Aellotyphoeus's posts
Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I just need my sunshine and warmth back. Winter is for the birds. If I could split my time between Australia and where I am now, I could effectively avoid winter

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Lols. The trains are funny, but I fear it would get old fast. Although think of the screenshots you could get!

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yaaaaasss! I would kill for summer to start.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Oh man. That sucks. If you watch let's plays though I'm sure someone has played through it. It's a fairly new game and really popular amongst the Assassin's Creed fans.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Pretty good. It's miserable outside though. Dreary and rainy and all covered in clouds. It's the absolute definition of Grey today.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Pretty sure a mod shouldn't be telling me to do illegal things lol.
@Totalanimefan: Hiya. How are you today?
@Totalanimefan: Hiya. How are you today?

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Lols I wish. I barely had the ability to be sick and miss two days of work last week. Besides, getting a passport is like a 6 month journey.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Whoot!
Have you seen/played Assassin's Creed Origins? It's set in ancient Egypt and they brought actual Egyptologists in to work on it. On 2/20, they are gonna release a free(maybe, can't quite remember) DLC that allows you to go on guided tours of the pyrimids and hippodrome, and other amazing stuff!
Have you seen/played Assassin's Creed Origins? It's set in ancient Egypt and they brought actual Egyptologists in to work on it. On 2/20, they are gonna release a free(maybe, can't quite remember) DLC that allows you to go on guided tours of the pyrimids and hippodrome, and other amazing stuff!

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: THAT IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!! Sorry about the caps lock, but it always absolutely needed. I would love to learn classic greek. Mind you I would also love to learn every ancient or dead language I can. I was a history major with a massive love for ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: I would, but I've got work and I live in the US. But I really wish I could. Pumpkin soup is amazing!

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: That makes sense. I've only got a German to English and Japanese to English dictionary right now. But languages are amazingly fun to learn. At least the two I've tried to learn were. Do you have a favorite language?

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: You had a whole shelf for dictionaries? That's pretty awesome!

Posted in Gutted’s ART SHOP *FREE SLOTS*
Posted 7 years ago
@GuttedBunny: lols. I really do, you've got massive skills and I always feel like people need to know just how good they are. I mean I'm not a professional art critic, or really one at all, but if I appreciate someone's art, I'll gush and tell them.

Posted in Gutted’s ART SHOP *FREE SLOTS*
Posted 7 years ago
@GuttedBunny: I cannot even fathom the idea of being able to do that. Especially with that level of shading. I am absolutely in awe.
I apologize if my gushing is a bit much. I'm just so amazed that my brain just keeps trying to process it.
I apologize if my gushing is a bit much. I'm just so amazed that my brain just keeps trying to process it.