrodite's blood, of course she's gonna want you in private places but remember you have 5 hours of time from now before a meeting starts, yes I saw how Cherie spoke with Athena's brain-children earlier,"

Cherie felt taken a-back a bit, and clearly worked to see about distancing herself from Ella, and yet part of her still felt cautious and still working against jealousy matters when hoping Aurora will take a few steps back in turn like what Cherie's about to do with Ella,

"Okay, but like I said, I'm dating Ella first before you do, well, that is IF Ella's okay with that, first,"

Cherie told Aurora as much, already taking a few steps back away from Ella to give Ella some space before Aurora does, before Cherie adds this aloud to Ella,

"Do you think that where we're going at least, they might have an area for weapon-smiths or the like in where the 3 of us are staying, since the bigger one is elsewhere in this place?"

Cherie was looking at Ella's flushed face, feeling worsened desires to kiss her lips more deeply against the shocks felt from earlier, but she was restrained against leaping towards her for now when she gently insisted on this, knowing that Ella's been around these parts longer than she and Aurora have been, for quite some time,

"Ella, Since you've lived around here longer than we've had, please lead the way to where the 3 of us are going, we'll follow you,"

Cherie knew that this was a matter of patience, and making the most out of the 5 hours of time that's left before the big meeting starts, it would suck to squander those hours something horrid until then, so patience is a virtue that Cherie's working to make use of, more,

"And Aunt Leviar, let's just save showing each other our bikini pics until we get to see what parts of our Apartment complexes are close to each other, otherwise it might make Ella too nervous too early,"

Cherie gently insisted, careful to not address Aurora as 'Aunt' too much until they all explore the place better, but meanwhile the Sparrow commented on this aloud, regarding Apollo's connections with the following bird types,

"Well, this'll be something to talk to the Doves about later, soon we'll have more entertaining things to brag to those Corvids in terms of what we saw, good enough for me, some of those people are Ella's dad's birds anyways,"

the Sparrow alluded to Corvids in that sentence that was spoken,

(A GIF for Cherie that time, yay!!!)


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 09:02:39 )
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"Famous children of Ares." Pausing Olivia seemed to think for a bit before shaking her head. "While I'm sure there were many, I can't think of any of them myself. Though that doesn't mean there weren't any, to be fair I don't do a lot of research on Ares in general." Pointing out the obvious Olivia gave a small shrug.

Reaching out her hands for food at the mention of food being ready her hands paused as she stared at him not sure if she fully believed she had heard him right. Face turning a light shade of pink realizing she hadn't heard him wrong she shot him a quick glare as her arms moved to cover her chest a bit. "I don't think that is something you should say to someone you just met." Were the only words she commented on it.

Staring at him closely, the girl took the bowl of food that was offered to her, eyes staring at Kyle once more as her mind went back to his previous comment about her. Feeling torn on the fact that if the circumstances were different she would admit that Kyle was quite handsome and had good assets as well, but with how circumstances were she knew it wasn't the time. Clearing her throat her gaze turned to the bowl of food, only hesitating a moment before she began eating. Surprised as the food hit her mouth she let out a satisfied 'mmmm', closing her eyes momentarily before continuing to eat. The food disappearing from her bowl rather quickly as the girl seemed to devour it.


"You're not wrong." Aurora replied merrily, not seeming fazed at all by the possible jab the other aphrodite girl had given her about her name. As Cherie brought up how they all were related she couldn't help but give a laugh. "That's true, but Apollo and Aphrodite aren't too related so as you can see there are no issues there. But Aphrodite on Aphrodite? There are just some bridges I don't cross unless it is for the right one, but I don't think you're the one that is meant for me." Giving the other girl a single finger-gun she gave a smile to Ella, turning her attention away from Cherie.

As the sparrow mentioned that the girls should give Ella space, the blonde couldn't help but agree with the sparrow. If nothing else Ella needed just a bit of time away from both before she self-combusted. Ella hesitated a few moments after Cherie had backed off before giving a soft sigh and took a single step away from Ella, moving her hand to hold Ella's.

"D-Dating?" Ella managed out in another squeak as Aurora kept her eyes glued on the blonde only shifting to Cherie and the sparrow for a moment. "I-I don't think I'm dating anyone yet." Managing it out in another slight squeak face staying red. "L-Let's g-g-go to the weapon s-smith." The girl added quickly, seeming to step away from Aurora and move a little bit closer to Cherie, ignoring the slight turg at her hand from Aurora.

