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Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

Hmm, it depends, do you think it was me? XD
okay maybe it was but that just means it's my fault that everything's so hard rip lol

I need to run off to bed soon, I hope everybody sleeps well XD


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in sneak peak @ items / event discussion Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

Hi yes Io and Lin best brothers I want their friendship and their sets plz and thank you


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

My eyes are burning too don't worry dsjlgsgsd


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

Wheeee fences and snakes, huh....Disregard me idk what i'm saying I'm so sleepy sdjlgsjd I should sleep soon lmao


I will find out one second at a time~
What does the future hold~?

@mdom: you're gaining my approval to be in a relationship with Io in that thread though djsgljs


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

Be careful not to go dotty!

@Rallaa: That actually reminds me of something I saw once, it was a store for optometrists called something vision or other, and they had a sign hanging above their shop with printed dots that spelled out their store name and I was laughing because like nobody could even reach that anyway, and using braille as aesthetics as an eyesight store is? idk I found a bit oof.


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

@mdom: lmao yes be the evil fyfyfyf of our generation XD


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

@mdom: let me hear that new laugh of yours, limb deity


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

*settles down in corner of thread and watches*


I will find out one second at a time~
What does the future hold~?

@mdom: I think my reply to that is "oops"
Also wait why are you asking me, it isn't I, lol.


I will find out one second at a time~
What does the future hold~?

@mdom: nahhh you managed to get that first cipher in Lin's thread, no? You nabbed that pretty quick XD

@Unicorn: I will, grabbed some water just now XD


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

@Siron: lmao well they'll all be here for you to find later, I assume XD

Lol well at least you weren't being as mad as a certain hatter at the time, huehuehue... XD


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Io, The Blind Oracle: Tarot Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

Oh McVoltra had a Oracle
(ee) I (ee) I-O
I have no idea what to say to this.
Other than you tried to cram in too many syllables.


I will find out one second at a time~
Posted in Act 1: Presenting Cirque ad Infinitum Posted 6 years ago
What does the future hold~?

@Siron: Haha, I hope you'll put those skills to good use here, especially XD
Lmao I forgot how bad it was since I was the one who did that weird thing idk what I was doing on the side lmao that ghost appreciation cipher lol


I will find out one second at a time~