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Posted in [art & writing] vessels {chat & comment!} Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I'm vibin' with number 10 >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@vessel: I hope they aren't cursed tapes or something >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

One person's lost thing is another person's treasure!! I mean, that's not exactly how the saying goes, but...

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in Does anyone even like celery??? Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I only like celery by itself if it's peeled - which, I guess, defeats the purpose of celery...??
I do like to use it to make a soup base though - esp for chicken noodle soup :3

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in Having difficulty connecting socially online Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I think reaching out and trying to learn about other people will help! If they do the same then you can discuss common interests/etc - it took an on-site event for me to get social tho lol

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I'd like to see top surgery scars!! And other surgery scars too, or just more scars in general... >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in PSA: Fall '20 Plasma Orbs Launch Updates Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I'm so EXCITED!!!!! I can already tell I'm gonna love these new orbs >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in Phew... Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I feel like it's silly to say prayers caused things to happen - instead of actually crediting the people who make it happen.
I'm glad your brother doesn't have COVID-19 tho!

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in [ CLOSED ] - Lock please Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Mouth of the Devil, by Mother Mother:
 You gotta hold me down —
 you gotta hold me back,
 'cause I might slip away,
 slip into the past

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in [ CLOSED ] - Lock please Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@MoodyBats: I'm hoping it cools down so I can at least tend to the cucumbers near the garden... but lately it's been so hot and humid that I can't be out for more than 5-10 minutes D:


"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in [ CLOSED ] - Lock please Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Lithinel: To be fair I'm hardly in here posting I haven't done any formal spellwork yet either - mostly 'cause my stuff's dreams and such :3
I should post pictures of my cats in here :0

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in My new babies! (Kitten pics here!) Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Lithinel: It was hard for me to discipline my baby Peaches too - I ended up looking away from him as I put him somewhere else so he wouldn't damage the thing he was scratching at >w>;;

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in [ CLOSED ] - Lock please Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@MoodyBats: That's awful - I'm glad we don't have fires around here usually, I would not be able to handle it D:
On the bright side, it's near the end of summer - so maybe it won't be as hot soon ?

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in [ CLOSED ] - Lock please Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@MoodyBats: I'm good!! Did grocery shopping, and now I'm having granola for dinner >w>
Is it hot where you live right now too?? It's so humid and warm here that I don't want to go outside

"They keep their secrets locked inside."