0v7's posts
Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: Yeah, it's really weird??? She told me to do nothing about this bad thing, and for"things to remain as they were before" ??? which is, weird coming from my mom because she's not exactly inclined to be cryptic / eloquent.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
My lemon bars went bad
I did snack on the rest of the chili chickpeas my best friend sent me though. These chickpeas are sooo good :0

I did snack on the rest of the chili chickpeas my best friend sent me though. These chickpeas are sooo good :0
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: She doesn't have good intentions at all, I'm pretty sure. My mom's not the uh, best person towards me.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: No, kind of the opposite - she told me something really bad a couple days ago, and now she's acting weird about it??
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: My mom's speaking super cryptically, and she's never done before that in my entire life haha
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I'm doing good !! I should probably tidy up my room a bit, maybe clean out the fridge... but I'm super tired lately haha
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
Hey!! how's it going?? :3
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
Pretty sure my mom's lost her marbles now.
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
It's been going okay, nothing special happened today thankfully - I'm too tired to deal with stuff lol
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: Yeah, I'm glad I remembered them today, otherwise they would've been waaay too salty >w>
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
@Wildfire: Mine ended up pretty strong - I think if I took them out of the marinade yesterday, they would've had good balance of egg-taste to marinade-taste. They're pretty good even though they sat too long!!
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
It's usually just me eatin' the things, unless it's something generic like chocolate chip cookies :0
Most of my relatives are not very adventurous when it comes to food >w>
I could make cinnamon shortbread cookies, actually - those are like, 4 ingredients and v easy.. except the pan I usually make them in, is the lemon bar pan. oops
Most of my relatives are not very adventurous when it comes to food >w>
I could make cinnamon shortbread cookies, actually - those are like, 4 ingredients and v easy.. except the pan I usually make them in, is the lemon bar pan. oops
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I've been sleeping alright, I've just been struggling with energy 'cause of a situation IRL haha
I should make cookies, even though I still have lemon bars in the fridge - oh right also, I had forgotten about the tea eggs I made 3? days ago, finally tried some today and they're good! I might use more spices and less soy sauce though, 'cause I like the spiced part :3
I should make cookies, even though I still have lemon bars in the fridge - oh right also, I had forgotten about the tea eggs I made 3? days ago, finally tried some today and they're good! I might use more spices and less soy sauce though, 'cause I like the spiced part :3
"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 4 years ago
"The future must know where you've been."
I am very tired, but better than the last two days by a tiny amount >w>;
How are you??
How are you??
"The past predicts the state you're in!"