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[ It's been a pain keeping her from playing with the medical stuff. ]

[ @bum: She tried to come over yesterday, so she could check her Facebook. I told her right now really isn't a good time. Bitch was like 'how about next week?' Like it's going to be a while before he's recovered enough to deal with anything. Maybe two months or more before he gets his trachea tube out. ]

[ @bum: She comes over here to eat our food a lot. Especially when she has no food and needs to feed her son. Just last week she came over here asking if could have a tube of hamburger. Now she wants to come over here with her sons, a 4 yo and a newborn while my uncle is recovering from major surgery. He just had his jaw removed and replaced, so right now he's getting round the clock care. We don't have the time or space really to deal with her.

XD Lana has the zoomies right now, and I forgot how much she likes feet. ]

[ Thankfully right now, there is three of us doing things. And we're trying to get a nurse.

@bum: Gods would someone tell that to my cousin. ]

[ Don't you know, you're supposed to only ever be around. Whenever. All the time. ]

[ Hopefully. Though I might be able to at least make myself some coffee. ]

[ We don't have anything I could make right now, and watch my uncle. :/ ]

[ Somehow I don't think you're actually sorry. ]

[ Okay now I want something to eat. ]

[ Heh my aunt and cousin (different cousin) both got onto me for having plans last Saturday. ]

[ Yeah, but this family expects you to learn stuff like instantly. ]

[ And on top of it all, really bad caregivers. Well my mom is good at it, 'cause of my dad and her dad. But my brother and I. We suck. ]

[ Yeah. Guess I would be too, if I needed to depend on other people and couldn't talk. He can't even sing to his dog, like he loves to do. ]

[ He's doing okay, maybe a little grumpy. I'm not very good at this. We all will be really happy when the trachea tube comes out. ]