"Follow me!" She said just as quickly as her last sentence, pulling from Aurora as she started walking, ignoring the continuing speech of the sparrow that wasn't helping her situation.

"Let's go mr. sparrow!" Aurora said brightly as she followed after Ella, looking at Cherie blankly for a minute before the smile returned to her face as she looked at Ella's back, deciding not to comment to Cherie about the bikini pics. "I can always show you my bikini Ella! I don't have any pictures but you're welcome in my room anytime to look at it!" She said brightly causing the Apollo girl to stop, seeming to malfunction a bit.

Letting out a few noises that were not quite words, Ella took a deep breath before moving and grabbing Cherie's arm, pulling the girl in between her and Aurora and continuing to walk as she pulled Cherie along with her. "Like I said, l-l-let's go."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 10:00:15 )

"I guess I'll have to show you at some point, but after we deal with this operation when we can pull through it in one peace, for now you gotta eat,"

Kyle commented, having no qualms looking up Ares' Knights and Champions, along with other Uncles and Aunts on his mom's side that could use some props around these parts, before he felt senses of relief that so far, Olivia was eating
and he feels gladder about it before he adds this aloud,

"You're very strong to carry that, not sure if that's on your mom's side or dad's side with the women there, but the strength's there and that's good,"

Leave it to Kyle to honestly comment on her strength, although were times not so serious, he'd be more upfront about the other reasons he'd commend Olivia for her strength regarding her chest, though thankfully Olivia knows he's not lying about his words at all so there's that, while Kyle goes to pour some of the stew in the pot on his e-tool to another bowl he's brought out, before Pouring Olivia another bowl, gently insisting on this in the meantime,

"You're eating quickly, and that's good, it means you're recovering from the worst of your troubles so far, keep it up,"

Kyle really hoped the operation does so well, that he and Olivia can rendezvous at the Defensive area while he and Olivia were eating their food as everyone else eats theirs, also hoping that by capturing the enemy scientists alive, it'll further help with supply runs later in this temporary hide-out when the time's right, as well as assisting in regards to manpower later, for now this much can be commented on Olivia's stomach,

"The way you're eating, you feel like you haven't eaten much in a while before we've met,"

Cherie commented lightly insofar as blood relations go, all while she and Aurora were led by Ella to the next location they were going as they were heading to see where the nearest weapon-smith was at, since the smaller forges might be closer to where in the area the 3 of them would be staying at, yet still pale in comparison to the bigger forges in boot camp, but She won't go sweating the small stuff for now, when Cherie felt like focusing part of her attention on Ella's b00bs and hips for a bit, before Cherie offered this to Ella,

"When I visit your room, I could go bikini-clad in case it makes you feel better, oh and in the meantime are we closer to where we'll find any weapon-smiths yet?"

Cherie hoped she didn't worsen Ella's conditions with what she just said, as Cherie may not be in a mood to get outdone by her hot aunt, yet at the same time she wasn't eager to short-circuit Ella before 5 hours passed either, or else there'd be no fun to be had before then as Cherie felt Ella's hold on her arm, still watching Ella lead the way to where the 3 of them are meant to be going, anyways while Mr. Sparrow commented on the newest happenings,

"This situation's entertaining to me, I really dig the calm here, not as much as the doves would but it's just awesome and this situation's funny,"

Which in all fairness wasn't that helpful of Mr. Sparrow to say, but well, Sparrows are meant to be Aphrodite's birds for a reason alongside the doves, so what can you do?In the meantime, Cherie goes to look more closely as she worked to focus further on if the 3 of them and the bird were closer to where they gotta go, while still cautious as to what Aurora be planning in the meantime as the 3 hot babes and a bird kept moving, until they've reached their intended destination at last, before talking aloud,

"Can't let my brother Rizer outdo me before we look around this place, hey Aurora, what's your professions!?"

'And I can't let Aunt Leviar outdo me regarding Ella, either, but one thing at a time,' Cherie thought privately to herself, working to downplay the jealousy impulses she was feeling as to not fluster Ella too badly before the 3 of them get to their shared building for their squad, which is meant to deal in Covert ops and support whenever possible in their case.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 22:40:28 )
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Continuing to eat Olivia seemed to quiet down her attention focused on the food in front of her. As Kyle poured her another bowl her eyes looked up at the man momentarily before going back to the food.

