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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 15:28:54 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: yeah i can't watch things and draw at the same time too, unless it's passive stuff @-@

    oooooh nice progression!!
    i think i have enough of my old art dating back to 2003? 2004? that i can definitely compile LMFAO now i wanna do that but do i want to put that time in rn...

    ahahha us 90s kids are just. vibrating as 2020 hits and we're just... jumping into 30

    my dreams are always weird so i can relate 😂


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 15:42:55 )
@pachi: Yeah, usually I try to watch dubbed animes while I draw, but a lot of the newer ones that I want to watch don't have that option. ;;;
I'll do the same thing! I've watched the Office and Parks and Rec while drawing. Haha.

Haha, thank you! Super proud of those first drawings. Pfffft. I don't know what was going through my mind with all of that, but I guess I had to start SOMEWHERE.
I deleted a lot of my early digital art, which is a shame. Though, I did trace a bit back in the day too, but got caught and deleted it. Bhahaha.
Do ittttt. I mean, nothing really else to do, I guess. = 3=

Literally us:


I usually don't remember them. I had two, but I only remember one. It was something about needing to hem the end of a dress or the sleeves and I was being pressured about what length it was? I originally said something, but the person said it was wrong. Then I rushed back up the stairs and was like 'I-it's four inches!"
I don't... even know how to sew. |||OTL

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 15:49:20 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: omg i haven't watched aaaany dubs recently
    not counting english dub of promare in-theatre >>

    well it shows how far you've come!! i was once proud of some of my older drawings too but then looking back i was like '' hahaha
    i lost some of my earliest art on my first PC but i saved them from dA and mediaminer that i had waaaAAAYYYY back in the day-- my old fanfic can go rot in hell though pffft


    omfg... that stress is real
    the stress dress--

    btw i just updated my comic yayyyy :DDDD


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 16:12:28 )
@pachi: I watched all of naruto and parts of shippuden in dub. | D Mostly because.... there's so much filler. Lmao.
Oooh. I've always wanted to see anime movies in theaters. TT___TT /// I'd actually focus on it then.

Yeah, that's true! Definitely a glow up, which makes me feel better. Though in the time span, I've seen others improve so much more. There's only so much I can do since I didn't look at any tutorials and was stubborn in my ways. hahahaha. Damn you past self!!!!!
It's still fun to see the progress that you went through though- even if it's embarrassing to look at now. I'm surprised that people ordered from me on gaia back in those days. Bless them, really. xD I wouldn't have ordered from myself.


Stress dress, yes. U WU
Can't be upsetti, just going to eat some spaghetti. HAhaha. /lays down

YES. I READ IT. SUCH A CUTE CINNABUN. AHHHHH. What is their name btw? I don't think I asked. /squints.
Also the last panel. LAWD. So nice. 10/10

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 16:19:32 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: omgggg
    naruto i watched waaaaaaay back in the day when i was keeping up with it weekly and downloading each episode to be played on realplayer... bruh
    tl;dr i'm old

    ngl i'm a bit like that too, but i also roll around in fandom so i get inspired by all the art +_+)
    LMFAOOOO trueee i had a few old gaia commissions too and im like yo... thanks for being nice ;_;

    his name is kimarin
    a sweet summer childe


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 17:01:34 )
@pachi: I tried watching it when I was younger, but I really didn't have patience for all the flashbacks and filler episodes, so I stopped fairly early. ahaha. I watched the whole thing this time (all filler episodes and intros and all) and oof. It was a really struggle ngl. I still love a lot of the characters though, they'll always have a place in my heart. U WU
HAhahahaa. We're all old. I feel those pains, man. I feel them so hard.

YEssssss. I don't really draw too much fanart, but I definitely get inspired by the designs and character traits/plots/etc.
I used bases before they were officially a thing. ahaaa. An awful... traditional one, but look where I am now. B |
I'm still flattered that people buy from me. I mean, my art isn't TERRIBLE, but there's so many other people and styles so I'm like wow ok blessss.

