0v7's posts
Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
Wait, you can submit THREE items??? for the item design contest???
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in a-z ice cream/cake/pie/dessert flavors
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
Ice pops!
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
I haven't been posting 'cause I'm going HAM on this item concept >w>
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
There's the bookbag in the accessories shop - but it's on the ground >w>
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
Hmmm there's no preview for the mic in the shop but it works on the avatar so [shrug emoji]
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
RIP to Spark's Microphone preview
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in How much event currency do you have
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
295 confetti! And more comin' soon :3
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
@Aisukohi: It's no big deal, I've moved onto better sites :3 [cough Voltra cough]
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
OH no I forgot my meds /runs
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
@Aisukohi: I did... quite a few item designs for Recolor.me - I almost regret it, since that site was so toxic.... but, I did get paid well >w>
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
And as I open a new document, an idea comes to me. >:D
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
That's true >w>
Seems like Krita can use Gnu IMP gradients... and not PS gradients?? So I'll stick with grayscale.
Now to think of a cool accessory to make...
Seems like Krita can use Gnu IMP gradients... and not PS gradients?? So I'll stick with grayscale.
Now to think of a cool accessory to make...
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
@Aisukohi: Thank ya! I haven't designed items since... a very bad no good avi site >w>
"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Posted in voltra birthday hangout!!!!! art freebies , come chat anytime :-)
Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
I can't test gradient maps - since I uh, very much do not have Photoshop. I... wonder if I can import them into Krita somehow...??
"They keep their secrets locked inside."