"It's not for lack of eating." She paused between bites eyes scanning Kyle again as the girl decided how much she should say. "I just used a lot of energy and need to replenish it, which at this time the easiest way to do so is to eat." Seeming satisfied with the answer she gave the other man, Olivia went back to the food emptying her bowl in no time.

Realizing that she had been possibly a bit rude with ignoring Kyle while she ate she cleared her throat as a faint pink colored her cheeks. "I apologize for my behavior. Thank you for the food, I really do appreciate it." Giving a small nod to Kyle, Olivia let out a breath feeling content with the food in her stomach.


Trying to calm her beating heart down, Ella was almost successful in having it beat a little less, Ella couldn't help as her steps stopped at Cheries next words. Processing them the Apollo girl was sure her heart was going to eventually stop beating she shook her head. "I think everyone should keep their clothes on." Ella seemed to almost yell as she took off walking again, the faint giggle of Aurora reaching her ears.

Glad when they finally reached the weaponsmith, Ella couldn't help but let out a breath as she gestured to the building. "Here we are, Hephaestus' kids hang around here for sure and are the main ones dealing with the weapon forging. You're both free to go check it out if you want? I have to go to another one to get some of the item upgrades I asked for but this is the main one. We can split here if you want?" Ella asked, managing not to stutter through it.

Though the girl seemed to malfunction more as Aurora seemed to get closer a small frown coming to her lips. "You can take me with you I don't need to go to-"

"Cherie you should take your aunt in there so you both can get weapons! Then afterwords we can meet up and continue our tour." Moving behind Cherie fully, Ella put both hands on the girl as she used Cherie almost as a shield. Moving a bit closer to Cherie's ear from behind, Ella lowered her voice to barely above a breath. "If you leave her in there distracted once you're done I'm sure we can run." Before pulling away and backing away from both girls. "That sounds like a plan right?" She squeaked out, in reference to them both splitting up and not what she had said to Cherie.

After a small frown Aurora finally gave a nod. "I guess if you insist on it Ella I can't say now to that."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 04:02:28 )

"Thanks, and I said stuff too early anyways, we've just met,"

Kyle wasn't too worried about why Olivia ignored him, in the sense that 'these things happen' when he says things earlier and that it could always have been worse, when Kyle went to eating his own bowl of carrot stew before he looked at her chest and eyes, careful enough not to let anything on his bowl spill over his clothes at the moment, though not as long a gaze as he gave her chest earlier, more like 3 seconds at most before adding this,

"Heh, Once we're done eating, we can wait out the next few hours together, going over how many of what weapons we've got, our guns are a bit more limited than our other weapons though,"

Kyle was honest when he felt the need to check by how many guns were readily available once eating was done, keenly aware that to have enough ease with taking the Breeder Room once the Terminals are dealt with would require folks good enough with handling guns, anything less won't be cutting it at the moment even with Kyle's and Olivia's mutual planning, that much is clear,

Cherie after arriving to the destination with Ella and Aurora carefully respected Ella's wishes, regarding everyone keeping their clothes on at least for the time being, not wanting to choke Ella out of breathing room in the long run by refusing otherwise, before Cherie admits aloud,

"Sounds like a plan to me, besides I've got some plans I'd like to share to the most professional crews at the forges around, but I got an idea for what stage 1 of the upgrading plans should be, anyways so we should be good once I share the upgrade design plans,"

'Besides, my folks gave me the plans and what matters in terms of what orders the stages should be is that the orders befit my fighting style with weapons, same with Rizer really,' Cherie withheld from saying the thought aloud, but still felt curious to ask about what Aurora's preferred weapons are, not ignoring for a minute what Ella whispered to her ears before Cherie nodded to the Apollo babe, all while Mr. Sparrow was observing on the happenings at work while Cherie prepares to distance herself with Aurora from Ella, casually striking a conversation with Aurora about the following, finding it troublesome that she didn't ask Aurora about it sooner, even though it's fairly justified why Cherie couldn't get around to asking earlier,

"Hey Aunt, I never asked before now, but some of Grandma's Power-related gifts aside, we never talked about your weapons or how you'd tend to fight, didn't we?Please Tell me more about that, I'd like to know more so long as you're willing to tell about it,"

