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"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Wait, you can submit THREE items??? for the item design contest???

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in a-z ice cream/cake/pie/dessert flavors Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Ice pops!

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I haven't been posting 'cause I'm going HAM on this item concept >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

There's the bookbag in the accessories shop - but it's on the ground >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Hmmm there's no preview for the mic in the shop but it works on the avatar so [shrug emoji]

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

RIP to Spark's Microphone preview

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in How much event currency do you have Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

295 confetti! And more comin' soon :3

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Aisukohi: It's no big deal, I've moved onto better sites :3 [cough Voltra cough]

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

OH no I forgot my meds /runs

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Aisukohi: I did... quite a few item designs for - I almost regret it, since that site was so toxic.... but, I did get paid well >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

And as I open a new document, an idea comes to me. >:D

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

That's true >w>
Seems like Krita can use Gnu IMP gradients... and not PS gradients?? So I'll stick with grayscale.

Now to think of a cool accessory to make...

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Aisukohi: Thank ya! I haven't designed items since... a very bad no good avi site >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I can't test gradient maps - since I uh, very much do not have Photoshop. I... wonder if I can import them into Krita somehow...??

"They keep their secrets locked inside."