YES OFC. Sweet cinnamon rolls are my weakness. Like, inner mom instinct just kicks in. GOTTA PROTECC. Ahhhhh.
He better be kept safe. faksjdhfkajsdhf

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 17:50:32 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: oh definitely... all those fillers LOL
    at some point i just gave up and read the manga, but then gave up because i'm reallllly bad at keeping up with weekly updates u_u\\

    i'm finicky with fanart tbh... i enjoy a lot of things but there are few things that make me want to draw fanart for ahaha
    but once i do i hyperfixate, it's pretty bad *_*;;

    he'll be safe... for now


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 18:21:17 )
@pachi: Most of them didn't even make any sense. Haha. Good times, just drawing and watching that show. q ___ q
Ahh, fair! One could read the manga quite a bit faster than the anime itself- plus it doesn't have any filler. Hahaha. I like to read the manga and watch the show. Sometimes even the live action shows, if they have one and I'm interested enough. o 3o ;;;
I usually forget about reading it and then catch up a bunch. Hahah. Currently doing that with Demon slayer.

Same here! I feel like I can never do the character justice for the most part. u wu
It's very rare that I do fanart. Either that or I feel like it'll be there forever and I'll always see the mistakes. squints. At least I don't have a big following. haha.
Yiiis. I usually lean more towards the anime figurines. Heuehehehe.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 19:26:36 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: i did a bunch of naruto fanart back in the day too sdfsjhahg had a whole-ass rp guild on gaia with my friend u_u

    haha now i'm just lazy and check out the seasonal anime, if it's good i'll check out the manga... no time for other things orz
    my current major fandom (touken ranbu) has so much content so that keeps me occupied enough LMAO

    "orz i have soooo much anime merch it's pretty bad (for me)

    he's fine dw
    (for now
    he's just going along with the flow--


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 19:41:05 )

    ★ ★ ★ well i just tried to upload to webtoon and there's a 1280px height restriction on images
    IM OUT


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 19:45:30 )
@pachi: Ahahaha, I really only drew what was on there, though I really wanted a ninja headband. nglstillkindofdo. O ___ O ;;;; The inner weeb is calling.
Omg. ahahaha. Those good ol' RP days. I don't think I ever did ones based on shows though. I forget and I'm not creative enough. whelp.

Ahh. I usually just...add things to my list and slowly watch them over time. | D If it's dub, I'm more likely to watch it because I can draw + watch it. Win/win situation.
Token Ranbu? Hmm, haven't heard that one either. > > //goes to google.
Oooh, their designs are so nice. oml /touches

Aaaaa, I'm jealous! I really only started to add to my collection. TT___TT I haven't really had the money before now anyway. crei.
Nono wait. More merch = more happiness, that's how it works. JUST ACCEPT IT.


AHaaaaa. Yep. Needs to be .jpeg too, I think. > w > ;;; I'm so used to it at this point, I didn't even think about it.
I guess I draw... fairly small though anyway so. sweats. There's not as much detail to add with chibis.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 19:51:17 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: LOLLLL ngl it feels like the coolness of naruto just cycled back so it's back to being cool now
    +-+ looking back on it our rps were kinda cringe but we had fun-- actually this username is based off my naruto OC's name AHAHAHAHAHAHHA

    touken is soooo good and it has soooo much spinoff media, it's pretty crazy heheh

    LMAOOOO i only started buying merch when i started making $ from commissions and merch sales and stuff :Dc;;;

    i'm drawing my comic at print size because i'm a masochist but also because i do want to print it... eventually. but i threw the prologue up~ yay!!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 20:30:04 )
@pachi: Hahaha. Boruto's dad is so cool. B D Yeah, I'm surprised I didn't watch as many episodes. I think when I originally watched it, I didn't watch past.. the uh fak I forgot the name. The giant test thing that they do. They took the test and I was like NAH IM GOOD.
OMg ajdsfjkasdhf. Not that I can talk. I started this name off from my Maplestory days. |D Good times.
Good memories are happy ones, even if it is cringe.

Ahhhh. I'll have to check it out in my free time then. >:3cccc

Oh. I got a real job and just... that's the only reason why. |D I can't sell commissions. The online payments freak me out. Especially with scammers and whatnot. I'm too gullible for things. fajksdhfkasjd
What... what stuff do you have? > w > ;;;

I mean, that's smart if you think about it. o 3o I've never really thought about anything past that. I know there's a few artists on here that also sell it as comics and whatnot, but I'm sure they adjust the size and coloring... and yeah art stuff. ;;;;;

AHHHHHHH. Stalking you on there now too. O WO I practically live on there, so that's always nice.
I'm sure you'll get tons of view there too!!