'Don't bring up specific weapon designs before reaching the weapon-making crew that's needed unless she's gonna do the same, this kind of thing's Tundra policy,' Cherie thought privately, aware that it's best not to divulge what weapons if any Cherie preferred using before Aurora does the same, and just as aware that what she's gonna need would be best-done from a mix between Hephaestus and Hecate/Hekate kids at least, plus Cyclopes who've gotten grips on weapon-forging even if they're still working to improve themselves on the other stuff too, a Hermes kid or two involved in the staff was optional given that Hermes had 'Co-God of Alchemy' on his domains list next to the House of Life's Founder-God, Thoth, it's a bizarre legacy regarding when the Gods of Olympus visited their Khemetian(Old Egyptian) neighbors for whatever reason, it could be any but now's not the best time for Cherie to ask about that, the Alchemy helps with upgrading transitions anyways,

"Also who taught you how to fight, if anyone?Unless you were self-taught, that also has its own edges and downsides,"

Cherie had to comment, as she was already closer to the forging crew to present the blueprints to the upgrading plans for her weapon to them by the time she got to them, right on cue a resume of shockingly attractive, albeit somewhat busy, folks were working together among the collaborative teams and the cyclopes weren't too shabby either, but that's secondary to why Cherie's here for the time being when she prepares to show the blueprints to some long-term plans, complete with the family insignia in case anyone in the staff's in on it,

"I already got what order I'm gunning for insofar as Stage 01 of the blueprinted plans go, keep the plans here, oh and here, take this gemstone I've brought with me, it's for the weapon I'll show you later if you'd accept this,"

Cherie would only show the crew her weapon she'd want upgraded, if it's clear the staff's interested in upgrading, better to also know what's up while waiting to figure out what weapons Aurora would be using or desiring, if any,

As for Mr Sparrow, the Sparrow of an unknown breed is still with Ella for now, having a hunch that if his relatives won't end up watching more of the show, some doves will be watching at least before talking with Ella,

"No corvids showed up or I'd be seeing red robins or bluejays tell you hello, at least your day's fun so far,"


(No Cherie expressions this time but her primary weapon of choice is showing.)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 08:15:06 )
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At Kyle's somewhat apology for his earlier comment Olivia let out a breath as reason won over her own emotions. "To be fair I think it was more of everything that is going on around us versus it being too early. Especially given my current mood." Admitting that she was in the wrong for it mostly, Olivia leaned back resting her weight on her hands behind her.

"Sure sure. Feel free to let me know about anything and everything you have. Although based on the morale here," Lifting a hand up she gestured around vaguely. "I'm sure you can come up with a plan that will work. Otherwise you guys wouldn't be here like this." Speaking her honest opinion, Olivia closed her eyes momentarily as she let out a breath feeling full of the stew.


Aurora's interest in Cherie seemed nonexistent as they entered the forgery, eyes moving over to Cherie for just a minute. "I learned from a son of Ares on how to fight, he was real great at fighting and all that. Not so great at anything that involved emotions." Flippantly speaking she shrugged looking over at the girl next to her. "What about you? Your parents fighters, or maybe our godly relative hooked you up?" Not speaking about her fighting style or weapon. Things like that were sometimes the biggest weapon you had, she didn't want to spoil anything like that.

Watching as Cherie went off to upgrade her weapon, Aurora gave a small sigh as she decided to choose a random worker as she started to request her own weapon. The girls aim was a spear of undecided design which she would leave up to the worker she chose. The girl focused her full attention on the worker, deciding to let Cherie do her own thing.

While the two girls were getting their weapons Ella took the time to take deep breaths as she slapped her cheeks lightly. "Calm down Ella calm down. I'm not sure why two relatives of Aphrodite want to be around you like this but it is no big deal. Just need to get rid of one and you will be fine." Muttering the words to herself she jumped as the sparrow spoke up, seeming to have forgotten the small bird was still there. "Y-Yes!" She agreed panicking a bit more.

