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@Unicorn: I don't think it's either, XD I'm terrible. It's pretty and all that jazz.

@Unicorn: It's a greenish and purple colour, and I completely forgot what the name of it was.

@Unicorn: I'm not getting anything from anyone. No one else celebrates Christmas with me, in my house anyway. My friend did get me a new focusing stone which is awesome.

@Rallaa: Lol I just really liked the abridged.

@Priestess of Pie: I'm North enough that it can happen, just very rarely.

@Priestess of Pie: It snowed back in Jan or Feb, and I was outside when it happened. Was so weird.

@Priestess of Pie: I live in Florida, lol so snow is super duper rare. It has happened though.

@Unicorn: I have absolutely no idea.

@Unicorn: Lol no, I just can't wait for everyone to open the gifts I got them.

I will never gave snow on Christmas day. Oh well. >w< I can't wait for Tuesday.

I'll be going to a friend's place on Sunday. :3 same as usual.

@Kozi: Mostly I'm just killing time until another round of sleeping.

I don't have anything I want to read right now.

Ama is terribly terribly bored.