Voltie — kotetsu Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 21:15:02 )

@Yandere: (guess who)

the chuunin exam? LOL
omg that's you know how we're old haha
when i was on the brink of graduating high school i was like i need a new name to use LOL... still use that one nowadays lol
that's very true. |D

|D oh yeah that can be difficult... i stopped doing commissions a while back too basically since i got my current job haha
i made all sorts of things~ prints, doujinshi, keychains, postcards, buttons. standard fare for the typical anime convention artist alley~ (it's all touken

yeah... part of the reason i stopped v1 of my comic is because i was too ambitious and wanted to print it even back then... with no book-making or printing experience @u@;; but now i know better! and don't get overwhelmed drawing on a huge canvas haha

waa thank you!! :3 my first fan on there hehe


Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 21:51:55 )

    @Yandere: What rig items are you looking for? 👀
(āļ‡ •Ė€_•Ė)āļ‡

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 00:14:25 )
@hachisuka: omg who do I ping now.
There was visible confusion until I read the rest of the post. LMAO. My head has been all over the place lately.

YEAH! With the whole thing of Sasuke being edgy and Sakura being dramatic and Orochimaru being a creeper. BELIEVE IT.
I don't think I'll change my username, already trying to make a name for myself. Although... I just realized I'm using an alt account. FAk. Yandere is probably taken everywhere in most cases. You should have been like u fkn dolt.

Awwwwhman, when adulting hits you hard. TT___TT
That sounds so awesome! I always dreamed about doing those types of things back in the day, but I knew my art wasn't up to par and I didn't have enough people. Haaaaaa. rip me. Though I have a 3DS pen thing and I'll eventually make my own cute little anime waifu figurines. * A* ONE DAY.

Gosh, I feel like that's so much pressure. I wouldn't have even thought about those things.
I have one of my suuuuper old pieces in an art book. |D Though someone else printed it as a giant collab thing, so I've got that going for me. Hahaaa.

YESSSS. You have a few people already watching now too! O: THE PRESSURE.

@valefor: UHHHHH. From the current one or just in general? I have like 8 total RIGS in my inventory, so I'm missing a lot.
Also I apologize because I've been too lazy to really look a lot of them up. squints.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 00:23:56 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: it's ok i got your thread bookmarked so if you ping my other acc i'll see it anyway ;b <3

    yeah it's harder to come up with unique names more and more now _(:3/

    hehe i encourage everyone to at least try making/printing something, it's soooo satisfying to see your stuff printed~ postcards and print-at-home stickers are probably the easiest things to start off with.

    sometimes i wish i can just draw my stuff smaller but also.. i'm so used to drawing big now LOL fsdjfhdjhg

    YEAHH i saw wow my OG webtoon fans...


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 00:42:38 )
@fozzy: All finished for you! Let me know if you want any edits/changes!

@pachi: Omg. I'm honored. ;;;; DOKIS. I didn't think I'd make it past page 1. Lmao.
It really is. I thought it was difficult trying to find a name when I was playing Maplestory. It was so difficult trying to get something without numbers in it without being ironic, especially in Maplestory.

I don't even know what I'd do with it. My hubby used to work for Fedex? And sorta made stickers once, but it wasn't anything crazy. It was just peel off and stick on something. No covering or whatever. They stuck pretty well though. That's about as far as I've gotten with it. I'd have to buy a printer first though, as I don't own one. > > ;;;;

Ahhh. I draw on a 1000 x 1000 canvas usually. o Ao ;; But it's just chibis so???? I'd have to draw a lot larger to make prints. I don't know how making prints goes though.

AHHHHH. Already four! Omg. O AO

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 01:31:44 )

    ★ ★ ★ @Yandere: i'm pretty chatty on avatar sites so hehehe

    omg yeah... oof

    i actually print mine with a print shop, they have sticker paper there so they do that for me, but i cut them myself ahaha

    yeah 1000x1000 is good enough for chibis!! at the standard printing size of 300/inch, they're actually pretty big if they fill up the entire canvas~ i draw mine around that size too

    yeah four ! !! !
    finally got ch1.1 up too woohoo

    speed-lined a lot of 1.2 today, i'm excited >w>


Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 02:13:56 )
@Yandere: I love it! Trade accepted. :3
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

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