"Is that normal?" She asked the sparrow, obviously referring to how Aurora and Cherie had been acting. "That can't be normal right? I mean, I know Aphrodite's relatives are known to be flirty, not that it is a bad thing." Back tracking the girl struggled to come up with the correct words. "But usually they aren't like that right? Usually it's the other way around, the person chases them versus them chasing the person."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 10:38:57 )

"It's okay, you're honest, I need to see you be upfront about it more often, we've just met and already you did a lot, underneath your looks,"

Kyle was nothing if not honest about that, working to let reason and emotions stay in-sync for what they'd agree with for now when by the time he was done eating, he felt like he had enough food from the pot before opting to share some with some of the others in the area, if they should choose to accept that, all while at the same time adding this much,

"Besides, you never know when the next meal or gathering ends up your last, so sometimes you gotta treat life outside of fights like one big party, life or death matters when they start are complicated animals, take it from me,"

As while Kyle passes the food around personally, Marrok admits his personal thoughts on the timing of the situation regarding what Kyle did, thinking about it,

"It's oddly funny, not every day you see Kyle the boss say his thoughts on a woman's looks and body in earshot among a lot of us, not because he doesn't want to but timing-wise this feels different, that's for sure,"

While Kyle was still busy making sure everyone both among the strike forces and among the liberated prisoners were eating, Marrok admits this,

"The original Sir Marrok was among some of our Ancestors, you can just call me Captain Marrok or Marrok if you'd like, but fair notes that Battle Magic's more liable to hurt me than it would've with him, although you'd need a lot of it,"

Noting off-handed that he was resistant against Combat Magic to a point not yet shown, the Captain admits this much aloud,

"Besides, I'm volunteering to help out with hacking the terminals, while I won't be alone in this, if any enemy machines come up and I'm not transformed, I'll make every shot count and make sure they're too short-circuited to shoot at us 'properly,' I got the ammo for that in the guns and grenades I carry,"

"Whatever my parents didn't teach me, they've made sure that relative of ours not particularly of Grandma's blood would've taught my brother and I, and while we both worked hard to abide by combat lessons, we'd get verbally chewed out if we screwed up our stealth lessons or if we were spotted during stealth sessions,"

'If Aunt Leviar won't go over her fighting styles or chosen weaponry much, neither would I,' Cherie was in the mood to be as UN-square about things as possible, it was clear that if the matter was dealt with both fair and square rather than one or the other, neither would get to spend the next few hours with Ella in private times before a meeting happens, and that would be rather bad in the long run in case after the meeting ends they all get thrown to life-or-death matters as soon as possible, Cherie was determined to be as prepared as Time would let her be, by then when the crew accepted the plans, and she handed them her weapon and the needed gemstones to upgrade and modify the functions thereof with, and watched as the crew prepared to treat this like another day at work to help gain even better services to give to those who hired them later, when working harder to diligently take the latest challenge before them,

'I wonder if the worker's of Godly blood, or a freelance Mage or just a regular Mercenary, gotta wonder that before I think about their looks,' Cherie thought privately, wondering if there were easier ways to divert her Aunt's attention for the right reasons while during that time, her weapon was getting upgraded for even better use in life-or-death situations, before the random worker accepted this with the given responses,

"No problem at all,"

While waiting on the upgrading processes Cherie was working to outwit her Aunt before the other way around happens, Mr. Sparrow was dealing with Ella's question and bringing forth interesting commentaries while admitting the following,

"Some red robins and bluejays brought this up to me, but when your blood's part of what held the majority of those whom others want to mate with during Mating season and you see others not of your particular blood who'd take second or third place, sometimes they happen,"

Mr. Sparrow was proving to be a bit more knowledgable than others that bird's age may suggest, while he tries to pick a sparrow breed to resemble and stick with it, though so far he's got less severe cases of the problems expected of his Godly mistress's blood than given credit for, before adding this,

"The granddaughter and the daughter, both of whom are of Aphrodite's blood, particularly see this as mating season to mate with you, who's not of her particular blood even though you're still related, of their own free wills to make you happier before the few hours are up, and in their cases they're not too inclined to have each other that way either, though not begrudging each other 'per se' either, just the fact they're in each other's way,"

Mr. Sparrow was taking some mental notes, before responding thus,

"Those of your father's birds, the ones that don't want to cripple him or worse after the Coronis tragedy, they don't see you as an enemy though Corvid-wise, you'll often see songbirds visiting you before crows, rooks and ravens do, like humans, Corvids are complicated bunches, with their own reasons behind shared goals that differ from each other,"

While Mr. Sparrow kept making commentaries on other birds, Mr. Sparrow notes on this,

"Well, Cherie and Aurora are treating you like the one Apollo slept with's a Venusian from outer space, as Cherie said but I'm not a corvid, they'll know far more details than I would, I'm mostly watching the show until a few hours later, and don't
end up like Adonis before them on our counts, either,"

