Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/29 19:32:44 )
@vengeance: oh cool, I'll go spend my letters!
@Totalanimefan: I have never been on a long flight. I have never been outside of Europe lol. That's cool that you manage to occupy yourself like that, though I bet it would be easier if you could sleep. I fell asleep on the plane to Italy (it's like a two hour flight, I was v tired) and I woke up when we hit the ground with a jolt lmao. I was so disorientated.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/29 19:50:16 )
@vengeance: I’m doing well how are you??
@Totalanimefan: I’m glad the event isn’t over! <3 I’ll try to post more. Work isn’t stopping we have had our stay at home extended. Homework I’m about to start on early I do some reading for the case study I have to analyze already