0v7's posts
Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I haven't, thankfully - I live in like, the middle of the USA so I might get...leftover smoke ??? lol
(If there's a higher being out there, please don't smite me and make smoke happen here too---)
(If there's a higher being out there, please don't smite me and make smoke happen here too---)
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
Ohh, aren't there new commons in 4 days??
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I'm good!! We can chat plenty so you get the confetti you need :0
How are you doing today??
How are you doing today??
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
Also, that's a good idea - actually, I should ask if it was lime powder and not... what I thought was lime powder.
Also, that's a good idea - actually, I should ask if it was lime powder and not... what I thought was lime powder.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
The jacket I'm wearing is something you can craft at the RRR - it's the Heart Jacket :3
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
Esp because he'd have to mail it to me. Though, I was gonna ask if he could get me more of those chickpeas... so... hmm
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I think they sell lime powder at the Mexican store/takeout restaurant my friend went to? I feel weird asking him to buy me just that tho lol
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
My usual chickpea seasoning mix is 1 part garlic powder, 1 part paprika, 1/2 part onion powder !! And salt, of course.
Maybe I can add chili powder next time...not sure how to get lime in there without making it wet..??
Maybe I can add chili powder next time...not sure how to get lime in there without making it wet..??
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I love the color scheme of yours :0
Almost makes me wanna use something that isn't...neutrals or blue or purple... >w>
Almost makes me wanna use something that isn't...neutrals or blue or purple... >w>
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
They were so good :0
Now I wanna try and make my own roasted chickpeas that taste like that >w>
Now I wanna try and make my own roasted chickpeas that taste like that >w>
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I present - the poor man's Librarian set, as my avatar.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
Oops forgot a word, chili pepper chickpeas! They also had lime..dust..?? so chili pepper + lime chickpeas >w>
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I want to make squash soup again, but I also don't, because peeling 2lbs of squash by hand was the worst.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: I thought her intention was to get me to move in with her, but it's not...?? I guess we'll see what happens when I actually USE her insurance, since that's part of the reason why I'm even talking to her nowadays.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"