As Mr. Sparrow was careful not to reveal too much too early, a Bluejay in Apollo's services showed up, unlike Mr. Sparrow, that one's very much a Corvid, albeit not among those whose segment of their forefathers were struck black by Apollo himself once as what befell some breeds of the black-feathered birds, Mr. Sparrow knew the Bluejay could talk but it's curious what brought this one here,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 07:10:20 )
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Olivia watched Kyle go to personally pass out the food after the comments he had made regarding her body. Deciding to leave it be as is Olivia's eyes stayed on the man until Marrok spoke up. Turning her attention to him once he began speaking she hummed softly at the additional information he gave her."I see, well that will be handy for this fight that is for sure."

Softly humming as she put the new information away, eventually her eyes left Marrok to go back to view Kyle for a few moments before going back to Marrok. "Are you good at hacking terminals?" Asking one of the more obvious questions the girl decided to use this time alone with Marrok to get any additional information she could.

"So if you don't mind me asking how did everyone come to rely on Kyle? I don't think he's the oldest here, so I'm just curious how that came to be?" Pausing realizing she had asked a more personal question first she looked away momentarily as she took a deep breath before adding another question. "And if I am not stepping on any toes, were you guys a pack before things started getting bad? Or afterwords?" Olivia knew she was stepping on boundaries, but information was power.


After the worker started working, Aurora turned a gaze to Cherie as her eyes were sparkling a bit in mischief. Turning her gaze away to not get caught the girl moved to a small group of workers but didn't say anything as she moved away from them shortly after. The girl seemed to be weaving in and out of groups, no longer concerned about her weapon upgrades and instead her attention was focused on something else.

Meanwhile Ella was struggling to comprehend all the information the sparrow was giving her. "You mean they're trying to mate with me?" Seeming not to believe the sparrow she rubbed her temples a bit still trying to comprehend everything. "So once mating season is over they'll leave? However long that lasts for humans." Muttering the last part to herself she shook her head before looking at the bird.

"This all seems really hard to believe that I would have not one, but two relatives of Aphrodite after me." Sighing softly, her eyes moved to the bluejay that curiously looked at the sparrow and then at her.

"Staying out of trouble I assume?" Looking at Ella the bird did an almost laugh, though it was a bit unnatural coming from the bluejay. "Not one but two Aphrodite's after you, you really are Apollo's daughter." The bluejay trilled causing Ella to stare at it blankly before letting out an aggravated sigh.

"What did you come to laugh at me too?" The girl said, frowning at both birds as the bluejay bounced on the branch a bit.

"Not at all. I am just here to see which offspring of Aphrodite you choose. And to make sure you do Apollo proud." The end of his words trilled off into chirps, though Ella had already started to blush once more.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 09:38:06 )

While Kyle was busy passing some of the food to the others around, Marrok goes to face Olivia's question with a casually-mannered response like she wasn't the first to ask a question like that,

"I've hacked scores of terminals in the past before Kyle ended up in charge, you'd be surprised on how successful some of the results were, better to show than to tell,"

Working to face Olivia's other question, Marrok gave another honest response,
"Kyle and I differ by a few months, he's the best fighter among us around these parts, and he's been able to get a lot of us together, though still..."

Marrok was dealing with the next 2 questions as he was prepared to respond to them quickly,

"We were packs in a clan before then, though we were in different places after the boss's mom was...let's not go there,"
Which leaves Marrok with the last question, feeling worse with how he answered the current question, adding this following note,

"Kyle's also of Marrok's blood, but he and his mom didn't carry 'the Marrok gene' problem where they needed to get close to their clothes to turn back to humanoid forms, unlike me and my folks,"

While Marrok was relaying what details he could, Kyle arrived after finishing with checking by everyone else, before looking at Marrok and Olivia about something, feeling more chill and laid-back in his questions than his more serious thoughts would've insisted on making him look as the question is fired,

"So what's up?Plans to hack the terminal to expand the maps further, I take it?"

