Alorrena's posts
Posted in The Closest [COLOR] Item to You
Posted 3 years ago
A candle i have on my desk

Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You
Posted 3 years ago
9/10 very nicely coordinated, just not a fan of the cig.

Posted in Word Association
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in New to Voltra
Posted 3 years ago
@ManInMauve: Welcome! You're definitely not too old. I just turned 30, and love avatar based forum websites like Voltra. My opinion is that you're never too old to have good conversations!

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 3 years ago
super cheesy enchiladas (like more cheese than it could ever possibly need)
super cheesy enchiladas (like more cheese than it could ever possibly need)

Posted in It's my birthdayy!!!
Posted 3 years ago
@Kent: haha wow! Thanks and you too!!! so that means you're 1 year and 364 days older than me! XD
@macsen191: @CyclonicMicroburst: Thank you!!
@macsen191: @CyclonicMicroburst: Thank you!!

Posted in It's my birthdayy!!!
Posted 3 years ago
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!

Posted in It's my birthdayy!!!
Posted 3 years ago
I'm turning 30! I feel old, my husband and our girlfriend have been teasing me about being an old lady all week.
We're going out to eat dinner with my in-laws, and then back to the grandparent's for cake and gifts! And in the morning Hubs and i are going to a card shop so he can sell some things so he can take me out to eat some time this week with our friends maybe.
We're going out to eat dinner with my in-laws, and then back to the grandparent's for cake and gifts! And in the morning Hubs and i are going to a card shop so he can sell some things so he can take me out to eat some time this week with our friends maybe.

Posted in What are you listening to?
Posted 3 years ago
My desk fan, my husband talking to his friends, and the quiet hum of our computers

Posted in Potential electrical issues that may just be my mother in law.
Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: She just got home, she didn't really say much but she apologized for her actions and not talking to us first. we will see if anything changes, or if she keeps doing things we don't approve of like treating us like kids, or like her other kids.
I hate when people do that- when they treat me one way because someone else slighted them or did something that upset them. Like, Damn, i'm my own person, i'm not them. At least give me a chance to mess up before you treat me like that, or give me a chance to prove to you that i'm not like the other people/person and i won't do what they did.
I hate when people do that- when they treat me one way because someone else slighted them or did something that upset them. Like, Damn, i'm my own person, i'm not them. At least give me a chance to mess up before you treat me like that, or give me a chance to prove to you that i'm not like the other people/person and i won't do what they did.

Posted in Potential electrical issues that may just be my mother in law.
Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I feel more that i'm just not very good with confrontation and i often say things the wrong way. He's going to talk to her about coming in our room when we're asleep when she gets home tonight.

Posted in Old And New Orbs And Crate Items(updated)
Posted 3 years ago
@lilmisskushy: CAn i get a Counting sheep and the much mushroom?

Posted in Potential electrical issues that may just be my mother in law.
Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, there's really not a whole lot of electronics going in our room. I'm just letting my husband deal with his mom, because it's his mom, and i shouldn't have to, nor would i feel comfortable doing so.

Posted in Potential electrical issues that may just be my mother in law.
Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: She admitted to flipping the breaker and turning off the power strip. I'm just mad that she didn't just talk to us like adults. I mean, i turn 30 on sunday, i think she can talk to me like an adult. Apparently, she did it because she wants to "make sure we can pay" the electric bills. I mean, i get that her other kids had issues in the past and that the bill is in her name. Fine, no biggie, But don't automatically expect me to be like your other kids. I married her "good" kid. He was the responsible one and didn't get into trouble like her other 3 kids. So i don't get why she'd treat us like that. Also, i'm perturbed by the fact that she was coming in our room and touching our things while we were asleep. i'm sorry, i sleep in my under clothes, so it's extra awkward for me because she's coming in our room while we're sleeping. Like, i'm not her kid. i'm not comfortable around her like that. It causes me so much anxiety. this whole thing makes me understand why my husband has trust issues.
We respect her wishes and keep the AC at 76 when she's not home, we keep it at 78 when she is home, and we haven't done laundry yet, and we don't use the dishwasher. We really only have out PCs running and using electricity, and then we have a small fan on and the ceiling fan on (cause it's too hot without them!)
We respect her wishes and keep the AC at 76 when she's not home, we keep it at 78 when she is home, and we haven't done laundry yet, and we don't use the dishwasher. We really only have out PCs running and using electricity, and then we have a small fan on and the ceiling fan on (cause it's too hot without them!)