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Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

Howdy howdy

I find the background noise helps me pay attention to the game, more so than music or silence. It's weird. Right now I'm listening to a historical true crime 'documentary'.

I like to listen to shows, documentaries, something with a story to it whenever I'm gaming. But there's nothing I want to listen to right now.

I don't really feel like listening to music.

Fair question.

-w- I need background noise, but there's nothing I want to listen to.

That is how the world works for most of the time.

I'll probably be up a bit later tonight, because of the nap.

That is the time when I am doing the sleep.

I wouldn't mind that.

Ugh @w@ it's way too hot here.

Iunno it just happens around 3-4ish for me, when Voltra begins to really slow down.

Eh, not really. It's getting close to that time when everyone starts to slow down and stop.

Mmm it was such a nice nap.