It's rather hard to discern what Aurora was up to, yet by the time Cherie tracked Aurora moving to a 3rd group for some reason or another, one of the crew went to let Cherie know on this news here,

"Yo Cherie, Stage 01 of the upgrading plan on your weapon's done, thanks, have a fun day and let us know when you got more stuff to upgrade with,"

It was an attractive duo of Hecate/Hekate kids, a lady and a gentleman who brought Cherie the box containing her weapon, with the note saying 'the weapon will stabilize its new features 1 hour from now, don't use the weapon until then,' with Cherie blowing the both of them and the rest of the crew responsible some kisses, before replying such,

"As noted and thanks for Stage 01 of the plans, you guys will be paid soon,"

Which is true, in due times but in the meantime, Cherie went to look around for where her Aunt was at, her particular Aura was still around the groups one after another but she wasn't particularly visible for the moment, which was pretty much Cherie's cue to get going, when she carefully camouflaged herself before she goes to where Ella was at,

As for the birds, Mr. Sparrow finds the bluejay's company interesting, though it does leave a wondering if the bluejay's here for more entertainment or if it's more due to a mission sent in by the God responsible, to be fair Mr. Sparrow's not really much better about the un-clarity either by first glances alone, before Mr. Sparrow looked at Ella for a bit, before looking at the bluejay to comment on the latest wonder,

"Now, between those of Aphrodite's blood who'd want Ella, will it be the daughter or the granddaughter Ella goes with, at least for the next few hours?It's an interesting peace-time question to be sure," Mr. Sparrow felt like commenting with an honest question before looking at the bluejay, the bird's name or nickname rather unclear, though Mr. Sparrow does find it interesting to wonder how pink-shaded Ella's chest was blushing underneath her clothes, as Mr. Sparrow was watching the whole show resume further.

"One thing's for sure, both the daughter and the granddaughter of Aphrodite definitely ought to get their desires vented on, whom ends up venting on Ella is a good question, yet so long as honesty and consent are had, I'm not too worried either way," Mr. Sparrow was watching before a woman of Cherie's frame carrying a box that says 'Do not use before 1 hour from now has passed,' on it came sprinting , after the camouflage effects got turned off and asked this,

"Ella, are you okay? I just made it, I think it's clear,"

Cherie hoped Ella got what the Legacy of Aphrodite meant by 'I think it's clear', well loud and clear as they'd say, or else there might be some trouble,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 07:36:13 )
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Olivia silently took in all the information Marrok was giving her, as well as the mention that Kyle was the best fighter among them. That was no surprise considering relatives, but hearing it at least proved that godly blood meant something. At the mention of how the packs came together a small frowned formed on Olivia's lips as that wasn't really an answer, or at least one that didn't cause more questions than it answered.

As Kyle came back over Olivia's eyes moved towards him giving a shrug at his question. "You could say that. Though hacking the terminals won't really rely on me so I plan on leaving that to the experts." Nodding at Marrok, Olivia decided it was best to be up front about what she was doing. "I was more or less just asking some questions about you guys, it's always good to know more about those around you. And I've already been open on saying I'd share any information you guys wanted in return, so I've agreed to be fair."

(Expect to see Aurora later. >:) )

The bluejay gave another unnerving laugh at the sparrows question on if it would be the daughter or the granddaughter. "I do not think you should ever discredit a daughter of Aphrodite. They tend to be able to find their chosen no matter what. As to which will get to be with Ella, only time will be able to tell. Since I'm curious to see if she follows more after her father, or maybe her mother." Trilling the words the bluejay went quiet as the granddaughter of Aphrodite approached.

Ella had been listening to the two birds closely not liking how either of them seemed to be talking as if it was inevitable that her and one of the relatives of Aphrodite would get together. Opening her mouth to possibly argue, the girl didn't get the chance as she jumped as Cherie spoke, quickly turning towards the girl. Heart beating quickly Ella looked beyond the girl seeing if Aurora would come into view.

After not seeing any other figures approaching, Ella couldn't help the soft sigh of relief that escaped her lips. "Thank the gods." The girl muttered eyes drifting to the bluejay that seemed to be laughing softly at that. Shooting a glare at it she turned her attention back to Cherie. "Ready to move on then? I think it would be best to move far away from the area, I don't doubt the ability of that girl on finding us again."

Not really waiting for a response, Ella grabbed Cherie's arm and pulled it close to her as she began walking, wanting to leave the Aurora as far away as possible. She preferred having the ability to think rather than being a blushing mess. "So what's next? Got your weapon it seems, I could show you the training area and then food? After that it wouldn't be too hard to then show you the buildings where we are divided and stay."

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