Aellotyphoeus's posts
Posted in Gutted’s ART SHOP *FREE SLOTS*
Posted 7 years ago
@GuttedBunny: You're welcome. But for real, those teddy bear and hand arts looked like photos as first glance. That's an amazing skill!

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Yummy! I wish I could have some!

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Well I used to. I need to do it again though. It makes organizing bookshelves so much easier. Right now they're kinda just all thrown on and it's killing me.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Yeah it takes some time to get good at them, but once you do, they are heaven for organizing stuff. I actually used to have one for music I had vs music I needed back when I had my IPod. I also had one for my books, organized by type and where they would hit in the dewy decimal system. That way when I moved, I could pull the spreadsheet up and re-shelve my books correctly and quickly.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Lols. I will send good vibes and as much of this energy as I can for tomorrow.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: I wouldn't say you're a mess. I only do it because I'm lazy and it makes stuff easier in the long run. That and I can bang out a spreadsheet real quick. Way faster than I can update a thread. Lols. I doubt this quest will ever get the update it needs.

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: OMG I've seen that one!!! It's hillarious!!!! I also like the one that gives the mudcrabs little top hats, mustaches, and monocles. It's so cute to have little Sir Mudcrabs scuttling around.

Posted in Gutted’s ART SHOP *FREE SLOTS*
Posted 7 years ago're really good. Like legit really good. That pen and graphite section is for real and those puppers and the kitty are adorabley well done. Just thought I'd let you know.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: If you want it back you can have some of it! Because I had completely gotten over the flu, I had so much energy that I was hyper last night. I kind of scared myself to be honest.

Posted in Aello's Quest for All Things!
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: It honestly just makes it easier to keep up with the items and what I've got. The fact that I recently sorted the items in each store from least to most expensive was a bit excessive though. But it does mean I can focus on getting the more expensive items first and not get as distracted.

Posted in THE · NOSTROMO
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Yeah. I've been tempted on a couple of the mods, but I don't know if they're available on the console yet. There was one where all the trolls sing the trolololol song.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Ewwws I'm sorry. I'm actually fairly good today. Got all my energy back from having the flu this weekend.

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: lols. I guess good afternoon to you then. How're you?
@GuttedBunny: It's brilliant!!! I just waltzed though your art shop again and holy cow!
@GuttedBunny: It's brilliant!!! I just waltzed though your art shop again and holy cow!

Posted in Gew Mornin’ to those who are still awake
Posted 7 years ago
@GuttedBunny: That's cool. I wish I could art well. I think I've seen some of your stuff before and it's really good. I have the bad habit of stalking art threads but never posting and only occasionally buying when I can.